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Patten sees link between Ramsey and Brady


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From Pro Football World

Redskins WR David Patten, telling PFW the differences he has noticed so far between Tom Brady and Patrick Ramsey: "[Ramsey] has all the capabilities. It's just a matter of him taking hold of them. I was telling Pat, when I see him, I see Tom Brady four or five years ago. Pat has that same command; he takes charge of the huddle. Tom just has that knack; he can make any throw. Patrick has such a strong arm. It's just going to come down to him developing that touch."


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Originally posted by arenasisgod

From Pro Football World

Redskins WR David Patten, telling PFW the differences he has noticed so far between Tom Brady and Patrick Ramsey: "[Ramsey] has all the capabilities. It's just a matter of him taking hold of them. I was telling Pat, when I see him, I see Tom Brady four or five years ago. Pat has that same command; he takes charge of the huddle. Tom just has that knack; he can make any throw. Patrick has such a strong arm. It's just going to come down to him developing that touch."


Same old Ramsey...

Patten saying this now just means Ramsey didnt develop any over the off-season. I doubt Ramsey's touch factor will change.

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This may just be Pattens way of throwing a little confidence Patricks way. However, Casey Rabach and Clinton Portis both responded when asked what they found to be the biggest surprise in Minicamps was Patricks poise and confort in the huddle and making throws. They both mentioned that he showed strong leadership and confidence while taking control of the offense in practices. So I would not be surprised to see Patrick come out surprising people with his accuracy and leadership this year. He is a very smart guy with a great attitude and a strong desire to succeed.

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Originally posted by arenasisgod

From Pro Football World

Redskins WR David Patten, telling PFW the differences he has noticed so far between Tom Brady and Patrick Ramsey: "[Ramsey] has all the capabilities. It's just a matter of him taking hold of them. I was telling Pat, when I see him, I see Tom Brady four or five years ago. Pat has that same command; he takes charge of the huddle. Tom just has that knack; he can make any throw. Patrick has such a strong arm. It's just going to come down to him developing that touch."


Same old Ramsey...

Patten saying this now just means Ramsey didnt develop any over the off-season. I doubt Ramsey's touch factor will change.

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Regardless of how well Patrick Ramsey does this year , he will be gone. Joe Gibbs has never been convinced this is Ramseys team. Gibbs knows what he wants. He wants Campbell. Even if Ramsey does well this year , it will be like the Kitna story for the Bengals. He will sit , Palmer is the future there and Campbell is the future here.


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Of course, Patten is going to say good things about his starting QB....otherwise the balls won't be coming his way :)

I don't see how anyone can compare Ramsey to Brady. They are entirely different QB's. One is mobile, has smarts, has touch and has shown the ability to lead his team.

The other one hasn't done much since being in the NFL except show some tangibles.

I know...all you Ramsey lovers can crucify me now.

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What?.......Touchdown Passes over rated?

I guess playoff & Superbowl appearances are over rated as well?!

How many playoff & Superbowl appearances have Pat had compared to Tom.

You've all been hanging out with Ricky Williams in the off season.

Don't let our burgundy and gold blood get to our head fellas!

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Originally posted by GAVENS_STINK_HUN

What?.......Touchdown Passes over rated?

I guess playoff & Superbowl appearances are over rated as well?!

How many playoff & Superbowl appearances have Pat had compared to Tom.

You've all been hanging out with Ricky Williams in the off season.

Don't let our burgundy and gold blood get to our head fellas!


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Originally posted by GAVENS_STINK_HUN

What?.......Touchdown Passes over rated?

I guess playoff & Superbowl appearances are over rated as well?!

How many playoff & Superbowl appearances have Pat had compared to Tom.

You've all been hanging out with Ricky Williams in the off season.

Don't let our burgundy and gold blood get to our head fellas!

Who said touchdown passes were overrated???...

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Ramsey has all the tools except touch, accuracy and the ability to make quick reads. Other than that? He's just like Tom Brady.

That said, I got alot of respect for Patrick and I hope he makes some leaps forward this year. Our Skins season depends on it. :cheers:

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Originally posted by RunPortisRun

All Pat needs to do is hand off to Portis. A QB that loses the starting job to Brunell does not all of a sudden become great.


News Flash: Handing off to Portis all day is not going to cut it.

You say this as though Patrick lost his job to the current Mark Brunell. Ramsey lost his job to the ghost of Mark Brunell. He won it back from the current Brunell.

Also, I appreciate Patten coming in and being supportive of his teammates. That Patrick takes charge in he huddle tells me he understands the system and is confident with his role in it.

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Originally posted by big z

Ramsey has all the tools except touch, accuracy and the ability to make quick reads. Other than that? He's just like Tom Brady.

That said, I got alot of respect for Patrick and I hope he makes some leaps forward this year. Our Skins season depends on it. :cheers:

What's the difference between touch and accuracy??...

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