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Nunyo - Complexities surround Taylor

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Originally posted by SNEET

And all you HATERS will not be invited back on board. Mainly because most of you are drawing your conclusions based on racist tendencies.

Stop hating on whitey. That's an awfully brash assertion you're making, so you better be able to back it up.

If you actually spend time and read the posts, I think you'll find most of the people have been down on Taylor for his selection of cohorts and the fact that he puts himself in these stupid positions more than anything else. If you really want to pull the race card, though, you had better be able to back it up with facts. This isn't network TV where you can throw out a few bombs and incite a couple idiots. You'll be called out to explain yourself on this board.


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A little sad that the victims in the Taylor case are street thugs that now have lawyers prepared to get some of Taylor's bucks.

Hopefully, Taylor will learn something from this and start making some better decisions. It sounds like he has no business visiting that part of town and only trouble happens if he goes. He also needs to make a better choice of friends if those friends don’t look out for his well being.

From the article, it sounds like Sean is a little homesick, and is one of those people that needs time to adjust to new surroundings. Maybe his mom will move north and provide some needed home cooking during the season. Mcnugget of Philly has his mom go on the team bus and decide what the players can and cannot eat. Why not Sean’s mom.;)

I was wondering myself why the police are calling the second shooting unrelated to the Taylor incident. They are obviously related. A separate investigation needs to happen because of the timeframe of the incident, but it was obviously a retaliation for what Taylor and his friends did.

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This is the problem with trying to be cool. I sacrificed so much in order to be cool for so much of my life, and it really didn't get me anywhere. It's amazing how much emphasis young males put on living up to their idea of what cool is, and for what?

Cool is overrated.

Sounds like Sean had one foot in the world of his friends, trying to live up the media/cultural idea of a young badass, and one foot in the more grounded area that his family taught him, and he's afraid to go too far in either direction. Or maybe he just doesn't know what's good for him, and he craves the attention that he gets from his homies, who ultimately do NOT have his best interests at heart.

Let's hope he chooses the path that his family taught him. Soon.

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Originally posted by SNEET

And all you HATERS will not be invited back on board. Mainly because most of you are drawing your conclusions based on racist tendencies.

:doh: And what makes you think all the "Haters" are white or non-African American? I am white and I don't approve of Taylor's behavior, but if I was not white I would be really offended by your remark. You're saying all African American people don't care about his behavior and I just don't believe that's the case. As it is, your comment is unfortunately only a way to deflect the real problem that Sean Taylor has. I think Taylor's actions are speaking for themselves.

By the way, why doesn't Taylor buy a house for his mom and family and get them out of that swill-town they live in? Maybe he can purchase a nice place for his family, say, in Ashburn!



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Originally posted by Mr. S

heh, this article paints Antrell Rolle in a good light, though we had Rogers at the top of the board, I thought a knock on Rolle was his attitude. Maybe Nunyo is pissed about something there?

You're reaching there, man.

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Originally posted by SNEET

And all you HATERS will not be invited back on board. Mainly because most of you are drawing your conclusions based on racist tendencies.

Cooley said they are good friends who talk all the time. I can't see some guy like Chris Cooley being good friends with a mean criminal. That guy's as innocent as my 5-year old nephew!!!

Why do you assume that Cooley is "as innocent as your 5-year old nephew", are you drawing your conclusions based on racist tendencies...............


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Originally posted by Mr. S

heh, this article paints Antrell Rolle in a good light, though we had Rogers at the top of the board, I thought a knock on Rolle was his attitude. Maybe Nunyo is pissed about something there?

Either way, this was a decent article overall.

There was no off the field knock on Rolle. He is a high character kid that was pretty much the victim of some over zealous cops.

That isn't uncommon down in Miami. There was a reason no charges were filed and the arrest was expunged from his record. The whole arrest was bogus.

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So we have someone that is not ready for life and is afraid to leave his home, yet he is making millions and could buy his family a home here. So how would you as his teamates feel the reason he doesn't want to go to minicamp or workout with the team because he wants to hang with his boys.

GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are 23 years old for gods sake.

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For the first time I have an idea of the who, what and where of Sean Taylor and June 1st.

Good Job Nunyo


see small print at the bottom of the link

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There is nothing "compex" about ST! I'm starting to think that 'skins fans are desperately looking for an excuse to forgive this kid. Doesn't anyone find the logic "He's a kid that just got a lot of money so it's no suprise that he acts foolishly" kind of silly? It that were the case every rookie would be hiring a defense lawyer before they hire an agent. But since they aren't, then perhaps criminal behavior is not the standard for most young men with newly found wealth. And that's another thing, it's criminal behavior, not foolish outhful indescretions. The article is foolish as well, using Rolle to make comments about how ST is a quality person?!?!? This is the same guy that was arrested while at the "U". Of course the charges were dropped, but c'mon...

Okay, I'm done with this rant... let the backlash begin.


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This was a really good article. It gave me some added insight about how Sean is perceived in his old neighborhood and the surrounding area. The groceries thing is something you are conditioned to do. No matter how old you get, if your parents conditioned you to assist elders carry in groceries, it speaks to some level of discipline. Good for Sean. As Rolle said, "He needs to make better decisions."

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This is just speculation on my part but if the victims are indeed "street thugs" then that bodes well for Taylor once this prepares to and actually goes to trial. The credability and reliabilty of the "victims" will be tested. Often these type of victims either fail to follow through and fully cooperate with authorities or their credibility is easily damaged. I'm not defending Taylor getting himself in to this situation, but just a few thoughts after reading the article.

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Originally posted by Art

I'm not sure it's fair to suggest black men and guns are tendencies of a race that would cause people to comment. That's what you meant? :).

Sorry bud... you just drew that conclusion on your own. Telling, though.

Okay, imagine how differently people here (take you for example) would act if Patrick Ramsey was hunting deer in the woods with some friends. Some other hunter steals his truck. He later finds the truck and the men on the side of a lake. Patrick goes up to him, flashes his gun, and asks for it back.

All you NRA-loving gun-obsessed neocons would be lauding Ramsey for protecting what's his. "What he did was AMERICAN!" you all would say.

But when the same situation is in the hood with young black men driving cars WAY more expensive than what you are forced to commute in... he's a "thug".

Racist to the core.

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Originally posted by Chris 44

This is just speculation on my part but if the victims are indeed "street thugs" then that bodes well for Taylor once this prepares to and actually goes to trial. The credability and reliabilty of the "victims" will be tested. Often these type of victims either fail to follow through and fully cooperate with authorities or their credibility is easily damaged. I'm not defending Taylor getting himself in to this situation, but just a few thoughts after reading the article.

The problem I have with this speculation is that if the victims are indeed "street thugs", then Sean has to be careful not to encounter them in the future, because "street thugs"possess the potential to utitilize the practices of retaliation, which would not bode well for ST.

Taylor has to do a better job of selecting the crowd he runs with. The company you keep can either uplift you , or serve as a means of your downfall.

Here's hoping Taylor can overcome this.

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Originally posted by SNEET

Racist to the core.

The irony here is wonderful. You have made way more assumptions at a much deeper level than anyone and don't even see your own hand in front of your face.

Pot, meet kettle.


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Originally posted by SNEET

Sorry bud... you just drew that conclusion on your own. Telling, though.

Okay, imagine how differently people here (take you for example) would act if Patrick Ramsey was hunting deer in the woods with some friends. Some other hunter steals his truck. He later finds the truck and the men on the side of a lake. Patrick goes up to him, flashes his gun, and asks for it back.

All you NRA-loving gun-obsessed neocons would be lauding Ramsey for protecting what's his. "What he did was AMERICAN!" you all would say.

But when the same situation is in the hood with young black men driving cars WAY more expensive than what you are forced to commute in... he's a "thug".

Racist to the core.

Uh, wrong again. We'd be blasting him, but his past does not indicate he's prone to poor decisions. Taylor's does. Race is not a factor. What was it MLK once said "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. " Taylor is being judged based on the content of his character as exhibited by his actions over the past year or so.

I really think you need to do a little soul searching though.

What if Taylor had been shot and injured or worse, would you then determine he should have acted with more maturity? Or would he have been held up on a pedestal for being a "man"?



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Originally posted by SNEET

All you NRA-loving gun-obsessed neocons would be lauding Ramsey for protecting what's his. "What he did was AMERICAN!" you all would say.

But when the same situation is in the hood with young black men driving cars WAY more expensive than what you are forced to commute in... he's a "thug".

Racist to the core.

Nice mass gereralization, congratulations, you have a firm base to espouse your own racism, or should I say spew.

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Originally posted by SNEET

Sorry bud... you just drew that conclusion on your own. Telling, though.

Okay, imagine how differently people here (take you for example) would act if Patrick Ramsey was hunting deer in the woods with some friends. Some other hunter steals his truck. He later finds the truck and the men on the side of a lake. Patrick goes up to him, flashes his gun, and asks for it back.

All you NRA-loving gun-obsessed neocons would be lauding Ramsey for protecting what's his. "What he did was AMERICAN!" you all would say.

But when the same situation is in the hood with young black men driving cars WAY more expensive than what you are forced to commute in... he's a "thug".

Racist to the core.

are you really this pathetic :doh:

you wouldn't even know what a thug was if one was right on your back, stop pretending

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From the article, it sounds like Sean is a little homesick, and is one of those people that needs time to adjust to new surroundings.

Actually, I figured that out last year. Once I heard that he had never lived outside of the state of Florida, I knew that a lot of this stuff was a difficult adjustment to living away from home for the first time in his life. It is also why I wasn't bothered by him going back home, because I suspected the reason why.

Hopefully, Taylor will learn something from this incident...


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Originally posted by jbooma

are you really this pathetic :doh:

you wouldn't even know what a thug was if one was right on your back, stop pretending

Yes I am white. Yes I have extensive experience and friendships in the black community. Some of the names of which you'd recognize.

And no I'm not going to sit here and prove myself to you. Just remember, you don't know me.

That being said you can paint me however you like. All you guys have done, however, is call me pathetic, without refuting my claim. Because you can't refute what I've said. Deep down, you know that scenario I describes with Ramsey is EXACTLY true.

But don't admit it, you might have to confront some things about yourself you'd rather ignore.

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