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Regarding those who toss personal insults at Joe Gibbs (mega-merge)


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Now, when we have a week to gameplan for a left hand QB, and all the plays are praticed All Week, I expect to see more of the same game we saw in preseason from Mark Brunell.

Riiiight. I've got some prime swampland I can let you have for a very reasonable price.:rolleyes: Look, we may win Monday night in spite of Brunell. However, I don't think we can expect to see that happen any more than two or three times this season. Last time I checked 5 or 6 wins will NOT get us (or anybody) into the playoffs.

Newsflash. Gibbs won't switch to Campbell until either Brunell AND Ramsey are injured or the season is a goner. Enjoy the ride.:(

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Gibbs owes Ramsey nothing. Gibbs had stated in the pre-season that if you turn the ball over. You wont be a Redskin. Ramsey has not only turned the ball over. Hes turned it over tons of times. 3 times yesterday. This is great news to me. Ramsey should have improved his play if he wanted to be starter. Gibbs wants to win now and me too. And if Ramsey wants to be traded, trade him to a team in our division so the defense can return some of those int's for touchdowns. Brunell didnt ask to be traded when Ramsey was named starter last year. But Ramsey wants to continually suck and think he should still be a starter. I thought Brunell was your friend Ramsey. Be happy for him.

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Riiiight. I've got some prime swampland I can let you have for a very reasonable price.:rolleyes: Look, we may win Monday night in spite of Brunell. However, I don't think we can expect to see that happen any more than two or three times this season. Last time I checked 5 or 6 wins will NOT get us (or anybody) into the playoffs.

Newsflash. Gibbs won't switch to Campbell until either Brunell AND Ramsey are injured or the season is a goner. Enjoy the ride.:(

I'll add you to the list of Haters.

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Last I checked they don't hand out trophies after one week of play. Maybe I'm missing something and I'm a little uninformed since I haven't been alive for 4 decades. Why don't you help me understand

Sure, I'll help you out.

It's simple.

Unless you can show me who WILL win the trophy this year, then you know just as much about the future as anyone else, and as of right now, we're 1-0.

This is hard to figure out?

You don't have to be alive for four decades to figure out when someone is talking out of their ass.

Did you notice this week that every 'expert' the media has picked the Bears?

They LAUGHED about it. ON ESPN's pregame, they practically dismissed the redskins as sure fire losers yesterday.

Well, I guess predicting the future is hard even for sportswriters and TV heads.

Don't believe everything they say.

A franchise going backwards, eh.

Did you see the run game pound the bears into mush? Did you see the CLASSIC Gibbs style run the ball mercilessly until by the fourth quarter they just couldn't stop it? Did you notice that?

How about the defense. Did you notice that near shutout they tossed yesterday?

Did you notice how they stuffed the run? did you also notice how they BARELY blitzed the rookie QB, let him have his underneath stuff and then held them short of a first down?

Have you ever noticed that if you can run the ball and stop the other team, you usually win more than you lose?

How's that? Does that teach you anything?


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I feel as if the problem goes deeper than this QB issue. I think the frustation, anger, and such come from how the situation was handled. It contradicts the principles trying to be established for this franchise and I feel like it sends the wrong message to the players. Like I said in my other post, I am going to cheering for Washington like mad on Monday, regardless of the QB. Personally, I am just disgusted with how Gibbs handled things because it doesn't match his character or his integrity he's shown in the past.

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I'm fine with that since I can see your definition of "Haters" is anyone who looks at things with an ounce of objectivity.

I wouldn’t call this post by you at all being objective.

Riiiight. I've got some prime swampland I can let you have for a very reasonable price.:rolleyes: Look, we may win Monday night in spite of Brunell. However, I don't think we can expect to see that happen any more than two or three times this season. Last time I checked 5 or 6 wins will NOT get us (or anybody) into the playoffs.

Newsflash. Gibbs won't switch to Campbell until either Brunell AND Ramsey are injured or the season is a goner. Enjoy the ride.:(

Who said the first thing about 5 or 6 wins?

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Please inform Gibbs this the NFL and not NCAA. He can't switch qbs every week and expect to win.

Someone give this guy a copy of the 87 season, please.

You know,, the one in which Gibbs switched QBs practically every week, and then won the Super Bowl.

That one.


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I do not feel Joe Gibbs is washed up. He has proven himself in different facets of sports, not just football. The offense has shown some improvement from last year to this one. It appears the main cog missing in this offense is a consistently decent QB. Decisions as this one, who to play between Ramsey and Brunell, is a reason I can be grateful that Gibbs is coach and I'm sitting at home watching football. I would have liked to see Ramsey get some more chances as I feel Ramsey peaking to his potential gives us the best chance for winning. But I must also admit Ramsey hasn't exhibited a lot of confidence in himself. I feel Gibbs has his reasons for not fully backing Ramsey. He did however name Ramsey starter at the end of last season which was deserved at the time. Ramsey has the "accoutrements" (loved this from La Canfora) to be a good quarterback, but he has yet to show the confidence necessary to be a successful athlete. Having the backing of others is good, but at some point you just have to have the confidence in yourself (no matter how anyone feels about you - e.g. Drew Brees). Maybe one day Ramsey will gain this kind of confidence, maybe even someone will help him realize this. He's had some chances here. Any and every excuse can be made for why he has yet to succeed. But I really don't believe it's Gibbs' fault. Ramsey makes mistakes, he makes bad mistakes, he has been wildly inconsistent. These things tend to drive coaches "Bobby Knight". He has great potential, but potential is just what it is. Potential. Obviously Gibbs feels Brunell gives this team the best chance to win (especially if he had the hamstring injury last year). He's making a very serious decision from a very tough position. From some of the reactions on this board, I'm glad it's not me.

Well the season begins again next week.

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Mark it down: this is Gibbs last year. He's lost the respect of the majority of fans and, I would imagine, most of the players. Unless he leads this team to the playoffs, stick a fork in him......he's done.

"You would imagine", huh.

Yeah, I guess.

Teams usually lose respect for the coach the day after a season opening win.


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Was that the year his offense actually worked? ;)

:) yeah, but it was essentially the same old recipe... open holes, run thru them and stuff the other team.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not drinking the proverbial kool aid on Brunell, but I do believe that Ramsey has the propensity to make the deadly mental error. To win this year, that is going to HAVE to end. We have the ability to win by running the ball and playing D,, but we can't go giving the other team the ball too often for it to work.


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so because Gibbs isnt sold on Ramsey, he is a liar and that gives fans the right to bash Brunell? Im sorry i thought the important thing was beating Dallas. Yall worry about one position and Ill cheer for our whole offense and great defense in hopes that we beat Dallas.

Young grasshoper listen up for a minute. Cheering for a team with a less than average QB is like fishing with no bait. There will be no offense without a down field threat.Dallas knows as well as we do that Scott Bruisenell will complete no more than one pass for 20 plus yards. It's like having nukes my boy, will we use them probably not but the threat is there so the enemy has to stay honest. Patrick is that threat. With him pulling the trigger the Defense has to respect our two speedsters ripping down the sideline instead of cheating and keying on the run. This offense will perform miserably with the dump and dink pass. I have to question Gibbs on this one son, it's okay to question the master every now and then.

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I'm fine with that since I can see your definition of "Haters" is anyone who looks at things with an ounce of objectivity.

Thank you.

If by hater you mean someone who doesn't agree with this decision then please add me to your "list".

You guys are always so quick to make these lists....how come I've never seen them brought back up?

I know I've gotten on quite a few since I've been here, and have never had to deal with them being brought back up.

I'll go as far as to say Brunell won't throw for more than 150 on Monday night and we will lose by more than one TD.

Not that I think Ramsey is that great, but the offense with Brunell is just that bad.

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The people I called fair weather ****s are the ones calling out his personal integrity as a man.

Note my post says right in there that I have no problem with anyone questioning his decisions,, i have a problems with the viciousness of the personal attacks.

Did you call him a liar or a hypocrite?

Did you question his integrity as a man?

If you didn't, I didn't call you a ****.

If you did, then I meant what I said.


LOL, getting a little worked up eh? Am I not entitled to an opinion? Am I a fair weather ****? No, been loving the redskins for quite some time and last I recall we haven't had nice weather since 99. You say, pledge allegence to the coach of the redskins, were you this faithful to Spurrier? Maybe your taking this to seriously, a bit to far perhaps. I have a right to voice my opinion regardless who it conflicts with and I don't owe anybody anything! If I'm wrong, I'll admit my faults. If I'm right however, I'm not going to be taking shots and calling people ****s.

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When Joe Gibbs came back to DC I was very excited. I thought "Great some integrity will do us some good". I'm very disappointed in him. My father always told me "Do what you say your going to do", I kind of hold everyone around me to that expectation. You tell me your going to do something, I expect that it gets done. If I tell you I'm going to do something, take it to the bank.

Three big issues that bother me the most.

Smoot - A "core Redskin" that we let slip away.

Pierce - A "core Redskin" that we let slip away.

Ramsey - Simply lied to the poor guy.

Call it what you want, but Gibbs lied to Ramsey. Not what I call integrity. I don't fault Gibbs for wanting Brunell over Ramsey, but Gibbs and Co, did Patrick wrong. Really really wrong. What pisses me off about Gibbs is, if he didn't want Patrick he could have cut him offseason, saved money on the cap, maybe with enough room to keep Smoot and Pierce. Also to give Patrick the chance to compete for a starting spot on another team.

The poor guy got screwed over by the Redskins yet again. It's like Gibbs doesn't like Ramsey and that's cool, but then it's like well here let me screw you one more time before I take your job from you. Even though you performed better in a single quarter then my guy Brunell did in three.

The "Gibbs till I die" folk will probably slam me but I don't care.. I'm a Redskin till I die. These moves especially the last one makes our team look bad... I don't know if PR can prove to be the better QB, he was promised a fair shot and didn't get it. 6 or 7 quarters of play isn't a shot. It's a slap in the face.

I'm very disappointed at Gibbs and his lack of integrity right now. Even if Mark leads us to the Superbowl, I'll be excited for the Skins. but I'll always have to take what Gibbs says with a grain of salt and I never in a million years thought I'd have to do that.

Do what you say your going to do, or keep your mouth shut.

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keep in mind that Gibbs does want to win also, it's not like he's here just for kicks. I like Ramsey, but he's not the man right now. We've been through this before w/ Schroeder and Williams, give some time, it might work out for the better (or might not). Brunell did look much better in preseason than he did all of last year.

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i too am disapointed in Gibbs for pulling ramsey this soon, i know mark supposedley had a better preseason but he played against backups, this was a new system for both qb's so why not give patrick the benefit and allow him to play through some of his mistakes....i am guessing we can pretty much expect a replay of last year this season...oh well....i am a redskin fan and i guess i will get used to another losing season with brunell behind center.

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You know, I was a big Ramsey fan before Gibbs came back. And when Gibbs did come back, I was even more excited. When Joe hired Brunell before last season even started, I tried my best to support it. I knew Pat would get his chance. When Brunell stunk it up for the first half of last season, I waited, cause I knew he would be pulled eventually. When PR came in, he played well against the toughest teams on our schedule last year. Finally he was named the starter, and he had earned it. Well, three series into his year, that I have waited for, for 2 years, and he gets pulled. I can't belive Brunell got 8 games of that crap last year and Ramsey gets 3 series. I just can't belive it. I love Gibbs, but I just don't undertstand this one. So now what? Trade Ramsey? Great...lets see how long it takes Brunell to get as many yards in a game as Ramsey had in the first quarter.

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This switch very well may be the best thing for the Redskins. Brunell very well may give us the best chance to win next week and for the rest of the season. Ramsey may not be an NFL caliber quarterback. This could be a genius personnel move in the end.

All of that said, it doesn’t take away the bad taste in my mouth. Gibbs named the kid his starter at the end of last season and pulls him after 3 possessions of live play. Yes he had all off season and preseason, but Gibbs rode Brunell for 9 regular season games of absolute mediocrity last year. He stuck by him through injury and multiple game-changing turnovers. Who can forget the patented Brunell-fumble-returned-for-a-touchdown play of 2004? How many times did we suffer through one of those?

That Gibbs abandoned this kid, so fast, after the "loyalty" he showed Brunell last year is not a class move. Maybe Gibbs felt he had to abandon his principles for the good of the team, but it still stinks. There is no way to spin this move that makes it look any better in that regard. It may be a great football move, but you can't argue that he gave this kid the same kind of shot he gave Brunell last year.

I too am disappointed and let down by this move.

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I cannot wait until gibbs and brunell are introduced the next time at FEDEX field after losing to the cowboys. Talk about a lynch mob. They'll need body guards.

With Brunell at the helm, I seriously doubt we win more than one game the rest of the way. They say defense wins ball games. They can't win that many.

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