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CBS Sportsline Power Rankings


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This set is the official CBS SportsLine.com preseason rankings, although they are the third batch this year. That means it's a good idea to print and save so you can hold it over my head come January. When the season plays out and looks nothing like these rankings would lead you to believe, you can cut and paste this batch and send it back to me with your not-so-kind comments about my views on your teams here in September.

We'll be sure and do that.

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Print the article on recycled paper, then use it to wipe your _$$. Then flush it. That's about all it is good for. Bandwagon is lean right now, but will be loaded down in about 4-5 games!

Also, how to connect to Doc Walker's comments that he used to post? Where is that thread now?


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Print the article on recycled paper, then use it to wipe your _$$. Then flush it. That's about all it is good for. Bandwagon is lean right now, but will be loaded down in about 4-5 games!

Also, how to connect to Doc Walker's comments that he used to post? Where is that thread now?


Forget our bandwagon or what they say about the Skins. These rankings are so useless because they change every week. We shouldn't get too concerned about it...

If we are 6-2 at the halfway point, we'll be in the top 5 or 10 in these rankings and they'll be singing our praises. If we stumble out of the blocks, they'll just keep us there. These are REACTIONARY articles on purpose. They are not meant to predict where everyone will finish, but give you a snapshot of where this one guy believes the 32 teams currently stand. :2cents:

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You know saying we are the 29th best team is one thing, but the way these guys dismisss Gibbs in unreal!

This is unreal and you right. The respect that Gibbs is getting from these fvcking idiots just :mad: :mad: Hell they got the Bears ranked 22nd they think their D is special. I wonder how they are going to feel about them Sunday night. No problem we will start one game at a time here and see the backstrokes these guys take. I for one think this will be as much fun as us winning.

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Power rankings are for $hits and giggles as they so....but if you dont admit that you click on them and take a peak then you are just flay out lying! :)

...anyway having Arizona ahead of so many ppl is a joke. I cant believe ppl are hyping up the Cardinals....and the Jags ahead of the Colts? I dont get that either.

Even if we beat the Bears by 80 pts ppl will say it was only the Bears.....if we beat Dallas on MNF ppl will say its about time and we were due etc.....then we play Seattle at home and ppl will say that the Seahawks arent the same as last year etc....so we then go to Denver and ppl will say Denver is washed up ....basically we will have to go to KC to get respect!!!!!! :)

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I don't worry about it too much but 29th seems ridiculous. If they put us 20th I wouldn't care but 4th worst team?

Thats all, its not a big deal because Kyle Orton is going to get destroyed on Sunday. LaVar will put a burgundy gash in his helmet so when I see Orton in December I will have a nice reminder of the week 1 destruction.

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Even if we beat the Bears by 80 pts ppl will say it was only the Bears.....if we beat Dallas on MNF ppl will say its about time and we were due etc.....then we play Seattle at home and ppl will say that the Seahawks arent the same as last year etc....so we then go to Denver and ppl will say Denver is washed up ....basically we will have to go to KC to get respect!!!!!! :)

Oh well. If we're a disrespected 4-0, I think I'll live with that!

Power rankings are fun to read, but they are one guy's opinion. Plenty of teams are being equally disrespected just like we are.

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Williams was horrible as a head coach in Buffalo, averaging a little more than 5 wins a season in his 3 years in charge, and was ousted out of the city. Yet, just one year later, of turning an average defense into a great one, they have "great respect" for him, yet they have absolutely no respect for a coach who is already in the hall of fame and has 3 super bowl rings??!

The stupidity and fickliness is overwhelming.

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Yeah, Ive been hearing negative remarks about the Redskins all the time since I dont even know how long and Im sick of them..I dont even care anymore people are not gonna believe that they are going to do anything this year unless they prove it on the field. Whats gonna happen is when the Redskins win the superbowl..Im not sure when but when they do all the people that you know or run into and talk about football with to are gonna say.."Yeah right your not a skins fan..you just like em' cause they won the superbowl.. you jumping on the badwagon huh?" Then Ill tell them to shut the F up before I slap em' and to go eat a D? No one ever gives them any credit..hell the skins can win the superbowl and poeple will start saying "About time they won since they bought a championship" People do not know what the hell they are talkin about!

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Forget our bandwagon or what they say about the Skins. These rankings are so useless because they change every week. We shouldn't get too concerned about it...

If we are 6-2 at the halfway point, we'll be in the top 5 or 10 in these rankings and they'll be singing our praises. If we stumble out of the blocks, they'll just keep us there. These are REACTIONARY articles on purpose. They are not meant to predict where everyone will finish, but give you a snapshot of where this one guy believes the 32 teams currently stand. :2cents:

Disagree. We'll be in the 10 or 15 if we start out that hot. They'll keep making comments like "yeah, they're starting well, but how long will it last? Gibbs can't keep this up, defenses will catch on."

They'll put us in the top 5 or 10 only when they absolutely HAVE to...

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The low ranking is par for the course. If I cared enough to yawn in Prisco's direction I would.

The comment about Gibbs is laughable. I love Williams as a DC, but how quickly we forget that he took a team that hadn't had a losing season in four years and promptly went 3-13 with it. In three seasons, Williams averaged just over 5 wins. Yet somehow 'they' respect him and not Gibbs, who took over a 5-11 team that hadn't had a WINNING season in five years and went 6-10?

Ol' Pete would have been better served to simply say "The Redskins have too many holes" or something equally generic. I can forgive the herd mentality far faster than disrespect born of ignorance.

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