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Official post-game comments: Skins at Bucs.


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pissed pissed pissed. Call me a bad fan, but I took off my hat and jersey and threw it. We should have won that game. Gibbs to conservative for me. We should have went for first down on 3rd and 2. We need to start going for throat. My father was so angry at me. I was so upset I was saying we suck and im not watching them again this season. Refs sucked, but shouldnt of came to that. If walt harris starts next week im walking right out of the bar and going home. Im so pissed im sick to my stomach..............

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Alright guys I know this was a heartbreaking loss. I know we should have won. I know Monday will SUCK! :mad: ....but that is beside the point. We are still in the race for the division title/playoffs. Here's what I'm talking about:

The Giants lost, they are 6-3 in 1st place by 1 GAME, that's it.

We are 5-4 in 3rd place, because Dallas is 5-3.... that leads me to the next point

Dallas and Philly play monday night at Philly...... If Dallas loses to Philly then Washington, Dallas and Philly will be tied for 2nd all at 5-4.

Basically, fans, don't lose hope.... because these games just piss Gibbs off and next weekend we will kill the Raiders at home!

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Portis sucks.......just kidding with all this negativity over a loss I just wanna start a positive thread. Wow did portis have a hell of a game or what, this is what he can do. I thought before the game that portis wouldnt have too big of a day because of the bucs D but man he tore um up I love this guy along with brunell and moss and taylor. I want everyone to notice that STATS DO NOT MATTER (except if your talkin pro bowl) did any of you notice how the #1 D got tore up our D got tore up? I think Sean Taylor is allready the 2nd best safety in the league because if he were in there today I bet you we would have won because of the deep balls thrown all over us today. Lets all hope he is back next week with Randy coming to town!


:helmet: :logo: :point2sky :dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :bucsuck:

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I'm pissed off. This is the first game this year where I was actually angry at the Redskins despite this being one of their better efforts on the road. Even the Giants game was not so bad for me because I chalked it up to the Ghost of Wellington Mara. Let's see, where do I begin?...

1. Penalties and turnovers. Penalties and turnovers, penalties and turnovers, penalties and turnovers. 10 years running. Every game. Stomach-turning.

2. David Patten. He clearly went for the call instead of the ball on that last pass thrown to him. LAME. I'd rather see Thrash in at the #2 WR spot. Whatever. Do what you will with David Patten but I'm finished waiting.

3. Replay. Alstott's elbow was down before the goalline. He was facing away from the goalline. Unless that ball penetrated the back of his arm there is no 2 point conversion. Simple call. I have no idea what the replay official didn't see. I'm aware that we should have ended that game well before it got to that point but the arm was down and the ball wasn't in.

4. The WR screen. How about we run it twice a game? Once in the first half. Once in the second half. I find it hard to believe we don't have more plays in the playbook. (At least don't throw it to Patten anymore. ...Wait- don't throw ANYTHING to David Patten anymore.)

I didn't miss the positives today and I truly appreciated the effort from the Skins, but the same crap every week is..... well, crap. They make too much money to make the same mistakes over and over again.

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Wow, tuff loss for you guys. Watched the whole game myself. Very entertaining. The Skins showed themselves well today so keep your chin up.Looks like my Boys can take control of the division with a big win tomorow night. Should be a hard fought game too, well, not really...:laugh: Look forward to seeing you guys again when we meet in DC. You have one coming on us....

damn good game even with the one-sided piss poor officiating..

Skins D is looking terrible though...not anything near where it is supposd to be for sure..Ole GW needs to get his head out of his ass and play the best players the most.

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blabla we should be proud of this team

they lose games like they have lost games the past

10 yrs

they turn the ball over, penaltys, bad play callling

if you lose a game straight up its cool. You lose games that you gain more yards then the other team. Jesus christ this will never get better. They lost to a awful team not the Colts

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Pissed off I suppose.

At the defense mainly. Certainly not Gibbs. Sure I was dissapointed that we couldn't make a first down but he was playing the percentages and a run was the right call I think.

The defense is another story.

This one falls squarely on the defense. Horrible pass rush. ZERO sacks. Horrible coverage. Busted coverage. Bad tackling, ..... again. Beaten like a drum. urgh! :doh:

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Alstotts elbo was down the ball had not crossed the plain yet so i dono about you guys but im marking this one in the W collum and there was defensive pass interference near the end of the game on Patten that the ref didnt call.... last time i remembered it was illegal for the reff. to except bribes, we got screwed big time in this one.

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These changes should be instituted beginning with next week's game, PERIOD.

1. Bench Walt Harris. This move is self-explanatory.

2. Bench David "what's my route" Patten, and let Jacobs show that talent that all the coaches and fellow players keep raving about.

3. Turn the playcalling over to Bill Musgrave. That conservative playcalling bull$hit has got to go. Too much was on the line to play scared at the end of the game. Go for the f&$king win, and stop playing it so close to the vest.

4. Stop playing Mister Nice Guy, Coach Gibbs. We need to see and hear a Parcells-like tirade against the officials. They deserve it, and no one would blame you for it. They need to be put on notice. Sending stuff in during the week won't change the game. Gibbs needs to get in their faces during the game.

5. For God's sake, stop calling that WR screen 340 times a game!!! Teams have it scouted now, and it cost us 2 turnovers today. Gibbs needs to get with the program on that.

6. Cut Derrick Frost, apologize to Andy Groom and welcome him back to Redskins Park, pronto!

More to come.

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I agree that the officiating this year in some of the Skins losses have been questionable. Gibbs has mentioned in his interviews "we sent that in..." What that means is, he sent certain plays/calls that are in question with regard to an official's call. So he knows it's an issue and we fans know, but there is nothing you can do about those calls when the game is over. It won't change until the officials commit to the rules that are in place. Instant replay has almost become moot.

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I know how you guys feel, we owned you guys for 56 minutes on a certain Monday night not that long ago. No fun snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Troll, troll, troll away. You may actually BELIEVE you're being "friendly" right now but you only showed up for our misery. Your very presence here today makes you easy to see through. I hope McNabb tears your heart out tomorrow night.

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Every caller and emailer is begging Gibbs to bench Patten. Gibbs does nothing and it causes us two interceptions because Patten stinks

you have a athlete like Jacobs on the sidelines and you are letting Patten be the second reciever? come on

Patten never had a big yr with Tom Brady

Bingo. :applause:

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I agree that the TO's killed us.....but the D should've got a pass rush, but just can't. Not even with blitzes. They got us

on them too. Jeez...I hate so say it...but we don't have the D we had last year. Not even close. I'm saying "playoffs"

"playoffs" (Mora). I'm so depressed! We blew it bad today.

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I agree that the officiating this year in some of the Skins losses have been questionable. Gibbs has mentioned in his interviews "we sent that in..." What that means is, he sent certain plays/calls that are in question with regard to an official's call. So he knows it's an issue and we fans know, but there is nothing you can do about those calls when the game is over. It won't change until the officials commit to the rules that are in place. Instant replay has almost become moot.

Yeah and when the league sees that it made a mistake the only thing that they'll do is send in a letter of apology and nothing more. I hate it when the refs play such a huge role in wins and losses.

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I won't even peek into the abyss that Sack is gazing at but I will say this:

Penalties and turnovers are truly going to keep this team from the playoffs. It HAS been happening for 10 years. I have no idea how the players on this team plan to go at least 5-2 for the rest of the year while turning the ball over at LEAST twice per game. Not gonna happen.

Great road effort. Passionate on every play to the end.

Still can't protect the football. Bush league.

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I am sick and tired of refs blowing games. They need to fire all those guys from tonights game. That call on Alstott's run was horrible. His elbow hit the ground and that's it...no 2pt conversion. I saw it, the announcers saw it, and our booth saw it, but the blind bats in the pretty black and white uniforms didn't see it. How is that!!! I was so furious when they came back and said the play stood. The evidence was right in front of me, plain as day...the elbow right in front of the goal line. This game was stolen from us by those bonehead refs. I can't stand 'em. I wish something could be done because that was our win and every Skins fan knows it. The win should be given to us and a formal apology presented on Sportscenter by those p.o.s. refs, as well as the culprits in the booth with only one eye that was half shut. (wishful thinking)

Oh yeah, someone tell Joe to please get rid of Walt Harris. According to the coaching staff, mainly Mr. Williams, players that do poorly won't be given the chance to play at game time. Wasn't that the whole issue with Lavar...he wasn't doing good so he had to prove himself at practice to be able to play in the game. Why is Walt Harris playing, he has sucked the past 2 weeks, maybe longer.

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The refs aren't FOR anything that has the Redskins name attached; how do I know? TIVO..................I won't believe that the refs looked the other way on holding, QB sacks...........a LATE, even tho we received the ball..............TIVO, frame, by frame, by frame; doesn't LIE............how does Daniel, Joe, Greg and "The Skins" fight this? Any suggestions, guys?

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