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Redskins.com: Gibbs Intense!!! (merged)

NorthEast Skin

What would you like to see the redskins? or a redskins do?  

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    • Clinton Portis snatch rushing title away from Emmit!
    • Redskins beat boys in texas stadium-division playoffs!
    • Become the next dynasty and win 2 or 3 super bowls and overtake the boys #5 #6 trophies!
    • Redskins beat cowboys in regular season and playoffs 13 out of 14 times!
    • Art Monk go into the hall of fame!

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I think if you think the majority of fans are "siding with him", in the sense of thinking the change was a good move, you might not quite be entirely in touch with reality. I don't think most are prepared to bail out on him yet, but that's not the same thing as thinking it was a good idea.

If he is truly inslulated, which I don't think he is (even if he personally doesn't read things, he has people around him who do), that would account for what I said: he didn't anticipate the reaction.

The majority if fans believe Gibbs is more wise than they are and that if he doesn't have trust in Ramsey it's not reasonable we should until he shows he does. That is different than expecting good or big things from Brunell :). And, no one around him would bring any of this to him. He wouldn't even know about Hurricane Katrina if it happened this week. THAT is how insulated he is.

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He hasn't looked worse than last year. He barely even played before he got pulled, and during the preseason, we faced some of the best defenses in the NFL. To me, his performance against Pittsburgh proved he deserved to be the starter.
I guess its a matter of opinion but overall i would say 2TDs and 5 Ints would be worse...
First of all I don't believe you, but leaving that aside, are you not supporting Brunell for the same reason? Because he's the starter?

YES I'm supporting Brunell for the same reason. What is wrong with that? Blind faith, is still faith. I was wrong about Patrick and even supported him when he was struggling in pre-season. . I hope I'm right about Brunell, that he's healthier and better then last year. I'm sorry that I like to be positive and only focus on the up-side of things. Don't know why you guys like to focus on the ugly. Its not that hard to see how pathetic Brunell was last year. This is a new season and I'm hoping for some improvement.

None of our QB's are that good, anyway. Complaining about one being better or worse then the other is pretty stupid. Maybe Jason will improve and become a starting QB of the future. We'll see. For right now were gonna have to hope that improvement in the O-Line of offensive scheme is enough to improve our passing game.

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Wow gibbs looked pissed off and annoyed but there is something you need to understand about Gibbs. You can't always take his outward appearance and posture to heart.

To me it's like Gibbs has two brains. The one he thinks with and the one he talks with. I nthat interview it looked to me like Gibbs was thinking hard on something else at the same time answering questions. I've seen that quite a bit from him.

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I just watched that video. I was half expecting another benign appearance much like the presser a few weeks back where he was labeled by some as "annoyed" but appeared to be anything but.

Anyway, all I have to say is, "Wow!" He looks like a guy who's been up all night and is about to tear the head off of the next guy who pisses him off! Let's hope that attitude carries over to the team!

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Wow gibbs looked pissed off and annoyed but there is something you need to understand about Gibbs. You can't always take his outward appearance and posture to heart.

To me it's like Gibbs has two brains. The one he thinks with and the one he talks with. I nthat interview it looked to me like Gibbs was thinking hard on something else at the same time answering questions. I've seen that quite a bit from him.

Goth are you and Gibbs BFFs?

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Watching his interviews lately Gibbs is very uncomfortable:doh: The one on Redskins.com sept.17th is the one were it is really clear.

Not scared, but extremely focused. You can bet that the players are realizing how important this game is to Joe Gibbs. If we lose, it won't be a pleasant bye week around Redskins Park.

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Scared is the wrong word to use. He's extremely focused and passionate about winning this game. There could be many reasons he wasn't feeling his bright and peachy self; but this guy is extremely aware of the emotions he admits. He knows people take a magnifyling glass to his demeaner...and he's great at sending messages with the way he communicates. It's not what he says, its how he says it.

Bottom line, Gibbs is the opposite of scared. Greg Williams calls him the most prideful man he's ever met. He's a bloodthirsty win-hungry war general with character and personality. A great man.

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The majority if fans believe Gibbs is more wise than they are and that if he doesn't have trust in Ramsey it's not reasonable we should until he shows he does. That is different than expecting good or big things from Brunell :). And, no one around him would bring any of this to him. He wouldn't even know about Hurricane Katrina if it happened this week. THAT is how insulated he is.

What's your source for that information?

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You'll have to take my word for it, but I think you can trust his sources AJ.


Obviously now that you guys are "integrated" with the team, I don't doubt that, although it would be surprising if there was no one (assistant coaches, family, whoever) who might mention to him offhand that the fans are "dismayed"...

I guess it also means he's right about this:

He will go back to Ramsey unless Brunell looks great.

Because that means I'm right, too.

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Obviously now that you guys are "integrated" with the team, I don't doubt that, although it would be surprising if there was no one (assistant coaches, family, whoever) who might mention to him offhand that the fans are "dismayed"...

I guess it also means he's right about this:

Because that means I'm right, too.

No one with any sense is going to walk up to Joe Gibbs and say....'uh...Coach? Are you sure we really want to do this - the fans seem a little upset!' They know better. Gibbs is focused on one thing. And I'm betting he's barely spoken to anyone other than staff for a week now.

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No one with any sense is going to walk up to Joe Gibbs and say....'uh...Coach? Are you sure we really want to do this - the fans seem a little upset!' They know better. Gibbs is focused on one thing. And I'm betting he's barely spoken to anyone other than staff for a week now.

Again, I'll take your word for it, but he did say something this week about "the whole world being against them" going into Dallas...

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WOW...I just watched the video and although my opinion may not be the most popular.......but damn.....to me it eerily resembled Spurrier after he realized he had become a defeated man. I hope that I am wrong. Everything I know about Joe Gibbs tells me that I am...I sure hope so.

You are 40, knowing the past, and Gibbs' character, and you think it looks like he is "defeated?" He is not defeated, never will be.

He just looked really tired, and maybe even like he needed a Snickers bar, being diabetic and all.

The man is focused. He doesn't want to waste valuable film/planning time talking to a bunch of Yahoos that will misinterpret what he says anyway.

He just didn't want to be there at that time. That's all. I can't blame him. He wants this game so badly. As bad, or more, than we all do. And I love that. Having a super fan as coach. Most teams can't say that.


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This whole "what the team did to Ramsey" is ridiculous. He is a Professional football player. He plays to a certain level or he sits. He was given a shot through training camp to show some improvement. Any improvement. Had he showed some improvement, the mistakes in game one would not have gotten him yanked.

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I hate to say this, and I may be making a mountain out of a mole hill but he looked sick. My parents are diabetics and when they get worn down and dizzy they look like that. They get figity and angry because they are nauseas and thier blood sugar is low. Maybe he just needed some sugar. I didn't like it.

We can't afford for Gibbs to get worn down so early. I want him to be here for the five years he has promised. With the crap he gets and the scrutiny he is under I don't see how his body can take it. I think what the players need to do is get together before the game and make a promise to each other to lay it out on the line for Joe Gibbs. They have a bye coming up. This is the defining moment in our season. I don't care if it is week 2. If they come out and beat the Cowboys easily then the pressure is off for a while. I fully expect the defense to play this way, I just hope the offense clicks.

Wonder if this is closer to the truth? Hope he's monitoring the situation properly! It can be easy to forget when you're working 18 hours days to beat the cowboys...

But Gibbs has always been a "worried" coach--one who is never sure until the final whistle blows. That's a big reason why he's always pulled the all-nighters. He HATES to lose. And he sweats all the details. This is a Monday night game in Dallas after a controversial QB change (Gibbs himself acknowledged that it wouldn't be a popualr move)--the stress is on.


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Boy, Gibbs is wound tighter than I have almost ever seen him. Look at the Sept. 17th video. He wants this one sooooo bad!


WHOA! He looked like he couldn't get out of that press conference fast enough! WOW. He did look visibly distraught and nervous, more so than I have seen him since the season eneded last year. What'dya suppose it is? DALLAS my fellow fans, that's what it is.

Fred S.

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I saw the interview before the Bears game...he was the same way...I think some of us are reading into this to much.

I saw that interview as well...he wasn't this bad! Me thinks this man will give a pre-game speech of speeches come Monday night. Of course he's irritated...he didn't have this crush of media blitzes and channels and access the first time around..it can be quite demanding to have to stop and answer every time a practice concludes, it's like he's trying to answer for everything he does nowadays... If Patrick had done a better job, things may be better. I would hope to think it's because of Dallas for the most part, but I know that some of it is the QB decision. If Brunell stinks it up tonight, the pressure gets immensely busier from a media and press and fan standpoint. As some have said, with a bye week next week, and with the decision, this team should play like it's the LAST game of their career, and I really mean that! Brunell should play like a man possessed since Gibbs is laying it all on the line for him.

I jokingly predicted a 'Skins blowout victory, but anything is possible. I want to see Bledsoe lying in a heap on the ground after the LaVar factor gets to him, PF penalty or not! I don't care. I hate the Cowboys, from the sanctified skinface owner on down... Nothing would give me more pleasure tonight than to see some of their players out for the season after this game...it's a cruel sport, punctuated by sheer physical competition. May the stronger and more mentally tough survive. At the very least, I think we'll be proud of the 'Skins because we'll see a team that lays it all on the line tonight..


Fred S.

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