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*POLL*The Best Comic Book Movie Made Yet


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Pretty simple, what is your favorite movie made, or the best made? Doesn't matter on the specifics, its just for fun. It comes down between Batman Begins, X-men 2, and Sin City for me. Tryin to decide between those 3. Also, I know I didnt get EVERY single comic book adaption (i believe they made wonderwoman, and the old f4 movie) but I put the ones up that were mostly known, popular, and modern. (since we are in the age of comic book films right now)

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Man. In terms of quality movie, I'd say Spider-Man 2 and Superman: The Movie. In terms of what movie I get most fired up for, it's definitely Blade and the beginning and ending fight scenes. Both Batman and Batman Begins are very high up there.

I cast my vote for Superman: The Movie on the basis of its being a pioneer.

Edit: Good poll, by the way.

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Gotta go old school on this one. Superman gets my vote.

Spider-man would have to be second, followed by X-Men II. Haven't seen Sin City yet, but I've heard good things and I was a fan of the book, so I could see that moving into the top three.

I know it's not listed, but Mystery Men deserves a mention, even though it was primarily a comedy.

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Originally posted by Henry

I know it's not listed, but Mystery Men deserves a mention, even though it was primarily a comedy.

Good call! I love that movie. I can't believe how few people have seen it though. It is one of my favorites. I have exposed several people to it over a meal of my homemade buffalo wings!

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It was a tough choice between Tim Burton's Batman and the 1st Spiderman.

I went with Spiderman, they just did such a great job with his origin. The acting and story was superb and it also had some of the best special effects to date. Really the "Superhero" movie that I think totally nailed being believable.

Batman Begins would be my 3rd choice.

I posted this without looking at responses and I am surprised Superman gets so much love. I mean I really loved the movie as a kid but feel it aged poorly.

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Spawn and Mystery Men, those were two quality flicks.

Hey, does The Crow count? Wasn't that a graphic novel back in the 80's or something?

Some other notable movies:

Men in Black - that might make my top 5.

Hellboy - good movie, but not elite

Darkman - also good movie

Judge Dredd - :laugh:

Not sure about Underworld...

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1. Batman Begins

2. Spiderman II

3. Superman II

4. Blade II

Those sequels always seemed to work out the kinks from the first, but Batman IMO really raised the bar on taking a ridiculous concept, a guy in a silly costume and making it applicable to the real world.

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Agree with Kevin here.

Batman Begins, while not as good in certain places as other comic book movies was SO MUCH MORE realistic and believable.

And the characterization was a lot better. I felt like I was watching an actual normal movie for the most part.

I'm not anti-comic book movie at all.

Hey, can I throw in a vote for American Splendor? ;) Not a superhero one at all but still good.

The best superhero movie(NOT based on a comic) is still, for me, Unbreakable. Not a popcorn flick at all, and I just tear up when David Dunn fights and kills the "Orange Man." The music is fantastic--better than any superhero music(INCLUDING Batman original and Superman)

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