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What if Arrington has sub par '05...then what with his '06 cap hit?


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:logo: If Lavar Arrington has a bad 2005 season due to lack of production or injuries, what do we do with him and his monstrous cap hit next season? Are chances good that we are seeing LA in a Redskins uniform for the last time? On the flip side...what if LA has a 12-15 sack season and tears up the NFL in '05, what do we do with his same outrageous cap hit in '06? Feedback please.

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He will be cut if he is average this year or on the IR. He will have a restructured contract similiar to how Samuels was completed if he plays well and tears up the league. I think it is that black and white.

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Hard to say. We got to find out the out come of the 6.5 mil situation. If he stinks it up, and thats only because he is not following Williams scheme then Williams wont need him and you can say buh-bye. You know Snyder, he will find a team to trade him to. But if you have any talent you should flourish here.

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Originally posted by TLusby

He will be cut if he is average this year or on the IR. He will have a restructured contract similiar to how Samuels was completed if he plays well and tears up the league. I think it is that black and white.

I don't see him being cut. He's just comming off an injury, I think he's earned a year to come back before he plays at 100%.

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Originally posted by autographcollector

I have called this all along. LA and his 12 million dollar cap hit will have his final year here this year no matter how well he plays.....

:logo: I have to agree. 12 mil is just way too much of a hit to take. I don't see him restructuring either. LA is in his last year here. McCune............step on up.
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You people are rediculous. You think Snyder wasn't thinking about that cap hit when he decided to make Lavar a redskin for life? Lavar isn't having a sub-par year, so cut the crap. On talent alone he's been to pro bowls and been a playmaker. With a real defensive genius... good lord, have ya'll forgotten the ATL preseason game already?

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Originally posted by dg28daman

I don't see him being cut. He's just comming off an injury, I think he's earned a year to come back before he plays at 100%.

An entire SEASON?

Dg, not a slam against you, but i'm tired of the whole excuse making process for giving people a year. LaVar has practically had a year. and if I had a dollar for every time I've heard "(name new redskin) needs a YEAR in the system before he'll get it right" I could afford season tickets.

Did Roethlisberger need a year in the system? Did Corey Dillion? Plenty of guys make leaps to teams or coaches or miss time in less than a season and come back and perform at or above expectation levels. I'm tired of making excuses for why our guys aren't performing up to standards. I'll be the first to admit that I've said that "Ramsey needs more time" but i feel like a whiny b!tch when I say it. Winners don't make excuses and we've been making excuses around FedEx field/RFK for about 13 years now. Is it a coincidence that we've sucked for that long? I'm a bit too young to remember Skins teams from the 80's but I have a hard time believing that the Hogs, the Posse, Theisman, Williams, Rypien, Mann, Manley, DG and the rest were running around ****ing if something didn't go their way. They sucked it up and played hard no matter what. The players make excuses, as do the fans, it goes hand in hand. Hopefully with Gibbs having been here for a year the excuse making goes out the door.


Anyway, LaVar has had 3/4ths of a season to heal and watch tape, an entire offseason and he'll have 4 preseason games to get his head straight so when he takes the field opening day he'll be a force to be reckoned with. If I see anything less from him i'll be disappointed. He's had since OCTOBER of 2004 to get ready for a comeback. No excuses.

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Originally posted by Renegade7

You people are rediculous. You think Snyder wasn't thinking about that cap hit when he decided to make Lavar a redskin for life? Lavar isn't having a sub-par year, so cut the crap. On talent alone he's been to pro bowls and been a playmaker. With a real defensive genius... good lord, have ya'll forgotten the ATL preseason game already?

Thank you for a voice of reason.

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Originally posted by scottlo34

:logo: If Lavar Arrington has a bad 2005 season due to lack of production or injuries, what do we do with him and his monstrous cap hit next season? Are chances good that we are seeing LA in a Redskins uniform for the last time? On the flip side...what if LA has a 12-15 sack season and tears up the NFL in '05, what do we do with his same outrageous cap hit in '06? Feedback please.

If he has a great season then i think its a no brainer, we are happy to take the hit and work around it as usual. 12-15 sacks added to what our D already has is worth it. If he underperforms i think we should consider trading him while we can still get good value for him. We've seen that Williams can get it done without him

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Honestly if Arrington can have the 12-15 sack season then this D is ranked number one and we go to the superbowl. Don't laugh, what we were missing last year were the sacks. Everything else was there on the D side of the ball. With Arrington having such a year we would be the Ravens when they won their superbowl.

No way in such a situation would Greg Williams let go of him 12 million or 15 million. Marshall did a good job last year guys but Arrington can actually give you that "extra" to change the outcome of the game. Question is how healthy will he be this year and how well can he control himself in this D.

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Originally posted by TheGreek1973

Honestly if Arrington can have the 12-15 sack season then this D is ranked number one and we go to the superbowl. Don't laugh, what we were missing last year were the sacks.

We had a few issues on Offense, too... ;)

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Originally posted by budski

If Arrington and Barrow play, they'll be talking about the skins defense in the same sentence as the 85 bears, and ravens.

I agree. If Arrington and Barrow both come back, that would be one solid LB core, with guys like Holdman, Clemons and possibley McCune coming in in certain situations.

Lavar could learn a great deal from playing with Barrow. - This year is a huge opportunity for Lavar to make his career here.

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Lavar's cap hit won't be $12 million in 2006. If there is no new CBA by next spring then his cap hit will be between $8.1 and $9.5 mil in '06, depending on how the Redskins exercise their option on his $6.5 roster bonus.

If there is a new CBA by then his cap hit will be apx. $7.2 in '06.

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