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Entering a new phase on the board -- READ NOW.


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Originally posted by Art


My name is Art. I have something in common with Buddha, Om, Die Hard and Blade. I have the ability to ban you. I don't always like to do it. I usually reserve banning for people who simply tell lies. But, I'm turning over a new leaf.

I'm not going to post for a whole week. During that week ALL I'm going to do is read. And ban people. Over and over and over. By the dozens. Who am I going to ban you ask? Well, if you ask you are probably one of them.

In addition to my finger on the ban button, Buddha, Om, Die Hard and Blade will be enjoying the same freedom. In the last year we've increased from 1,000 registered members to over 7,000. It's time to sort the wheat from the chaff.

There will be temporary bans and permanent bans. Which will depend on us.

So, after the time stamp on this post, here are some precious rules to adhere to.

If you post a fake post on this board, you are no longer getting the clown. You're getting banned. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. If you have 9,000 posts on this board and you post a fake post, you're gone. If you have 1 post on this board, you're gone. Bye.

It could be a temporary ban, or, it could be that Die Hard hasn't gotten laid in a week and has decided to take out his sexual frustrations on you. I use Die Hard as an example because the rest of us never have to go a week without, and Die Hard will protest that he doesn't either, so, it's funny :).

I don't like to play the administrative heavy here. I like to debate and insult and argue with all of you. But, for the next week, I'm not saying a word except "That's _____" with a count as I remove many of you from the equation.

When the week is done if this board is back to normal, well, I'll say hi again and turn the moderating back to you. You've had fair warning.


You couldn't have written this last week?:)

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please dont ban me! i just signed up and this is my first post. i would hope that a true redskins fan could have place to feel free to enjoy the views of other redskin fans and get pleasure from this site. i just heard about this site at a fantasy football meeting for one of my leagues. wait.... i just saw the original post was from art!!! if i knew he was here i never would have signed up, sincerely arts' boyfriend

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Isn't this post a bit incongruous, Bigfrog?

I mean, if you're my boyfriend, why wouldn't you have been excited to sign up when you noticed I was the originator of the post. Heck, if you were my boyfriend, why wouldn't I have told you of this earlier? I mean, my wife knows about this site. You'd think I'd let my boyfriend in on it as well since he likes the Redskins.

And, finally, when talking smack by necessity makes you a gay guy in the process, you probably aren't insulting me as much as you think. I've never understood the process under which a person considers making themselves gay a slight against ME. But, perhaps I'm giving it too much thought.

That's sev........nah, not worth it :).

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Originally posted by bigfrog

please dont ban me! i just signed up and this is my first post. i would hope that a true redskins fan could have place to feel free to enjoy the views of other redskin fans and get pleasure from this site. i just heard about this site at a fantasy football meeting for one of my leagues. wait.... i just saw the original post was from art!!! if i knew he was here i never would have signed up, sincerely arts' boyfriend

If you just signed up, and this is your first post, maybe it would be wise to hang a little bit, read more than 1 or 2 posts, and get a sense of why Art began this thread before showing your ***. You'll find all non-knuckleheads, even fans of opposing teams, are welcomed here.

Of course, whether you fall into the non-knucklehead category is still an open question. Why not take a deep breath and start over. Play nice and all.

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  • 1 year later...

BTW, you guys notice it's NOT strange to go through crazy times here?

And do you guys understand the response to crazy times looks a whole lot like this?

I bring these threads up for a reason. Little changes here, despite the activity of the last few days. It's common for the board to lose its collective mind. And you're about to find out what the common response to such things are.

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umm are you going to bann us for the things we did before or are u gona see if we do some otehr stupid stuff then bann us

Oh, I imagine my eyes will be drawn to new threads that don't add anything new. But, I reserve the right to ban you for asking :).

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BTW, you guys notice it's NOT strange to go through crazy times here?

And do you guys understand the response to crazy times looks a whole lot like this?

I bring these threads up for a reason. Little changes here, despite the activity of the last few days. It's common for the board to lose its collective mind. And you're about to find out what the common response to such things are.

No objections here.

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Not trying to kiss too much booty, but THANK YOU. I was afraid I was going to have to boycott this message board for a week. I couldn't take some of the posts anymore. And if I boycotted for a week, that would mean I'd have to go to work and......well, work. THE HORROR! :ahhhhh:

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This thread freaked me out. I thought it was new as I started to read it, then I saw that I posted something, which I didn't remember doing. Thought someone stole my password or something.

Then I saw the dates on the posts. :doh:

Me too...I read through the first three pages thinking they were current, until someone said "Its the offseason, Art, take it easy." And I was thinking...wha?!?! :confused:

I'm glad the policy is back in style -- and I agree...Art you're gonna need a bigger belt.

Oh yeah, for those of you who are getting banned: :ciao: Don't let the door hit you repeatedly on the way out!!

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