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Patten sees link between Ramsey and Brady


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Originally posted by RunPortisRun

This is getting out of hand. Comparing Ramsey to Farve? :doh:

The better comparison for Ramsey would be Jeff George.

Now who's getting outta hand?

Ramsey to George....Please:rolleyes:

Is Ramsey a locker room cancer?

Is Ramsey not a leader on this team? (George wasn't)

Have we seen Ramsey get in Gibbs, Bugel's or any other staff member's face?

Is Ramsey an @$$ with a strong arm?


Did I ever say that Ramsey had comparable stats or the success of Brett Favre?

Again, No.

What I did say is that they have similar qualities both on and off the field and that Ramsey's qualities are in more of the style of a Favre than a Montana, Manning, Mcnabb or even Mark Brunell.

Does that mean Ramsey will one day be the next Favre? I hope so, but I don't have that answer......hopefully 2005 will give us the answer to that question (I guess you're hoping for bitter failure).

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I believe Patten is on target. Ramsey is a much better QB than he has been allowed to be. Our man at the helm will be very good this year. TURD spelled backwards=Dallas Cowboys.:logo: :logo: :logo: :logo: :logo: :logo: :logo: :dallasuck

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Lets break this Down.

Ramsey abilities compared to...

Pocket Presence: Drew Bledsoe

Arm Strength: Jeff George

Ability to Read Defense: Mike Vick

Running Ability: Peyton Manning

Accuracy: McNabb

I just compared Ramsey to some really good QBs...everyone happy now?

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Originally posted by RunPortisRun

Lets break this Down.

Ramsey abilities compared to...

Pocket Presence: Drew Bledsoe

Arm Strength: Jeff George

Ability to Read Defense: Mike Vick

Running Ability: Peyton Manning

Accuracy: McNabb

I just compared Ramsey to some really good QBs...everyone happy now?

So, do you want Campbell or Brunell to start then, since you feel that Ramsey is so terrible?

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Originally posted by goskins

So, do you want Campbell or Brunell to start then, since you feel that Ramsey is so terrible?

To be honest...Brunell had a rough season but Brunell is better than Ramsey.

Brunell will play better than Ramsey in Preseason. No pressure on Brunell anymore.

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Originally posted by RunPortisRun

To be honest...Brunell had a rough season but Brunell is better than Ramsey.

Brunell will play better than Ramsey in Preseason. No pressure on Brunell anymore.

Brunell was better at one time in his career, but its hard to believe hes better then anyone these days

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Originally posted by RunPortisRun

To be honest...Brunell had a rough season but Brunell is better than Ramsey.

Brunell will play better than Ramsey in Preseason. No pressure on Brunell anymore.

If this was preseason in 2004, I'd agree with you.

Matter of fact, I stayed on the side of "Keep Brunell the starter" until the Bengals game last year, b/c PR looked bad in the preseason.

But clearly Brunell is past his prime. Ramsey played overall better in the regular season and deserves to be the starter of the 2.

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Originally posted by RunPortisRun

To be honest...Brunell had a rough season but Brunell is better than Ramsey.

Brunell will play better than Ramsey in Preseason. No pressure on Brunell anymore.

Don't count on it...

1) You severly underestimate what Ramsey can do within a system he feels comfortable with, especially with a QB coach helping him train, one who's had phenomenol success training others in the past...and especially when he's not fighting for his job...

2) Brunell does indeed have pressure...the pressure to show the football world he's not some washed-up has-been and a huge mistake on a Hall Of Fame coach's resume. He goes out and throws some wounded ducks, and the pressure only rises...

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You can almost see the lines of people just salivating for PR to fail this season.

Pretty sad if you ask me.

This year the Skin's are posied to have their best season in a long time. Patrick is finally in a stable system with great coaching and good support.

Last year despite poor offensive output for most of the year the Skin's were in almost every game last year and had the chance to win several in the final moments.

This was made possible by the defense.

This year all the players are more comfortable with the system. That comes with stability something the Skin's have not had in a long time.

The defense is going to be back strong and the offensive improving will keep the Skins competitive(my opinion).

Why all of this rambling on a thread related to PR?

Simply because I am sick and tired of seeing people WANTING the Skins to fail in some form or fashion.

The crap being loaded on PR is approaching a level that is beyond stupid. The season has not even started yet and the self proclaimed "Experts" on how to play QB, WR, DT, ect have already decided what players are going to fail because of this and that.

I have an idea, Why don't everyone trying pulling for PR and the Skins this year to succeed.

All the negativity and pesimestic attitudes get old.

Lets all ralley behind the Skins and ALL the players.

This season has the chance to be something special..

I wish more fans would adjust their attitudes and support the Skins in a postive manner.

Is that so hard?

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Originally posted by Gothtimus

Can't wait till the PR haters get shut the hell up

Just because some people have concerns at QB doesn't mean they hate PR. Any true fan stands behind the players giving 100%.

With that said what stands out in Pattens quote is "it's a matter of PR taking hold of his capability" and " developing a touch".

Just because he said them doesn't mean it will happen.

i love PR and hope good things happen for him this year because apparently it's his last year to prove everyone wrong.


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Originally posted by Rypien11

Lets all ralley behind the Skins and ALL the players.

This season has the chance to be something special..

I wish more fans would adjust their attitudes and support the Skins in a postive manner.

Is that so hard?

AMEN brotha!!!!


I really hope that this will be a special season:point2sky

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Dont get me wrong I hope PR does well and I tell everyone we are going to the playoffs but I dont have to say things like that to ppl on this board.

To be honest we have a tough schudule so I'm in a "Lets wait and see" mode.

I'm not ready to compare Ramsey to great NFL QBs that have proven alot.

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Originally posted by RunPortisRun

Dont get me wrong I hope PR does well and I tell everyone we are going to the playoffs but I dont have to say things like that to ppl on this board.

To be honest we have a tough schudule so I'm in a "Lets wait and see" mode.

I'm not ready to compare Ramsey to great NFL QBs that have proven alot.

That's good to hear, I'm in the "wait and see" mode myself.

Clearly, this will be Ramsey's year to prove if he really is a solid NFL QB or a 1st round let down (Same can be said for Kyle Boller and Joey Harrington both have struggled as well).

But I like the potential that exists in Ramsey......does that mean he'll pan out? I don't know, but I think if he and the WR's combined with improved schmes make the Skins O better, then I think we will be on the verge of something special.

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**** Campbell as the future of the team, he's an idiot, did you watch him in college? that guy is dumb as ****. P.S. Do you really think its smart to get off on Campbell because Gibbs wanted him, Gibbs is a hall of fame coach for sure, but he's not God, and he can't predict the future...ala Mark Brunell....so show some god damn team spirit and back Ramsey the way real Redskins players are doing you couch potato fantasizing wannabes

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