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Peter King: Truth and Rumors


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Ravens give it to him.

1. I think this is why making predictions is dangerous: While working on an SI story, I walked into the office of Baltimore coach Brian Billick the other day, and the first thing he said was: "I don't know why you're wasting time with us. We're not even going to the playoffs this year.'' A couple of minutes later, in came GM Ozzie Newsome. "You mean the Patriots let you come down to see another team?'' he says. Ouch. You may recall I picked the Steelers to win the AFC North, and the Ravens to miss out on a wild card behind Buffalo and Indy. I guess they fire up the Internet in Ravensville.

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Originally posted by zoony

I give credit to Petey for telling that story. He didn't have to... and its nice to see media types not take themselves too seriously.

True.... Funny story and credit to him for telling it. But how many great stories like this go untold? How many "experts" get their A$$ handed to them without us hearing about it. I expect that Gibbs and skins fans will be getting the last laugh in 05.:logo:

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King is just subtly bragging that he does, in fact, have access to actual NFL coaches and GM's. With all the garbage he writes, im sure i wasnt the only one wondering if he just sat around his basement all day and just wrote whatever came to mind between handfulls of Cheetos.

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