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*POLL*The Best Comic Book Movie Made Yet


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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

:point2sky :notworthy

That's what I said earlier.

It is THE BEST comic book movie out there. I think it's great how they tied in comic books themselves(and the art and mythology of them) to a plot in which the protagonist discovers he's a super hero.

And again, the heroic themes in that movie are the best of ALL TIME. (where he fights the "Orange Man" is beautiful, BEAUTIFUL music that makes me cry because of that beauty and the triumph over evil and the self-realization of a man who had been lost.)

Ghost and all,

If you don't have it BUY the DVD of UNBREAKABLE....not only does it have the deleted scenes, but two incredible prints of Willis and Jackson done by Alex Ross.

BTW: My favorite part of the movie is right at the end when Willis finds out the truth about his "mentor"......it sends shivers down my spine. Plus the fight with the "orange man" is brilliant especially when David Dunn (Willis) overcomes his weakness and comes gets out of the pool and rises to his feet.

Sure 6th sense and Signs have gotten a big acclaim, but UNBREAKABLE is my favorite M. Night movie.

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Spiderman 2 by a nose hair over Batman Begins. Both movies did a really good job of exploring the psyche of the heores, and bringing their stories to the forefront of the movie. In the end I chose Spiderman 2 because of the FX. I mean, seriously, how awesome was Doctor Octopus?

Unbreakable was garbage. M. Night Shalyman is the most overrated movie person in Hollywood. His movies are consistently poor, and critics have only noticed it recently.

After Batman Begins, the rest of the top 5 are:

3. Spiderman

4. Batman

5. X-Men 2

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Originally posted by GrimReefa

Unbreakable was garbage. M. Night Shalyman is the most overrated movie person in Hollywood. His movies are consistently poor, and critics have only noticed it recently.


While I think the Village and Signs have incredible weak points(and I'm not actually a fan of 6th Sense) Unbreakable was a great film.

When you go on the internet or talk to people about film, I've gotten more than a few "yeah, that movie was awesome, I can't believe it went almost unnoticed. "

Oddly enough, those same people don't even like the other M Night movies(which is kind of like me. I can watch them but I don't like them that much.)

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Originally posted by goskins

Ghost and all,

If you don't have it BUY the DVD of UNBREAKABLE....not only does it have the deleted scenes, but two incredible prints of Willis and Jackson done by Alex Ross.

BTW: My favorite part of the movie is right at the end when Willis finds out the truth about his "mentor"......it sends shivers down my spine. Plus the fight with the "orange man" is brilliant especially when David Dunn (Willis) overcomes his weakness and comes gets out of the pool and rises to his feet.

Despite GR's last post, the movie was on point and is the BEST superhero movie precisely because other than the subject matter it feels so real but still feels like a supernatural story.

I actually think that the title screen that talks about comics at the beginning of the movie is a mistake. It should have been completely unexpected.

I had the DVD since about 2 weeks after I saw the movie(back in 2001.)

I think another theme you rarely see in other superhero films(or even stories) is the ideal of the father. There's something heartbreaking when you realize that your father isn't a superhero, but that desire is there. It's an emotional moment when the son realizes that his father IS a superhero. Imagine experiencing that, that childish fantasy being realized!

One of the most powerful moments in my cinema-viewing experience was when Elijah says, "Now that we know who you are, I know who I am." This broken man had finally found a purpose to his life(however perverse.)

BTW, I already knew the basic plot and the 'surprise' and I was still hit by that sledgehammer between the eyes. Amazing, eh?

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Wow its so nice to see the love for Unbreakable. Definitely one of the most underrated movies I have ever seen. I love that movie, it is just so so good. To be honest I actually think that Shyamalan is underrated, as mostly all I hear is bad stuff towards him on the internet. I think all of his films are very smart, well-done, and just quality films. But back to unbreakable, my favorite scenes are when Willis' character begins to extend his arms in the mall (?cantremember if it was a mall or what) and accepting his power, his fight with the man in orange, and the end when he discovers the twist. Truly excellent film, Id like to watch it again after reading all these posts about it:)

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Originally posted by BlueTalon

I like it when the movies are as true to the original as the can be, at least somewhat plausible, and have cool effects.


Batman begins

Spiderman II


I reserve the right to put the Fantastic Four in there once I see it.

Nope. Fantastic Four is a distant 5th at best. The movie would have been a lot better with a little less emotional garbage in the beginning *throughout, really). It didn't need it.

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