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Regarding those who toss personal insults at Joe Gibbs (mega-merge)


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yeah he did look better....going against the 2nd and 3rd string defense.

You couldn't say that last year :cool:

I'm trying to be upbeat about this, I don't want to be wallering in crap at week 2, We've got what we've got folks, nothing more, nothing less.


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OK, lets' clarify. It was the fifth play of the game.

As for the Blitz that got him hurt, he was fjust finishing his third step from center when he nearly had his head ripped off.

Brunell didn't turn the ball over because that dying duck throw that was easily picked was called back for a penalty.

I agree with Gothimus' post.

As far as Ramsey goes. He will be the next Trent Green with another team. Mark my words

It was his second pass attempt. Not only did Ramsey hold the ball too long he held it over his head with one hand.

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Excellent posts, Gothimus. I agree with you 100%. If Brunell had won the starting job in camp, that's fine. But the timing is horrible and makes Gibbs look disingenuous at best. Think how long he stuck with Brunell last year people! Nine freaking games! (or thereabouts) And Rams gets a quarter? Even Favre had 3 INT's last week for chrissake!

It's not Brunell starting that appalls me, it's how the whole situation was handled. Patrick has been nothing but class here...he deserved better.

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Has it ever occurred to anyone that the very integrity of which you speak just MAY have just been demonstrated? Any integrity Joe Gibbs has, is channelled toward one thing, and one thing only, our team.

Isn't it possible that Joe, in all his wisdom and coaching knowledge, HAS seen as much from Ramsey as he needed to see in order to make this decision? Joe knows QB's, and everyone here has said as much. I can't tell you how many "If that's what Joe thinks, then I'll stand behind his decision" 's I've read in numerous threads and countless posts here. Well I guess many of the "Joe knows more than I do" folks out here have just jumped ship because of an emotional attachment to Patrick. Patrick wasn't getting it done. Not in pre-season, not last year, and not in the first quarter before he got demolished on that play. Now, if you ask me if it was fair that he got the hook after that play, I'd be inclined to say no, it wasn't fair. BUT, Gibbs had an opportunity in that play to do what he knew should have been done early in the pre-season based on performance. He couldn't because of a commitment he handcuffed himself with at the end of last year.

I personally think he's right. I never felt that Ramsey made substantial enough progress to show that he would develop into our future star QB. Just my opinion which isn't worth squat, but it's how I felt. Joe must have felt similarly or the Jason Campbell deal would never have happened, AND/OR, Brunnel would have been cut and Hasselbeck would have been retained.

The signs were all over the place that Gibbs, despite the integrity he showed in sticking behind his statement that Ram would get the nod on opening day, knew from experience and from what he's seen of Ramsey that he wasn't going to fit into his offensive scheme.

I think the integrity he's shown in doing what he feels is best for the team in the long run was more evident in his decision last night than it ever has been. It would have been easy for him to make the more popular decision to go back to Ramsey for sure, but he's looking down the road, and unfortunately Ramsey is in the rear view mirror.

Campbell will learn more from Brunnel than he will from Ramsey, that is unquestionably true. If his development is dependant upon learning from either MB or PR, who would you choose to be his mentor? I'm not suggesting that Brunnel will take us to the playoffs, or become the Brunnel in his prime with the Jags, but he's looked more confident, his arm strength is sufficient, his decision making ability is far superior to PR's, and I feel more comfortable with him under center.

One more thing.......for those who cite how Joe stood behind MB last year when he clearly shouldn't have.........I agree. That he didn't give Patrick the same opportunity only shows that Gibbs learned from that exact mistake, and wasn't willing to make the same one again this year.

It seems to me Joe feels the same way. But, because of that.......folks are willing to criticize the move. Frankly that baffles me.

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When Joe Gibbs came back to DC I was very excited. I thought "Great some integrity will do us some good". I'm very disappointed in him. My father always told me "Do what you say your going to do", I kind of hold everyone around me to that expectation. You tell me your going to do something, I expect that it gets done. If I tell you I'm going to do something, take it to the bank.

Three big issues that bother me the most.

Smoot - A "core Redskin" that we let slip away.

Pierce - A "core Redskin" that we let slip away.

Ramsey - Simply lied to the poor guy.

Call it what you want, but Gibbs lied to Ramsey. Not what I call integrity. I don't fault Gibbs for wanting Brunell over Ramsey, but Gibbs and Co, did Patrick wrong. Really really wrong. What pisses me off about Gibbs is, if he didn't want Patrick he could have cut him offseason, saved money on the cap, maybe with enough room to keep Smoot and Pierce. Also to give Patrick the chance to compete for a starting spot on another team.

The poor guy got screwed over by the Redskins yet again. It's like Gibbs doesn't like Ramsey and that's cool, but then it's like well here let me screw you one more time before I take your job from you. Even though you performed better in a single quarter then my guy Brunell did in three.

The "Gibbs till I die" folk will probably slam me but I don't care.. I'm a Redskin till I die. These moves especially the last one makes our team look bad... I don't know if PR can prove to be the better QB, he was promised a fair shot and didn't get it. 6 or 7 quarters of play isn't a shot. It's a slap in the face.

I'm very disappointed at Gibbs and his lack of integrity right now. Even if Mark leads us to the Superbowl, I'll be excited for the Skins. but I'll always have to take what Gibbs says with a grain of salt and I never in a million years thought I'd have to do that.

Do what you say your going to do, or keep your mouth shut.

The core redskins go both ways. Troy Brown took less to play with the Pats why couldn't they. Pierce is not better then Washington or will he ever be so his contract shouldn't be more or the same so hes gone. Williams made his *** and that is how he treats us.

Smoot is the #2 CB he shouldn't be payed more then the guy who locking down the teams best receivers and he wasn't that good anyway Rogers>Smoot

Ramsey, puts us in bad spots all the time. He can't read defenses he's a bust, he was drafted way to high he was the last pick in the 1st round and he would have been a mid to late 2nd if we did reach for him. Gibbs didn't lie Pat started, he didn't bench all pre-season when was stinking the joint up, and he did start the season, Brunell is just better plain and simple. If wants to leave then fine by me but lets see what his real value in this league is conditional 7th rounder at best. Dude is a bum and a wasted Spurrier pick.

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I am just saying if not PR then Campbell.......Boonell will get us no where!!!!!!!!!

Campbell isn't ready. Brunnel clearly gives us the best opportunity in Dallas if not Patrick, period.

Let the kid learn, absorb what information he can learn from Brunnel, and turn him loose either later this season, or at the beginning of next year.

No one should panic, Brunnel isn't the future of the Skins either.

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Surprised noone seems to have read my earlier post and comment about it.

Most of these posts are fueled purely by emotions. I wish someone would look through their own personal feelings and try for a moment to see what Gibbs is actually doing.

Agreed, its all about W-L's in the end

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Ok Deion Warwick, are you going to eat that prediction if he plays well and beats Dallas? What a moron.

Hmm it may or may not happen.. I have no problem with Brunell being the starter, he did show improvement in preseason. That improvement didn't translate Sunday however. I don't have how many yards Brunell puts up if he can manage the game great we should be ok..

I'm just angry we did PR wrong. I'm not a huge Ramsey supporter but I like the guy and right is right and wrong is wrong.. What was done to him was wrong.

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Agreed, its all about W-L's in the end


You may not like that Gibbs seems to have gone back on his word....(in some folks opinion), but in the end it's a business, and not always a particulary nice one. Sometimes you say things you wished you hadn't, and when you need to do the right thing, even if it's the wrong thing, you do it, take the heat, and drive on.

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JG is trying to win football games, that's what I want, WINS, whether you like it or not.

I think you missed my point. Im sure gibbs wants to win win win but again back to last yr with brunell, we werent winning but he stuck with him. thats called giving a player a fair chance. What he did with ramsey in my mind is pretty sad. basically what im saying is ramsey never had a chance.

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Michael Vick: 1 INT and two fumbles last night, and hell they still won. And my point is that even the best screw up.

Patrick Ramsey: 1 INT and 1 fumble ( sorry not counting the the clothesline hit ) and he did score, and it was overturned. And that was in the first quarter.

I like this post a lot because I too was raised to have integrity...which means, your words and deeds are equivalent.

Joe Gibb's owed this man at least a game or two, and then perhaps makes a change at the break ( 3rd game ) if things have not improved.

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Hmm it may or may not happen.. I have no problem with Brunell being the starter, he did show improvement in preseason. That improvement didn't translate Sunday however. I don't have how many yards Brunell puts up if he can manage the game great we should be ok..

I'm just angry we did PR wrong. I'm not a huge Ramsey supporter but I like the guy and right is right and wrong is wrong.. What was done to him was wrong.

Gothimus, I don't disagree with you buddy. But, it's a business, and sometimes big business sucks.

In the end we will benefit from the decision. If not this year, next for sure.

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The core redskins go both ways. Troy Brown took less to play with the Pats why couldn't they. Pierce is not better then Washington or will he ever be so his contract shouldn't be more or the same so hes gone. Williams made his *** and that is how he treats us.

Smoot is the #2 CB he shouldn't be payed more then the guy who locking down the teams best receivers and he wasn't that good anyway Rogers>Smoot

Oh I agree, it would have been great.. but we didn't even try to meet them halfway.. That imo isn't trying to keep home grown core skins guys. Pierce and Smoot got numbers from other teams and we couldn't even budge a little bit. That may not be Gibbs's fault. With the Coles debacle we just didn't have room. However we could have unloaded PR last year if Gibbs didn't want him and maybe had the room to manuver to keep Smoot and Pierce or one or the other. PR himself would be in a better position with another team.

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Hmm it may or may not happen.. I have no problem with Brunell being the starter, he did show improvement in preseason. That improvement didn't translate Sunday however. I don't have how many yards Brunell puts up if he can manage the game great we should be ok..

I'm just angry we did PR wrong. I'm not a huge Ramsey supporter but I like the guy and right is right and wrong is wrong.. What was done to him was wrong.

I understand how you could be upset. Ramsey is a great guy and the quick hook can be debated until we turn blue. This isnt directed at you, but I am just so surprised at how so many people can flame Gibbs and even more surprised that people can flame Brunell for the decision. He supported Ramsey and didnt make a big funk about anything. He never once used his injuries as an excuse for last year and took the beatings from the press like a true pro.Nor did he make the decision to start himself. For people to start with the Boonell crap and hope he fails is just wrong in every sense of the word.

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I think you missed my point. Im sure gibbs wants to win win win but again back to last yr with brunell, we werent winning but he stuck with him. thats called giving a player a fair chance. What he did with ramsey in my mind is pretty sad. basically what im saying is ramsey never had a chance.

Gibbs stuck with Brunell TOO long given that he was hurt and he's even admitted that he made a mistake there. The season was pretty much done once he was pulled.

He probably doesnt want to make the same mistake twice.

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Nothing more needs to be said.

He may or may not be playing to his ability, but damn---3 series to prove it? When Patrick packed up to come to FedEx on Sunday, I'm sure his A game was in the luggage---he just never got a chance to unpack. Lets hope Brunell can do the job. I'm tired of being the laughing stock of the league.

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I think you missed my point. Im sure gibbs wants to win win win but again back to last yr with brunell, we werent winning but he stuck with him. thats called giving a player a fair chance. What he did with ramsey in my mind is pretty sad. basically what im saying is ramsey never had a chance.

Dude........stop referencing last year. Last year is what sooooo many people are holding onto when talking about Brunnel.

How can you? He has in no way at all looked as bad as he did last year. We all know he was hurt much worse than was reported last year. Why make that comparison? It's an emotional thing, not a factual one to do that.

I said in an earlier post, Gibbs was WAY wrong for letting Brunnel stay out there as long as he did last year.......and what we should all be taking away from this year is that Gibbs is unwilling to let a better QB ride the pine while another throws away the season, regardless of who that QB is. Unfortunately for Ramsey, it worked against him this year.

He's not going to repeat history regardless of the players.

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Thats you on the crack pipe buddy. MOST of his playing time came in the second half. 2 is more then 1 the last time I checked. The 3rd and 4th quarters were used for pounding the ball. You are flaming me but your idiotic stat to discount Brunell was far beyond stupid.

Justify it however you will.. Brunell played 3 quarters. The bottom line is he had throwing chances and still only put up 70 yards. That's not speculation it's fact, I'm not sure why your choosing such a weak platform to defend Brunell.

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I understand how you could be upset. Ramsey is a great guy and the quick hook can be debated until we turn blue. This isnt directed at you, but I am just so surprised at how so many people can flame Gibbs and even more surprised that people can flame Brunell for the decision. He supported Ramsey and didnt make a big funk about anything. He never once used his injuries as an excuse for last year and took the beatings from the press like a true pro.Nor did he make the decision to start himself. For people to start with the Boonell crap and hope he fails is just wrong in every sense of the word.

Amen brotha!

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let me be the first poster to say that if the skins beat dallas it will be b/c of the defense and Clinton Portis and the O-line. Mark Boonell will not win this game for the Skins.


If you keep making posts like these youll be First poster to ever receive idiot of the year award. Since you can see into the future Ms. Cleo, can you tell us the weather report for the game as well.

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