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Simple Question - When Ramsey starts to play amazing football in a couple weeks....?


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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin


You may be an exception, but when the word 'excuses' is used in this particular topic it's used in a certain way and to denote a certain emotional position.

So, if I was overly 'sensitive' it's because I read the posts over and over about how "enough is enough" and "enough excuses,etc." Again, the word has a meaning in this context---period.

Good enough for me, Nibbs. I think basically we all feel that if he sucks this year, he must have sucked all along. If he's good this year, he was good all along. I'm not giving Patrick another preseason of support if he tanks in '05.

(edit)- Oh, and I'm willing to bet you won't either.

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I know that if Ramsey plays well, I will still call for his head and beg to bring back Danny Wuerffel :rolleyes: This thread is pointless. People see Ramsey struggle, question whether or not he has improved, and suddenly they're not a true Redskin fan? Do you really think people that are critical of Ramsey are going to be upset if he does well? Man, these pro-Ramsey threads are getting just as bad as the anti-Ramsey threads.

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Originally posted by herrmag

Do you really think people that are critical of Ramsey are going to be upset if he does well? Man, these pro-Ramsey threads are getting just as bad as the anti-Ramsey threads.

O Hail no. If Ramsey does outstanding this season, and we win more than say 8 games, I am going to be flaming ticked.


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Originally posted by herrmag

I know that if Ramsey plays well, I will still call for his head and beg to bring back Danny Wuerffel :rolleyes: This thread is pointless. People see Ramsey struggle, question whether or not he has improved, and suddenly they're not a true Redskin fan? Do you really think people that are critical of Ramsey are going to be upset if he does well? Man, these pro-Ramsey threads are getting just as bad as the anti-Ramsey threads.

but the problem is, that Ramsy didn't "struggle". But he didn't have the game people wanted to see, failing to meet ones high expectation is not struggling.

and even when others debunked their criticizms with facts they refuse to accept it, and scream "excuses" because they can't dispute the truth.

Funny how the coaches seem okay with the way he played.... I guess these arm chair qb's know more than them.... :laugh: like Williams told reporters yesterday how they (reporters) knew who the starters where going to be, even when the coaches have not decided on the roster yet

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IMO, you don't get to hate for whatever length of time, then do no penance when you are proven wrong.

No, you don't get to say, "This dude sucks, he won't cut it in this league" bash him on the daily, and then cheer for him when does well and escape notice and criticism.

Sure, all SKins fans will be happy (except Mass over at KFFL) if we win with Ramsey (or not.) But if you're going to take a position on something, you should be prepared for weekly razzing and bashing of your own.

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Originally posted by Voice of Reason

This question won't need to be answered.

Patrick Ramsey has the potential to play good, or solid football, but not amazing football. A quarterback that can't go through more than one receiver in his progession will have a real hard time playing amazing football.

good thing thats not Ramsey.... because he holds on to the ball so long he goes through all wr's at least twice :laugh:

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Originally posted by herrmag

People see Ramsey struggle, question whether or not he has improved, and suddenly they're not a true Redskin fan?

Questioning his progress is not the problem. Its the "Brunell should start" and the "Trade Ramsey!" threads after one stinkin' preseason games. I think everyone on both sides needs to be a little more patient.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

IMO, you don't get to hate for whatever length of time, then do no penance when you are proven wrong.

No, you don't get to say, "This dude sucks, he won't cut it in this league" bash him on the daily, and then cheer for him when does well and escape notice and criticism.

Nibbs- (I don't want to give the impression that I'm "challenging" your every post in this thread because I dig ya and I'm certainly not, BUT-)

What about the opposite? Can you support a guy and NEVER be wrong about it? Will the Ramsey-lovers be "right" if he stinks it up this season or will it all be attributed to other factors? (Or even "excuses?" ;)

Patrick's a Redskin so we all want him to do well, but if one calls his play into question (which I really haven't yet) does that make them a "non-fan?"

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Originally posted by Chachie

Nibbs- (I don't want to give the impression that I'm "challenging" your every post in this thread because I dig ya and I'm certainly not, BUT-)

What about the opposite? Can you support a guy and NEVER be wrong about it? Will the Ramsey-lovers be "right" if he stinks it up this season or will it all be attributed to other factors? (Or even "excuses?" ;)

Patrick's a Redskin so we all want him to do well, but if one calls his play into question (which I really haven't yet) does that make them a "non-fan?"

No, we're responsible too.

If Patrick 'stinks' he's responsible for his play. He should at least be "satisfactory" this year, if not "very good."

I'm expecting "good" play from the QB position this year. If we don't get that, Campbell should be ready by 2006.

See, I'm reasonable :)

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

No, we're responsible too.

If Patrick 'stinks' he's responsible for his play. He should at least be "satisfactory" this year, if not "very good."

I'm expecting "good" play from the QB position this year. If we don't get that, Campbell should be ready by 2006.

See, I'm reasonable :)

I'm in a "show me" state with every Redskin, including the beloved Joe Jackson Gibbs. I'm afraid 90% of my posts carry the scent of pessimism. I want all the good things as bad as anyone, though. Here's to Patrick Ramsey breaking Peyton Manning's TD record in '05.


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i personally don't care who is playing qb as long as we're winning games...i mean, that's really what this is about: winning games under the premise that no one player is above the team...no one player wins or loses games.

if pr stinks it up, we'll move on...remember, the backup qb is always a fan favorite win the team is losing. let's also remember that there are 10 other players on offense and another 11 players on defense. again, no one player wins or loses the game. and if, i mean really if, your team is set up to where one player is your team (ie falcons) then you're really not as good as you think.

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IF Patrick Ramsey starts playing amazing football then we will all be happy.

He simply does not inspire confidence. He has all the tools physically but I think he needs to improve his decision making and he needs to be cool under pressure in games. He is not doing that regularly. Until that happens I will continue to fear the return of Brunell. Right now I think I am justifiably worried about the situation.

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Originally posted by Chachie

I'm in a "show me" state with every Redskin, including the beloved Joe Jackson Gibbs. I'm afraid 90% of my posts carry the scent of pessimism.

It is healthy and understandible considering where this franchise has been the past 12 years to be in a "show me" state. In fact, I'm surprised more people aren't, quite frankly. No need to take an apologetic tone for that sentiment.

Logically, however, it would be a good idea to give Patrick a little rope, for 2 reasons:

1) He should have an appropriate lead time to show he can manage a team as the designated starter going into the year in a real NFL offense. His "upbringing" to this stage has been anything BUT conventional - which is why this is even an issue.

2) Should things not work out, we will put to rest the arguement that he wasn't given a fair shake. Then, the Skins could make a clean break and devote all attention to developing young Campbell.

I enjoy your posts Chachie, I find them balanced, albeit a bit less optimistic than some. Don't feel like you have to compromise.

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Originally posted by footballhenry

When Ramsey starts to play amazing football in a couple weeks what will all you Ramsey-bashers say?

Simple Question, I just want to know what the reactions are gonna be.

Ive stuck by the man since Day 1 and will continue to do so until in all certainty I am proven wrong.

For one people can be huge skins fans without being sold on Ramsey. I will be glad he plays well. Will it change the fact I dont think he is the long term answer? absolutely not. Thats great youve stuck with him. From Day 1, I havent been sold on him. He hasnt done much to really win my type of crowd over.

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The Ramsey hatin' is just a symptom of the sports talk radio generation. Create controversy when there isn't one so that there's something to talk about for the other 23 hours of the day on the radio.

Ramsey is going to be just fine. When we're 2-0 going into the bye week there'll be something else created by the sports radio idiots. Hmm, something like, "Our long snapper sucks!"

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Threads and posts like this make me truly believe that some people are here to stir the pot and argue.

Almost everyone I've seen post negatively about Patrick Ramsey (including myself) has prefaced their comments by saying that they are pulling for the guy and they want him to succeed. They then express their doubts about him or say they want the best QB to lead this team.

Personally, my point has always been that I don't know enough about the quarterback position to evaluate our players. I want the best QB (according to our staff) to be on the field. I don't care who it is. I just don't think Ramsey should get a long leash and every last opportunity to be the starter regardless of how he plays.

Do you guys even read peoples' opinions or do you just blindly assume that we all sit in front of our VCRs in turquoise Brunell jerseys watching Jag games from 1997?

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"Ramsey will not be the long term QB anyway. To me it's seems he is just here until..."

probably right! but wouldn't it be nice to have a PR/JC dilemma? 2 great QBs?

as I read the posts of the humble, self anointed protectors of everything virtuous and fine in Redskinland, I am reminded of the old saw...."youth is wasted on the young..." as though any of us care whether they come out right or wrong on the matter. it is winning that matters - regardless of who is at the helm; reagardless of statistics; regardless of how many times they wet your pants in angst filled demonstrations of common sense.

just win. doesn't matter who leads - unless you're dating the QB or something.....an entirely different issue altogether......:-)....

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Originally posted by fansince62

"Ramsey will not be the long term QB anyway. To me it's seems he is just here until..."

probably right! but wouldn't it be nice to have a PR/JC dilemma? 2 great QBs?

as I read the posts of the humble, self anointed protectors of everything virtuous and fine in Redskinland, I am reminded of the old saw...."youth is wasted on the young..." as though any of us care whether you come out right or wrong on the matter. it is winning that matters - regardless of who is at the helm; reagardless of statistics; regardless of how many times you wet your pants in angst filled demonstrations of common sense.

just win. doesn't matter who leads - unless you're dating the QB or something.....an entirely different issue altogether......:-)....



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Originally posted by footballhenry

When Ramsey starts to play amazing football in a couple weeks what will all you Ramsey-bashers say?

Simple Question, I just want to know what the reactions are gonna be.

Ive stuck by the man since Day 1 and will continue to do so until in all certainty I am proven wrong.

We are not Ramsey bashers we just want what is best for our team. If he plays well then great that is WHAT he is supposed to do anyway.

It is simple for Ramsey either perform or you will be gone next year. I hope he is here, but I am not 100% sure he will be.

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Originally posted by jbooma

We are not Ramsey bashers we just want what is best for our team. If he plays well then great that is WHAT he is supposed to do anyway.

It is simple for Ramsey either perform or you will be gone next year. I hope he is here, but I am not 100% sure he will be.

except you don't know what's best.... Gibbs does

constant knee jerk changes are never the "best" for any team.

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Originally posted by fansince62

"Ramsey will not be the long term QB anyway. To me it's seems he is just here until..."

probably right! but wouldn't it be nice to have a PR/JC dilemma? 2 great QBs?

as I read the posts of the humble, self anointed protectors of everything virtuous and fine in Redskinland, I am reminded of the old saw...."youth is wasted on the young..." as though any of us care whether you come out right or wrong on the matter. it is winning that matters - regardless of who is at the helm; reagardless of statistics; regardless of how many times you wet your pants in angst filled demonstrations of common sense.

just win. doesn't matter who leads - unless you're dating the QB or something.....an entirely different issue altogether......:-)....

Yes, it's all about winning. Except that many of the critics don't seem concerned about how one develops a potential franchise QB (and franchise QBs are a big key in consistent winning.)

That's what is missed in your delight to accuse us of dating Patrick or loving him too personally.

I do care who comes out right or wrong. If you didn't, why even post? Why take a position on anything?

Oh wait, you didn't actually take one, yours is "whoever wins" that way you don't have to be wrong. Except Utah already set you straight earlier in another thread. I give you credit for accepting the new knowledge he provided, though.

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