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I'm officially sick of Arrington


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I’m mostly a lurker here, but I had to post after reading the most recent WT article about Arrington’s whining concerning the 6 million dollar disagreement (I can almost envision Arrington in a red sweat suit running in slow motion). Now his lawyer or agent or whatever this guy is, is using the fact that Arrington was a pallbearer for the Snyd’s father as some sort of sympathy chip to be played. That is quite enough as far as I’m concerned. The six million aside, what exactly have the Skins gotten for the money he’s already been paid? Nada, that’s what. Sure, his potential is staggering; his athleticism alone is enough to make fans drool. He could be the best to ever play his position. But he hasn’t delivered. The closest he’s come is an interception a few years ago that people suggest single-handedly ended a 5 game losing streak…please.

This isn’t a “what have you done for me lately” rant, but more a “what have you done at all” rant. But I guess all is not lost. Arrington has yet to play the classic “I’m just trying to take care of my family” card. The favorite maneuver of all the top disgruntled players.

Okay, I’m done.


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Add me to the sick of Lavar list. Just shut-up and play Lavar. Stop dragging this contract thing out, hiring/firing lawyers. Just get the hearing done and move forward. Maybe I'd feel better if he would pull a Laverneus Coles act so we can all see what his motives really are.

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I can't wait until Lavar starts laying the wood this season... and all of you who are 'done' with him, etc. have to go into the hall closet so you can quietly cheer and be thankful that Lavar is on the team. Or publicly eat crow.

Either way, it'll be entertaining. :munchout:

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Leonard Washington - I understand, your just trying to take care of your family.

Zoony - you can't wait for him to lay the wood this season? I've been waiting for several seasons. I'd love for him to be a beast on the field and not in the media.

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Sadly IMO, Arrington IS NOT a core Redskin.

All this crap is getting on my last nerve. He should be suing his agents, the media knows it, the fans know it, the Redskins FO knows it, even the Postons know it. Is LaVar so stupid that he doesnt know it?

I used to tell people all the time when they were new to my profession,

"We expect you to make mistakes, no one is perfect and no one expects you to be; but the key is learning from your mistakes, if you continue to make the same mistake over and over again, we will assume that either you dont care, arent capable of doing the job, or you're just stupid...either way at that point we will be parting ways."

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Originally posted by zoony

I can't wait until Lavar starts laying the wood this season... and all of you who are 'done' with him, etc. have to go into the hall closet so you can quietly cheer and be thankful that Lavar is on the team. Or publicly eat crow.

Either way, it'll be entertaining. :munchout:

Frankley, I'm not sure LT has the discipline to be in GW's system. Time will tell.

And his off field comments will be magnified when he screws up...it's a double edged sword.

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Originally posted by tr1

Frankley, I'm not sure LT has the discipline to be in GW's system. Time will tell.

And his off field comments will be magnified when he screws up...it's a double edged sword.

LT ?????? The RB or the retired LB :laugh:

Originally posted by zoony

I can't wait until Lavar starts laying the wood this season... and all of you who are 'done' with him, etc. have to go into the hall closet so you can quietly cheer and be thankful that Lavar is on the team. Or publicly eat crow.

Either way, it'll be entertaining. :munchout:

What he said :point2sky :40oz: :refill: :40oz: :cheers:

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Originally posted by Digger

I’m mostly a lurker here, but I had to post after reading the most recent WT article about Arrington’s whining concerning the 6 million dollar disagreement (I can almost envision Arrington in a red sweat suit running in slow motion). Now his lawyer or agent or whatever this guy is, is using the fact that Arrington was a pallbearer for the Snyd’s father as some sort of sympathy chip to be played. That is quite enough as far as I’m concerned. The six million aside, what exactly have the Skins gotten for the money he’s already been paid? Nada, that’s what. Sure, his potential is staggering; his athleticism alone is enough to make fans drool. He could be the best to ever play his position. But he hasn’t delivered. The closest he’s come is an interception a few years ago that people suggest single-handedly ended a 5 game losing streak…please.

This isn’t a “what have you done for me lately” rant, but more a “what have you done at all” rant. But I guess all is not lost. Arrington has yet to play the classic “I’m just trying to take care of my family” card. The favorite maneuver of all the top disgruntled players.

Okay, I’m done.


then go be a cowboys fan....

as much as i hate to say it, 6 mil isn't easy money. i'd fight for my rightful money as well. although the argument could be made that arrington is already rolling a millions, he's missing 6 million, he should go get it.

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Originally posted by Leonard Washington

i'd fight for 6 mil i thought i had coming to me. hey i'd fight for $6 i thought i had coming to me. :laugh:

Ain't that the truth! :laugh:

Who in their right minds just gives up on $6 million if it's possible they are right and owed the money? The money aside, he's still a redskin, and I'm happy he's still a redskin. Lavar is going to be like Sean Taylor this year; soon as he starts laying people out, this offseason will be a thing of the past.

Pass the popcorn, please. :munchout:

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I've been sick of LA's tired act for a long time now. He is giving the FO a hell of a black eye with this BS. For everyone rushing to his defense saying that he has a right to fight for his $$$, please keep in mind that the object of his attention should be the agent(s), not the Skins. He is dragging the team's name through the mud just to save face and not look like an idiot for hiring these bozos in the first place. Or at best, he is positioning himself to make a claim against the agents once it has been established that they are at fault. Either way, it's incredibly selfish to put the team through this just to get what he feels he is owed due to the gross negligence of the Post-holes.

If he was really interested in restoring his bond with the team, he would drop the grievance altogether LIKE HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO DO MONTHS AGO.

Once again, all talk, no action.

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"then go be a cowboys fan...." what's your point Ghost? I've been a 'Skins fan since before you were born. If it's okay with you little fella, I'll will continue to be one.

But you are ight in one sense, 6 million isn't easy money. But the difficulty in obtaining the money has no bearing on one's right to the money. The only person that seems to think Arrington has a right to the money is Arrington. Even the contract he signed states he doesn't have a right to the money. The argument was never that he is rolling in millions and therefore doesn't deserve more. It was that he hasn't delivered on his hype and I'm tired of it. and I grow more tired everytime he is in the press for things other than football.


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Originally posted by [[ghost]]

then go be a cowboys fan....

as much as i hate to say it, 6 mil isn't easy money. i'd fight for my rightful money as well. although the argument could be made that arrington is already rolling a millions, he's missing 6 million, he should go get it.

How can you say that when you have no idea what the contract said? His agents came out and said they did not read the contract. Do you think a franchise who is in the limelight and all the legal issues that surround a contract would blatantly not pay a player, a marqee one at that, 6 million dollars. He can be a redskin fan and be sick of arringtons antics. Not everyone is going to line up to drink the arrington kool aid.

Besides what blood sucking agent would let 6 million slide from ANY contract when they are looking out for their commission. Give me a break.

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Originally posted by budski

you think your sick of Arrington ask Aikman.

Other QBs will be sick too when he lines up across from them.

I like arrington but i dont get why everyone is so proud of the aikman play. The guy was old, he never could run and didnt we lose the game anyways? I would much rather arrington make plays that help us win. In my opinion people should talk about the carolina interception more then a hit on a old, immobile QB

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