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Nunyo - Complexities surround Taylor

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Originally posted by TheLongshot

It is also why I wasn't bothered by him going back home, because I suspected the reason why.

Hopefully, Taylor will learn something from this incident...


I agree with you but to miss workouts and being with your team because you are homesick. If any one of us had a job and we had to leave we couldn't just you know what I would rather be home and not work:doh:

He needs to wake up. Now if it turns out he is skipping because of his contract then I can understand, but if he is skipping because he is homesick, then I have lost respect for him.

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Originally posted by SNEET

Yes I am white. Yes I have extensive experience and friendships in the black community. Some of the names of which you'd recognize.

And no I'm not going to sit here and prove myself to you. Just remember, you don't know me.

That being said you can paint me however you like. All you guys have done, however, is call me pathetic, without refuting my claim. Because you can't refute what I've said. Deep down, you know that scenario I describes with Ramsey is EXACTLY true.

But don't admit it, you might have to confront some things about yourself you'd rather ignore.


You forget about one thing in your little story. Ramsey would be hunting in the woods with other hunters where you do bring guns. So the chances of him pulling out a weapon on someone taking something would happen much more then someone doing the same in Florida. Last I checked there isn't much game down there that you need a gun for is it :doh:

The two stories you created don't relate because of the environment they are in. You do know black guys hunt too right, it isn't a racial thing.

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Originally posted by jbooma

I agree with you but to miss workouts and being with your team because you are homesick. If any one of us had a job and we had to leave we couldn't just you know what I would rather be home and not work:doh:

People keep using that analogy, but these are voluntary workouts we are talking about here. It is more like your boss asking you to work overtime, and you refusing. You are working your 40 hours, but the boss might not look as kindly at you for not doing the overtime.

He doesn't need to be there, but it would look better if he was, particularly since he was the only one not there..


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Originally posted by SNEET

That being said you can paint me however you like. All you guys have done, however, is call me pathetic, without refuting my claim. Because you can't refute what I've said. Deep down, you know that scenario I describes with Ramsey is EXACTLY true.

I haven't called you pathetic, and I have refuted your claim, but you won't address it.

For the record, I think Pete Rose should remain banned from baseball.

I thought Steve Howe should have been jailed a long time ago.

Romanowski is a jerk and a criminal (hitting that guy and steriod allegations).

Mark McGuire should not have his HR records stand.

Give me some more white guys who have actually commited crimes or gotten into trouble and I'll tell you where I stand. Don't give us lame hypotheticals. (Maybe this should be taken over to Tailgate though...)

Just remember, the world extends far beyond your turf. What you see is not necessarily what others see.



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Originally posted by HailSkinz1

Just remember, the world extends far beyond your turf. What you see is not necessarily what others see.



Actually, your quote sums it up best. Riggins sits out the year over contract negotiations, and greets Gibbs at 9am with a beer in hand?

Everyone laughs at that. "ooohhh... that Riggins. What a character! He's such a cowboy. He plays by his own rules."

But if Sean Taylor did the exact same thing, everyone would be on his A$$!!!!!! "What a lazy, self-indulgent thug. Stupid kid with no concept of responsibility or respect."


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Good article. I love Taylor as a football player (he made more big plays in one season than Lavar has in his career) and hope he grows up and fast. It's all up to him -- he could be one of the best players in the league... or he could keep acting like a punk from time and time and end up in jail or dead.

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Originally posted by SNEET

Sorry bud... you just drew that conclusion on your own. Telling, though.

Okay, imagine how differently people here (take you for example) would act if Patrick Ramsey was hunting deer in the woods with some friends. Some other hunter steals his truck. He later finds the truck and the men on the side of a lake. Patrick goes up to him, flashes his gun, and asks for it back.

All you NRA-loving gun-obsessed neocons would be lauding Ramsey for protecting what's his. "What he did was AMERICAN!" you all would say.

But when the same situation is in the hood with young black men driving cars WAY more expensive than what you are forced to commute in... he's a "thug".

Racist to the core.

Thats great, but Patrick was not found pointing a gun and threatening anyone, he was too busy with his football team.

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Originally posted by SNEET

Actually, your quote sums it up best. Riggins sits out the year over contract negotiations, and greets Gibbs at 9am with a beer in hand?

Everyone laughs at that. "ooohhh... that Riggins. What a character! He's such a cowboy. He plays by his own rules."

But if Sean Taylor did the exact same thing, everyone would be on his A$$!!!!!! "What a lazy, self-indulgent thug. Stupid kid with no concept of responsibility or respect."


Ok please stop, do you have a brain at all?? You are comparing something 20 years ago till now, you do know everything is different now :doh:

You are comparing apples to oranges, when you decide to compare like events then please continue, till then just go

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I have to agree with the other posters on this subject matter. Sneet, you are wrong. Being that I am writing this piece not 10 minutes from the HQ of the NRA and know a lot of members, I think they would take offense to your generalization, and I don't agree with a lot of things that they do, but your generalization is in error.

All the comments I have made have been directed at a 23 young man in the media spotlight that needs to start making better decisions. Nothing more and nothing less. Almost all of the comments I have read from other posters follow those general guidelines.

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Originally posted by SkinsGuy

Your logic doesn't hold up, SNEET.

Taylor doesn't get even HALF the abuse on this board that Brunell gets. :)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

has to be one of the best posts :notworthy

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Originally posted by SNEET

Yes I am white. Yes I have extensive experience and friendships in the black community. Some of the names of which you'd recognize.

Look up "overcompensating" in a dictionary some time.

Your use of Riggins doesn't hold water. This board didn't exist at that time, so you have no idea what people would say if that were the case. Even so, you can't live in the subjunctive and say "woulda', coulda', shoulda'."

It's 2005 and Riggins gets plenty of grief on this board from people for being a drunk and a very aloof person. Maybe you're the one who needs to question his own agenda or point-of-view.

And no I'm not going to sit here and prove myself to you. Just remember, you don't know me.

WTF is that supposed to mean? It makes no sense at all, other than trying to look cool by throwing in a colloquialism so old that no one's Grandmother even uses it anymore. I don't care about knowing you. I don't have to know you. When you call people racist, though... yeah, you do have to prove yourself. You either better back that up or take your bomb-throwing nonsense somewhere else.

Sean Taylor is a fool. He puts himself in positions that get him in trouble because he thinks he's being cool. That's just stupid, regardless whether he's black, white, green or purple.


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Originally posted by gillherb

wow, i've never gotten so deep into sean taylor's life than from this article...

maybe that's what nunyo was doing the past few weeks, down in miami interviewing like 30 people who know sean taylor

Thats what I'm thinking he probably spent all of his energy trying to make an article demonstrating a little integrity and respectability.

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Originally posted by SNEET

Actually, your quote sums it up best. Riggins sits out the year over contract negotiations, and greets Gibbs at 9am with a beer in hand?

Everyone laughs at that. "ooohhh... that Riggins. What a character! He's such a cowboy. He plays by his own rules."

But if Sean Taylor did the exact same thing, everyone would be on his A$$!!!!!! "What a lazy, self-indulgent thug. Stupid kid with no concept of responsibility or respect."


That tells me all I need to know about where you stand. To compare having a beer at 9:00 AM to waving a gun around, not to mention all the other problems he has created, is utterly absurd. When Riggins held out, I was pissed. But he never reached the level Taylor has.

And I personally don't appreciate you telling me how I think.

Curious, what did you, if you were around then, think of Riggins? Did you let it slide like you are for Taylor? Do you really see those two situations being the same? Had Riggins threatend Gibbs with a gun, I'd feel quite differently.

Come on....gimme some problem white guys so I can continue to refute your claims.


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Originally posted by SNEET

Actually, your quote sums it up best. Riggins sits out the year over contract negotiations, and greets Gibbs at 9am with a beer in hand?

Everyone laughs at that. "ooohhh... that Riggins. What a character! He's such a cowboy. He plays by his own rules."

But if Sean Taylor did the exact same thing, everyone would be on his A$$!!!!!! "What a lazy, self-indulgent thug. Stupid kid with no concept of responsibility or respect.":rolleyes:

It wouldn't bother me if a player not under contract (like Riggins was) was drinking a beer at 9AM.

It would bother me if a player under contract was the only one not practicing with the team and getting arrested (like Sean Taylor was.)

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Originally posted by gillherb

I will clarify that which has been clarified before:

that "Gibbs" quote about "What's in it for me" is a 19 year old kid named Xavier Gibbs, a friend of Taylor, who was asked to answer a few questions about Sean

Joe's love-child. He's using Xavier to keep tabs on Taylor. He ain't doing such a good job so far.


"It's a joke....I was only joking."

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Originally posted by National Defense

you guys are missing the best quote in the article:

"What's the profit for me?" Gibbs said.

its funny because this is exactly what Joe Gibbs said when Danny first contacted him about coming back.

How could you possibly believe that Joe Gibbs said that? Sheesh.
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Originally posted by SNEET

Yes I am white. Yes I have extensive experience and friendships in the black community. Some of the names of which you'd recognize.

And no I'm not going to sit here and prove myself to you. Just remember, you don't know me.

That being said you can paint me however you like. All you guys have done, however, is call me pathetic, without refuting my claim. Because you can't refute what I've said. Deep down, you know that scenario I describes with Ramsey is EXACTLY true.

But don't admit it, you might have to confront some things about yourself you'd rather ignore.

Sneet, I've never communicated with you before, or had any opinion of your posts, but it seems to me that it is you doing the painting. No one here knows you too well I'm sure, on the other hand you seem pretty quick to make assumptions about others.

One assumption you've made is about Art. About a week ago it was Art who steadfastedly defended the possibility that ST had no other choice but to get into the face of the people he was dealing with. Many of us (myself included) thought that ST should have called the police. Art made a strong case that sometimes a man just can't deal with things by running to the police. Art's identification with the situation in which ST might have found himself was personal and the fact that Art is white and ST is black had no bearing on his position. For you to insinuate that Art is racist is totally off the mark from what I can see. Art was defending ST's right to assert himself in certain situations and race was not an issue.

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The police chronology is still odd. Who in their right mind goes into a notoriously dangerous part of town, waves a gun around, leaves, comes back, batters someone and leaves again without the stolen property in question?

Further, how are they going to prove he pointed a gun at someone? Eye witnesses? Please. Unless he admits to it, at the very least the felony charges will be dropped. I can live with the misdemeanor battery. I apologize in advance to all the choir boys but, I don't really have a problem with him slugging someone who stole from him. I would rather he didn't, but I 'm not loosing sleep over a punch, as long as he's not hitting women.

Sean Taylor is a Redskin. He may be fairly high maintenance at the moment but he's a Redskin above all else. Like family.

This article in now the gospel as far as Sean Taylor bios go.


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