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Regarding those who toss personal insults at Joe Gibbs (mega-merge)


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This is the exact type of argument that holds no water though Zo. Brunnel pissed me off last year too. Heck, I'm sure I wished him dead a few dozen times. BUT, he was hurt, and hurt badly. He's looking 100% different and better this year, so maybe last year has tainted you so deeply that you're just not willing to give the guy a shot. That's unfair man. He's so clearly in better shape, and better suited to Gibbs' offense. Try looking objectively at the entire situation, putting the emotional attachment side of Ramsey out of the equation.

Ramsey has had ample opportunity to show improvement. He's just not doing it. I believe if he'd proven to Gibbs that he could manage a game and not continue to be a turnover factory, Gibbs would have stuck it out longer. Game after game, ( and I'm assuming practice session after practice session ), Ramsey has proven he'll be unreliable.

Who's to say Brunnel is any better. If both are likely to turn the ball over, the difference for me is Brunnel's experience and pocket presence. Those alone increase the chances of success.

I agree his pocket presence is much better this year and he seems to be more mobile. However he still didn't throw but one ball deep and Cooley was wide open on that throw. Patrick made some damn impressive throws in the pre-season and this passed Sunday, you must admit that. I pray to God that Brunell proves me wrong. I really do but I just don't have a good feeling about it. I was stoked when we signed him last year. I had him a couple of years in a row on fantasy teams and he was a beast. I just think the beast is now a ***** cat.

By the way thanks for discussing the topic and not ranting about it. Good points brother.

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Zo, first of all let me just say I respect your position, whether or not I agree with it. But here's the deal, you can not in good conscious ask why Ramsey isn't being given the same lattitude as Vick and McNabb. (I'll throw Favre and Culpepper in there as well as examples). These guys are studs in one way or another. For all the bad things Vick may do, he also has the ability to erase them in the blink of an eye. He's a game changer, a difference maker, and most importantly, he's PROVEN it. Ditto for all the others. They've earned the right to screw up and be forgiven their sins.

We all waited and waited and waited for Patrick to NOT look like a rookie. But darn it he still does! I don't WANT him to! I want him to be awesome so that out team will be awesome, and the record would be awesome. Wouldn't that be AWESOME??? :D He's just not. And, as much as I truly like Patrick Ramsey the man, I believe it's time to stop the Patrick Ramsey as QB thing. It hurts to watch, honestly.

That's all I'm sayin my fellow Skins lovin brotha!

Amen, bring on Campbell! Patrick hurts my head, Brunell hurts my head. Crap we haven't had a QB since Rypien that didn't hurt my head, Johnson had his moments. I don't care who pulls the trigger as long as the intended target is in the end zone.

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Go ahead look it up. I ended up starting two of those seasons at WR but had to get switched to QB both times because of injuries to older QB's in my freshman and sophmore year. The name is Marshall Wharam and I played at Edison High School in Alexandria. I then played at Bridgewater College before making the switch to Frostburg state. There's my whole last 6 years pretty much summed up, feel free to look up whatever it is you need to. Zoed, I wasnt harping on one play. I was emphasizing the fact that that was the play that Gibbs looked disgusted, and that told the tale.

True that, I just see post after post of the same stuff that's all. PR nor Brunell is the answer IMO. I just feel like PR should have been given a few more games in this offense to make it work. I saw some good things from Patrick though, more good than bad, especially with the new duo at receiver. We all thought Gibbs saw something that we didn't last year and thats the excuse we kept making through the first 9 games. Should we give him the same blind support this year? Should we wait 9 more games before we decide if his love for Brunell is blinding his judgement? It hurts going to work facing Cowboy fans laughing at his weak passes. If he's healthy and lights it up then I'll be happy. Then again I'd be happy if anyone came in and lit it up.

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I agree his pocket presence is much better this year and he seems to be more mobile. However he still didn't throw but one ball deep and Cooley was wide open on that throw. Patrick made some damn impressive throws in the pre-season and this passed Sunday, you must admit that. I pray to God that Brunell proves me wrong. I really do but I just don't have a good feeling about it. I was stoked when we signed him last year. I had him a couple of years in a row on fantasy teams and he was a beast. I just think the beast is now a ***** cat.

By the way thanks for discussing the topic and not ranting about it. Good points brother.

Honestly, throwing the ball deep isn't all about arm strength. Sure you've got to be able to hoist it down the field.......but getting it 50 yards down the field to noone doesn't impress me. Objectively speaking, Brunnel has show no less ability to get the ball downfield as Ramsey. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. NEITHER has done it consistently. What I HAVE observed though, is that Brunnel, this season, has had a much greater ability to have the throws he has made going at their intended target. If my life depended on which QB could throw the ball the furthest, I'd put all my chips on Ramsey. However, if I had to bet on one of them to get it in the hands of a receiver, I can't imagine picking Ramsey over Brunell. Last year I would have, but not this year.

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Yea but it helps, and it's better than throwing it at someones feet 5yds from the line of scrimmage.........If we're going to win ball games with the run we have to establish a deep threat, if not the D keeps 8 men in the box and portis gets snuffed. 5 and 10 yd dump passes aren't going to cut it. I have yet to see Mark do anything but the dink and dump..... I know he threw one 23yd pass to Cooley, one being the key word. We cannot win games scoring less than 20 pts. Our defense is good but it's not as good as the Ravens' when they won the Super Bowl. I just don't feel confident in Brunell, he's not the same QB that used to make our jaws drop.

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Yea but it helps, and it's better than throwing it at someones feet 5yds from the line of scrimmage.........If we're going to win ball games with the run we have to establish a deep threat, if not the D keeps 8 men in the box and portis gets snuffed. 5 and 10 yd dump passes aren't going to cut it. I have yet to see Mark do anything but the dink and dump..... I know he threw one 23yd pass to Cooley, one being the key word. We cannot win games scoring less than 20 pts. Our defense is good but it's not as good as the Ravens' when they won the Super Bowl. I just don't feel confident in Brunell, he's not the same QB that used to make our jaws drop.

Zo, I'm feelin ya bud.............but, should we really go down the road of rehashing every bad throw Ramsey has made over the years too? For all his armstrength, I've seen him drill for oil several feet short of an intended target too. C'mon you've gotta come stronger than that! Also, he threw many underthrown deep passes this year in preseason. Why, because he has no armstrength? No........because he has NO TOUCH!!! Even worse. He's either been consistently short, or consistently WAY overthrowing passes deep. With 1 or 2 occasional grabs in-between. Usually an extremely athletic catch on a receiver's part rather than a perfectly placed ball I might add.

But...........let's not go there. lol

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This is unreal. People bashing Gibbs is completely stupid right now. None of us are coaches. From Day 1 everyone on this site saw Gibbs does not want Ramsey as his starting QB. It is not Gibbs fault people have a love affair with Ramsey on this site. When are you going to realize that Ramsey was picked by Spurrier to throw the ball foolishly downfield in the one and done...oops i mean fun and gun. Gibbs cannot stand turnovers. Of coarse he is going to be politically correct and give Patrick his vote of confidence while he was the man. However, if you havent seen the writing on the wall on this one then you need help. The picks, fumbles, and un nessasary blind side hits from holding the ball too long are all things that we all know Gibbs hates. Stop acting surprised and stand up and support YOUR Redskins. Joe Gibbs doesnt have to answer to anyone. Brunell didnt play bad at all and he didnt demand that he play, stop bashing Brunell. Yall bash Gibbs and Brunell all you want, I'll be cheering louder then ever come monday night.

you know whats funny. even though i wanted Mark in I forgot that rock head Spurrier picked PatR.


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