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Next all things Lavar -- post-Denver (MERGED)

Dan T.

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No. Just anyone who disagrees with you.

Are you personal friends and family ever allowed to disagree with you either, or do you just have them beheaded?

Fortunately in life I've chosen to make friends with intelligent, thoughtful people. These traits are part of my family as well. So, only here am I exposed to those who are too foolish to know what they don't know and think expressing their empty statements qualifies as something of interest to others.

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What you can't do is disagree that Williams' actions aren't actually for the obvious reasons they are. And you can't disagree and offer an opinion that no, despite what Williams says, Lavar is doing great at practice.

You need to process the facts of this situation and realize what you know enough to disagree with or agree with. I'm not seeing that many of you on this side of things do.

So, Art, you totally forget that Lavar has been to the Pro Bowl a couple times, and just drink Williams' Kool-Aid that the guy isn't practicing well enough to get on the field for at least a few plays so they can evaluate him at game speed?

And if he isn't being frozen out of participating, why isn't he at least on the field for a few special teams plays, since the team is saying that he has practiced with special teams? Surely his athletic ability would be welcome on special teams.

And how can you be so obnoxious to call people bad fans when they are at least discussing the possibility that there may be other forces at work here, not the least of which being 1.) GW's ego, 2.) punishment for the off-season stuff regarding Lavar's comments about his medical treatment and his contract dispute?

If Lavar is such an undiscplined, mistake prone player, how did he get to those Pro Bowls?

All I know is we've got a pro bowl caliber LB being held out of games by a team that is being very vague about the details. Naturally, fans are going to ponder this. Burying your head in the sand and taking Williams' word as gospel is being an ignorant fan.

Mind you, I'm not saying any of theories people have here are right or wrong. But I think questioning what is going on is not grounds for being called a bad fan.

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Fortunately in life I've chosen to make friends with intelligent, thoughtful people. These traits are part of my family as well. So, only here am I exposed to those who are too foolish to know what they don't know and think expressing their empty statements qualifies as something of interest to others.

Right! I guess Snyder should just eliminate every member account here other than yours then, because you are more highly evolved and know everything there is to know about football.

I guess I should just add the sig line for YOU then: "Why don't YOU just go and coach the team..?"

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Right! I guess Snyder should just eliminate every member account here other than yours then, because you are more highly evolved and know everything there is to know about football.

I guess I should just add the sig line for YOU then: "Why don't YOU just go and coach the team..?"

I wouldn't go coach the team because I don't know as much as Gibbs and Williams have proven they know. I just know more than you. Lots of people here do. But, your idea to start eliminating those like you wouldn't be taken to Snyder. It would be my doing. And, if you keep along these lines with "beheading" and "ban" comments, I'll go ahead and start with you.

If you're too dim to speak in the conversation, then be silent. That might be the right path for a while for you.

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Wow, I'm curious to know who will get the last word in....

I really hope Lavar gets to the point where impresses the coaches enough to get into more packages. It's a tough call really. When you have somebody as athletically gifted as Lavar, he can clearly make mistakes and still perform at a higher level (overall) than other players. Where the line is drawn though, is a really tough call.

Offenses don't react to Holdman being on the field, but the same can't be said for Lavar. It will be exciting to have him back on the field.

That's just my opinion... I hope that doesn't make me a bad fan. Sorry Art, but I couldn't help it.

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Wow, I'm curious to know who will get the last word in....

I really hope Lavar gets to the point where impresses the coaches enough to get into more packages. It's a tough call really. When you have somebody as athletically gifted as Lavar, he can clearly make mistakes and still perform at a higher level (overall) than other players. Where the line is drawn though, is a really tough call.

Offenses don't react to Holdman being on the field, but the same can't be said for Lavar. It will be exciting to have him back on the field.

That's just my opinion... I hope that doesn't make me a bad fan. Sorry Art, but I couldn't help it.

Good point! :cheers:

I give Lavar a lot of credit for being a team guy. A lot of today's players would have thrown a tantrum by now, or spoken out in the media.

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Excuse me, but, where did you get the impression I "forgot" that Arrington has been to the Pro Bowl a few times in his career? Arrington is a big-name, popular player. He will make Pro Bowls if he's playing whether he plays well or not given the popularity contest the Pro Bowl is.

I find it to be a distressing view for you to offer that coaches who find a player incapable of playing his assignments in practice should be put on the field in games to evaluate him at game speed. Don't you see how ridiculous that is?

He practiced special teams this week for the first time in years with the team. He probably isn't quite ready for special teams assignments after a day or two of teams work. You know there are jobs to do there too and it's not just running down the field, right?

I can be so obnoxious to call people bad fans for suggesting not playing Arrington is due to Williams' ego or punishment for comments in the off-season because that is a ludicrous postulation. Coaches want to win. If Williams believed Arrington would help with that, he'd be in there. He gains nothing by not playing him.

The team hasn't been at all vague about why Arrington's not playing. You've just chosen not to pay attention to it. It's pretty simple. He will play. We all know that. But, we know he'll play when he's ready. Not because you can't figure out why he's not ready.

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Wow, I'm curious to know who will get the last word in....

I really hope Lavar gets to the point where impresses the coaches enough to get into more packages. It's a tough call really. When you have somebody as athletically gifted as Lavar, he can clearly make mistakes and still perform at a higher level (overall) than other players. Where the line is drawn though, is a really tough call.

Offenses don't react to Holdman being on the field, but the same can't be said for Lavar. It will be exciting to have him back on the field.

That's just my opinion... I hope that doesn't make me a bad fan. Sorry Art, but I couldn't help it.

Rod, your post is perfectly reasonable. Why would that make you a bad fan.

Obviously there's a tipping point where the possible mistakes Lavar might make to hurt us are no longer so obvious as to keep him out of the game because of the positive plays he might make to help us.

When he can help us more than hurt us I think he'll be in the game and absolutely tear people up. I'm very excited for that day because I know our coaching staff won't put him out there -- barring injury -- if they don't trust him. If they trust him it means he's ready. And when he gets in he's going to be very inspired to play well.

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Good point! :cheers:

I give Lavar a lot of credit for being a team guy. A lot of today's players would have thrown a tantrum by now, or spoken out in the media.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Lavar tantrum is in the mail? I really hope that he remains patient and doesn't mouth off to the media, but being quiet isn't his M.O.

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By that, I mean they spout off, like TO in Philly. Has Lavar done that? I will trust your answer, as I'm in NJ and do not have daily coverage of the team up here on TV and radio.

No, he didn't do a T.O. :).

But, Lavar is the drama queen on the Redskins. He went on the radio and essentially said he might have to prepare not to be here and that he was utterly clueless as to why he wasn't playing as no one has talked to him. Even if all true -- and at least the part about not knowing why was untrue -- he doesn't have to say things like that. He could simply say, "I can't wait to get in there. I'm working hard and when I get in there I'm going to give it my all to help this team win."

If we are to give him props for not going T.O. on everyone, we should at least temper that mildly because he does create drama with his answers in ways he doesn't have to.

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Why is it if people want to see LaVar they're bashing the defense, or bashing the team, bashing Williams etc etc?

Williams is a human, he makes mistakes, and not playing LaVar, I think, is one of them! I think he's done a great thing for this defense, but benching LaVar isn't one of them!

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I agree, even if Arrington "freelances" he makes up for it with "huge" defenive plays. The only thing this defense can't do is pressure the passer w/out opening up a hole in the defense. Arrington's speed is a true asset that Williams has decided we don't need. I love Williams as our DC, but get real greg, don't sit our best player.

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On another note:

A buddy of mine used to do some research on different NFL teams to grade players based on pure statistics. The context was how the players were valued for the draft and if they were worth their contracts. Think about it like what Billy Beane was famous for w/ the A's.

Anyway, the results on Lavar (years ago anyway) were not surprising, where the overall defense (yards per play, points per play) was better when he was on the field, but the standard deviation was a lot higher too. So, there were larger gains offset by larger losses... big plays in both directions. I know this isn't news to anybody, but I would be curious to see how Holdman compared.

I can't imagine Gregg Williams deciding to insert a player based on some kind of fancy-shmancy statistical regression model, but it would be interesting to see how Holdman stacks up.

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I forget ... how much was LA a part of the #3 defense in the league last year again?

And how much a part of the #5 D in the league heading into today on an undefeated team?

Those who argue that LaVar should be in there, despite clear evidence that the reason he's NOT is that the coaches aren't satisfied with his practice play, are thinking and talking with their hearts, not their heads.

When and if LaVar earns the starting job back by proving in practice that he "gets it" and can be counted to do his job ON EVERY PLAY, he'll be back in. And not before.

I have a hard time understanding how any fan of this TEAM would hope otherwise.

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No, he didn't do a T.O. :).

But, Lavar is the drama queen on the Redskins. He went on the radio and essentially said he might have to prepare not to be here and that he was utterly clueless as to why he wasn't playing as no one has talked to him. Even if all true -- and at least the part about not knowing why was untrue -- he doesn't have to say things like that. He could simply say, "I can't wait to get in there. I'm working hard and when I get in there I'm going to give it my all to help this team win."

If we are to give him props for not going T.O. on everyone, we should at least temper that mildly because he does create drama with his answers in ways he doesn't have to.

I would like to hear something along the lines of "Yes, Coach Williams and I discuss what he needs to see, and I'm working to get to that point" rather than him saying he is clueless about the lack of playing time. Lavar can be dramatic, but this "clueless" thing suggests that maybe the lines of communication aren't as open as they should be.

Hopefully this will resolve itself soon, and it won't even be an issue in a few weeks. But I will say that I'd much prefer a mistake prone LB who has the athletic ability to overcome an occasional misstep to an LB like Holdman who makes a couple tackles a game and plays very unspectacular football without causing the opponent to gameplan for him.

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even if we are trying to be more like other franchises who value "team" above players....like Philly and New England.

There is a huge difference.

They played those guys when they were on their rosters.

Look, even if its not at LB a lot, keeping Lavar off the field isn't always the right thing to do.

I can think of plenty of runs today where a LB who can fly sideline to sideline would have come in handy.

Not for nothing, but the less he's used...the more personal it seems. That's very unfortunate.

Bufford makes a good point here, but it seems to have gotten lost in the last three pages of discussion over what constitutes a "good" or "bad" fan. :doh:

Getting back to this point.....The difference between the Skins and teams like the Eagles and Pats, is that latter are willing and able to make adjustments to their schemes to fit their personnel on hand. These teams may take hard line management styles when it comes to player/roster management, but you can never accuse them of not fully utilizing the talent available on their respective rosters.

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ARRINGTON SHOULD BE IN THE GAME AT ALL TIMES!!!! All the Arrington haters apparently have no idea the complete waste of talent this guy is sitting on the bench...he is a IMPACT PLAYER....PERIOD! Its a damn sin having him sit there knowing he could be the one to make plays that could eventually lead to defensive domination...and victorys! That is the point in playing your best players!

We are not haters we just understand that Lavar on the sidelines is the lesser of two evils. On the field I bet he would have overplayed the run on just as many plays as he blew up, which would either cancel each other out or end up costing us more points.....like coach Williams said show me in Practice!

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Bufford makes a good point here, but it seems to have gotten lost in the last three pages of discussion over what constitutes a "good" or "bad" fan. :doh:

Getting back to this point.....The difference between the Skins and teams like the Eagles and Pats, is that latter are willing and able to make adjustments to their schemes to fit their personnel on hand. These teams may take hard line management styles when it comes to player/roster management, but you can never accuse them of not fully utilizing the talent available on their respective rosters.

Actually, Williams is known as a coordinator who bends his system to his players. So is Gibbs. So, that position isn't a good one. Williams can do this with Lavar as well. He's trying to. He just needs Lavar to know his assignment and do the right thing BASED on those strengths on any given play. That's where they are working to get to.

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All these negative comments are ridiculous about Greg Williams. Look when it comes down to it Lavar will play when he is ready !! Our secondary is hurting bad and if you cant see that is affecting our D more than anything right now.

Lack of a pass rush is hurting us more than anything.

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Greg Williams said on the post game show that Lavar is getting better. The reason he didn't play today is they didn't have any long passing downs, which is what they had planned for him TODAY.

He went on to say that what he needs to know is hard to learn, but he'll be in there soon.

WTF does THAT mean????

God this is frustrating...

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