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$ 2.41 a gallon...............


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Originally posted by zoony

So these were the only people getting any work/errands done?

:laugh: :laugh: :doh:

Of course not, don't be ridiculous. But you made a statement that implies SUVs have only been around since the 80's. They've been around far longer than that. But for you to judge people on the type of car they drive based upon appearances is flat out stupid. You don't know why they purchased the vehicle they did.

Guess what. This is America. we live in a free market. We can buy what ever vehicle suits our fancy. Hell, I could go buy an H2, fill it up with gas, and let it run all day in my driveway if I wanted. Thats the beauty of America.

Worry more about yourself and choices you make rather than what other people are driving.

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.........To tell you the truth young dumb or old stupid people judge people by what kind of car others drive.

My manager makes 6 figures a year and drives the same pickup I saw Uncle Jesse from the "Dukes of Hazards" drive.

:laugh: He was also my riding partner before he layed down his Haya Busa. Oh and by the way, he parks that rusted heap of crap in front of his 6 bedroom, two living room home.:2cents:

Gas prices suck too:D

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Originally posted by rictus58

Of course not, don't be ridiculous. But you made a statement that implies SUVs have only been around since the 80's.

I was referring to the SUV CRAZE in the context of the conversation

They've been around far longer than that. But for you to judge people on the type of car they drive based upon appearances is flat out stupid. You don't know why they purchased the vehicle they did.

Looks like I made my point... but it also looks like you took offense. That was not my intent, so my bad. :)

Guess what. This is America. we live in a free market. We can buy what ever vehicle suits our fancy. Hell, I could go buy an H2, fill it up with gas, and let it run all day in my driveway if I wanted. Thats the beauty of America.

Agreed 100%... but for you to type this, you must have mis-understood my position.

At no point have I even HINTED that SUVs should be outlawed. (If I am wrong please point out where I said this)

I am simply pointing out how wasteful the American SUV craze is, and how uncalled for it is. And it appears you're hearing me... and getting awfully defensive. :)

Worry more about yourself and choices your makes rather than what other people are driving.

no offense, but don't flatter yourself. I won't lose any sleep over any decisions you make. :)

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Originally posted by zoony

I have no problem with people buying / driving SUV's, I really don't. Many need them. That's cool.

But lets be honest here. How many people that drive these things actually need them? If I had to guess, I'd say somewhere around 5%. Do your own study next time you're out driving around. Simply look at the people driving them.

I drive an '88 diesel Suburban which I use to haul around my 4 Russian Wolfhounds. (Forgive me if you've already read that.) But I don't haul them around all the time. Are you going to form an opinion about me by looking in my Suburban when I'm not actually hauling my dogs around? How the heck would you know whether I ever use the hauling capacity or not?

My guess is that the vast majority of SUV owners actually do sometimes use the hauling capacity. You just don't see it when they do. And what would the alternative be? Drive a small car and just rent an SUV whenever we need the capacity?

All of these soccer-mom suburbanites who steer these land-barges around shopping malls and neighborhoods.... simply wasteful and gaudy, and in poor taste. And that's all I have to say about it.

And then the nerve to whine about gas prices?

Your poor taste is someone else's safe ride. And everyone who drives has the right to complain about gas prices. :cool:

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this has got to be one of the stupidest arguments ive ever seen but i cant help but get drawn in. i drive an abnormally large suv that gets gallons to the mile not the other way around. wanna know why. cause im an :moon: hohweeohweeohweeohweoh im an :moon: hohweeohweeohweeohweeoh a real :censored: :moon: howeeohweeohweeohweoh

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Originally posted by BlueTalon

I drive an '88 diesel Suburban which I use to haul around my 4 Russian Wolfhounds. (Forgive me if you've already read that.) But I don't haul them around all the time. Are you going to form an opinion about me by looking in my Suburban when I'm not actually hauling my dogs around? How the heck would you know whether I ever use the hauling capacity or not?

My guess is that the vast majority of SUV owners actually do sometimes use the hauling capacity. You just don't see it when they do. And what would the alternative be? Drive a small car and just rent an SUV whenever we need the capacity?

Read on... I poke holes in this logic as well.

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Originally posted by zoony

Read on... I poke holes in this logic as well.

No you didn't. The fact that SUVs didn't exist in their current form before the 80's doesn't mean it isn't a good means of doing the job for which people bought them (hauling dogs, groceries,whatever.)

To follow your logic to its inevitible wacky conclusion, you could pick whatever was new in the 80's, but not yet available in the 50's, and say that those things are pointless. Wanna try it?

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Originally posted by zoony [/b]

At no point have I even HINTED that SUVs should be outlawed. (If I am wrong please point out where I said this)

I am simply pointing out how wasteful the American SUV craze is, and how uncalled for it is. And it appears you're hearing me... and getting awfully defensive. :)


I never said anything about outlawing SUVs either. Nor did I imply you did.

Originally posted by zoony

Read on... I poke holes in this logic as well.

When? where? All you have done is make ASSUMPTIONS about people and their vehicle of choice.

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Originally posted by rictus58

Of course not, don't be ridiculous. But you made a statement that implies SUVs have only been around since the 80's. They've been around far longer than that. But for you to judge people on the type of car they drive based upon appearances is flat out stupid. You don't know why they purchased the vehicle they did.

Guess what. This is America. we live in a free market. We can buy what ever vehicle suits our fancy. Hell, I could go buy an H2, fill it up with gas, and let it run all day in my driveway if I wanted. Thats the beauty of America.

Worry more about yourself and choices you make rather than what other people are driving.

Exactly. I can't believe people actually only think people should drive a certain type of car if it required for work or off roading. I drive an SUV my wife drives an SUV. We do not take it off road. We do not need it for work. We only have 1 child so we don't need it for that either. We happen to like Jeeps so we have 2.

I don't complain about high gas prices. And I am not responsible for any drain the price of gas has on someone elses pocket.


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Originally posted by Predicto

Fine, I speak for me. Jeez.

And you are bothering me if you lose control of your 7000 lb chrome mountain and it plows into me on the highway, and my entire family dies because it is so unnecessarily huge and otherwise we all would have survived. Yes that bothers me.

"To care so much means there are other issues at hand" - I guess I don't know what you are getting at there.

Give me a break this is the driver not the car. You could lose control of you 1500 pound ford focus and have the same results. Perhaps you should just stay off the road. Just because an SUV versus a smaller car is in accident does not mean you cant be killed. If two ford focus hit head on everyone in both cars could die. Same for if a focus an SUV hit head on both cars could die. However it is possible that the person in the SUV has more protection and may survive. But you feel that is not fair I guess.


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Originally posted by BlueTalon

No you didn't. The fact that SUVs didn't exist in their current form before the 80's doesn't mean it isn't a good means of doing the job for which people bought them (hauling dogs, groceries,whatever.)

To follow your logic to its inevitible wacky conclusion, you could pick whatever was new in the 80's, but not yet available in the 50's, and say that those things are pointless. Wanna try it?

I guess people didn't own Russian Wolfhounds before the SUV craze. :laugh:

You are special. And everyone on ES knows just how special and different you are. Thanks for enlightening us on how we should all feel on every issue.

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Originally posted by zoony

I guess people didn't own Russian Wolfhounds before the SUV craze. :laugh:

You are special. And everyone on ES knows just how special and different you are. Thanks for enlightening us on how we should all feel on every issue.

how logical :doh: :doh:

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You guys are pretty sensitive about this issue...

Two people on this entire board point out why SUV's are a waste for the majority of people who own one, and 50 people come out of the woodwork acting like the Virgin Mary was desecrated.

Look, drive what you want, as I said before, I don't care.

But let's not fool each other... YOU KNOW in your heart-of-hearts that it is wasteful and irresponsible, otherwise why so defensive about it? I still have heard no arguments to the contrary. NONE.

All I've heard is accusations about 'you shouldn't judge me', and 'I've got wolfhounds' (LMAO)... but nothing that would remotely argue the original premise. And then I point out that all of these 'uses' for SUV's have existed since WWII, while most SUV owners have only owned these 'necessary' :rolleyes: vehicles for the past 5-10 years.... I get some lame argument about not embracing new technologies. :doh: :rolleyes:

The thread was about gas prices. :idea:

So drop the "I NEED" argument, because you're not fooling anyone. Substitute "I WANT". That is much more fitting.

So enjoy your land-barges... but when it comes to spiralling energy costs, just remember we reap what we sow. :)

My opinions are pretty clear, and arguing about this with a Never -been -wrong -about -anything -in -my -life -Seahawks -fan with political views that would make Hitler blush is not my idea of a good time. So I'm on the record, and I'm done...

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Originally posted by zoony

You guys are pretty sensitive about this issue...

Two people on this entire board point out why SUV's are a waste for the majority of people who own one, and 50 people come out of the woodwork acting like the Virgin Mary was desecrated.

Look, drive what you want, as I said before, I don't care.

But let's not fool each other... YOU KNOW in your heart-of-hearts that it is wasteful and irresponsible, otherwise why so defensive about it? I still have heard no arguments to the contrary. NONE.

All I've heard is accusations about 'you shouldn't judge me', and 'I've got wolfhounds' (LMAO)... but nothing that would remotely argue the original premise. And then I point out that all of these 'uses' for SUV's have existed since WWII, while most SUV owners have only owned these 'necessary' :rolleyes: vehicles for the past 5-10 years.... I get some lame argument about not embracing new technologies. :doh: :rolleyes:

The thread was about gas prices. :idea:

So drop the "I NEED" argument, because you're not fooling anyone. Substitute "I WANT". That is much more fitting.

So enjoy your land-barges... but when it comes to spiralling energy costs, just remember we reap what we sow. :)

My opinions are pretty clear, and arguing about this with a Never -been -wrong -about -anything -in -my -life -Seahawks -fan with political views that would make Hitler blush is not my idea of a good time. So I'm on the record, and I'm done...

Just wondering how big of a house I should have? I recently put mine on the market and was thinking about purchasing a larger one for me and my family. Then I read your post and thought gosh how wasteful of me. Think of the extra water, electricity, land etc. I'll just be wasting away. So just thought maybe you could let me know how much $$ I should spend and how big of a house I should live in. After all in your opinion I am just being wasteful with my choice of automobiles. So I'm sure my other expenses are wasteful in your opinion as well. So please tell me what is an exceptable size house and car.

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Originally posted by zoony

You guys are pretty sensitive about this issue...

Two people on this entire board point out why SUV's are a waste for the majority of people who own one, and 50 people come out of the woodwork acting like the Virgin Mary was desecrated.

Look, drive what you want, as I said before, I don't care.

But let's not fool each other... YOU KNOW in your heart-of-hearts that it is wasteful and irresponsible, otherwise why so defensive about it? I still have heard no arguments to the contrary. NONE.

All I've heard is accusations about 'you shouldn't judge me', and 'I've got wolfhounds' (LMAO)... but nothing that would remotely argue the original premise. And then I point out that all of these 'uses' for SUV's have existed since WWII, while most SUV owners have only owned these 'necessary' :rolleyes: vehicles for the past 5-10 years.... I get some lame argument about not embracing new technologies. :doh: :rolleyes:

The thread was about gas prices. :idea:

So drop the "I NEED" argument, because you're not fooling anyone. Substitute "I WANT". That is much more fitting.

So enjoy your land-barges... but when it comes to spiralling energy costs, just remember we reap what we sow. :)

My opinions are pretty clear, and arguing about this with a Never -been -wrong -about -anything -in -my -life -Seahawks -fan with political views that would make Hitler blush is not my idea of a good time. So I'm on the record, and I'm done...

Well, the need for information has existed since WWII as well, I guess this pesky internet thing is a waste also. A waste of resources, time and money.

Your argument that people don't take SUVs off-road MAY hold some water. But a BMW X5 and an Acura MDX are NOT designed to go off-road when they roll off the assembly line. In the end, they are just glorified mini-vans. I'd go so far as to say the only vehicle that comes "as-is" that is designed to go off-road is a Jeep. Any model Jeep.

As for gasoline prices/usage, My Wrangler get 3 MPG LESS than my wifes BMW. what a huge differnce. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by zoony

Two people on this entire board point out why SUV's are a waste for the majority of people who own one, and 50 people come out of the woodwork acting like the Virgin Mary was desecrated.

The thread was about gas prices. :idea:

The thread would have stayed about gas prices, too, if you and others hadn't started with SUVs.

Look, drive what you want, as I said before, I don't care.

No, you obviously do care.

But let's not fool each other... YOU KNOW in your heart-of-hearts that it is wasteful and irresponsible, otherwise why so defensive about it? I still have heard no arguments to the contrary. NONE.

All I've heard is accusations about 'you shouldn't judge me', and 'I've got wolfhounds' (LMAO)... but nothing that would remotely argue the original premise. And then I point out that all of these 'uses' for SUV's have existed since WWII, while most SUV owners have only owned these 'necessary' :rolleyes: vehicles for the past 5-10 years.... I get some lame argument about not embracing new technologies. :doh: :rolleyes:

I don't know any such thing. FYI, I have a Suburban and a Fiat. They get about the same mileage. Even though I suspect a rational argument might be beyond your reach, I'll try this again. I have four large dogs that I haul around in my Suburban. (I have no idea why you think that's funny.) I don't haul them all the time, but when I do, I need something with the capacity of a Suburban.

You've attempted to ridicule the fact that people might need an SUV since they didn't exist as such before the 80's. Since minivans didn't exist before then either, let's remove those as possible options. Now I ask you, what alternatives do you propose for someone in my position? If you can't suggest any plausible alternatives, you might rethink your vehemence.

So drop the "I NEED" argument, because you're not fooling anyone. Substitute "I WANT". That is much more fitting.

I NEED something to haul my dogs around, occasionally help someone move, etc. I CHOSE the Suburban. Not only does it do the job I need it to do, I'll be less likely to be injured in the event you run into me in the tiny little whatever-it-is you drive.

My opinions are pretty clear, and arguing about this with a Never -been -wrong -about -anything -in -my -life -Seahawks -fan with political views that would make Hitler blush is not my idea of a good time. So I'm on the record, and I'm done...

Your sarcasm underwhelms me. Look, if you want a rational debate, you need to be deal with people disagreeing with you.

(If I'm right all the time, you should know better than to argue with me anyway. :cool: )

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Wow...this thread took an interesting turn since I last visited :laugh:

I don't mind SUV's for the most part. I disagree with jbooma in that they DO impede upon visibility because they are so large. I normally keep a couple of car lengths in between me and the person in front of me....but even if I get up on the bumper of a car I can still see around it. But when I come upon an SUV I need to stay 5 or 6 car lengths back in order to get good visibility.

...but that's not a big deal to me...since I do the same thing with 18 wheelers...:D

...and to the point of them being so big they will kill me in my little car...I'm more worried about the 18 wheelers than I am an SUV.

The only REAL problem I have with SUV's is I wish the people who owned them would LEARN TO DRIVE THEM!!!!!!

Most soccer moms should not be allowed behind the wheel of one...you ever been to a grocery/department store parking lot and watch them driving one? THAT's what is dangerous. :D

.....back to the original intent of the thread....odd thing on the way to work today...one gas station had $2.48 per gallon and another one RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET had $2.71 per gallon. Shoulda seen the line at the $2.48 station :laugh:

I'm riding my bicycle to work as soon as it hits $3.00 ...

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