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I hear mixed things about it, so I was wondering what people know. Its a controversial topic and now I heard someone talking about how Tom Cruise is brainwashing Katie Holmes with it and how its a travesty, etc. All I know is that weird people would try to recruit us when we were walking back from lunch in high school.

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A "religion" founded by a science fiction writer who was a self-proclaimed war hero and victim of a grand government conspiracy.

I've read a good bit of the literature. Dianetics, Scientology, etc. It's not bad science fiction, but his best work was Battlefield Earth.

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It's John Travolta religion, that's were the Hollywood crowd came from. Staying Alive and God got to love it. Honestly it's a religion that tries to incorporate the laws of Science with god. You know how Christianity has the creation myth of Adam and Eve, well scientology injects science into the scenerio, and debunks the whole story. That is an example. It's another way to try and answer some of the mysteries of the bible. When you think about it, all the religions are the same, we just want that paryicular sect that we are affiliated with to right. Religion is just a way to illusustrate the battle of man with regards to good and evil. You can either do and evil deed, or a good one, and at the end that is what you will be judged on. I beleive that there is an after life, scientology does not I beleive. All of this has to make sense, and the victory should go to those that despite the odds stayed true to their convictions and morality even in a world that tries so hard to change them. All right I've left the pulpit.

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Hubbard was one sick b@st@rd. If you go to the "Info Pack" on Des's link, and then to "Hubbard in his own words", you'll see how evil this guy is (errr, was). One can say that these quotes were taken out of context, but highly unlikely since they are all documented (e.g. written, not spoken)

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Come on, guys. How can you believe all those lies they tell us about the great L. Ron Hubbard? Why not go down to the local Scientology mission and do some self-discovery. You'd be surprised how much it can change your life.

Ouch! Stop zapping me, I'm telling them what you told me to say! OOps, I wasn't suppo....


Seriously though, one thing that did raise my eyebrow about that time magazine article is that the CCHR, a Scientology front claimed Prozac led people to commit murder or suicide. Time says "despite scant evidence." Turns out that Prozac does react in odd ways with some people and they have killed themselves when they were not suicidal previously.

Not saying I buy into everything they say, but there is a place for skepticism regarding some psychiatric practices in this country. For instance, ritalin used so female or feminized teachers/administrators don't have to deal with 'unruly' boys(making up the vast majority of prescriptions.)

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Originally posted by NoCalMike

Scientology sounds just as weird to me as any other religion, No thanks.

If you read the Time article, you'll see that its far worse than that. At least most people, even when doing wrong, really BELIEVE in what they're saying and doing.

But to be a massive money-making enterprise, to harrass and attempt to destroy people for ANY criticism.

Hell, even Salman Rushdie only had a fatwa against him, he didnt have to fight off lawsuit after lawsuit! :laugh: :doh:

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Seriously though, one thing that did raise my eyebrow about that time magazine article is that the CCHR, a Scientology front claimed Prozac led people to commit murder or suicide. Time says "despite scant evidence." Turns out that Prozac does react in odd ways with some people and they have killed themselves when they were not suicidal previously.

This is true. A close family friend killed himself shortly after going on Prozac. He wrote an insane suicide note about snakes crawling on him or something.

That said, scientology is pure nuttery.

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Re Prozac, any psych medication can lead to wierd behavior. Usually that extreme self destructive behavior like suicide happens well under 1% of the time. And of course there are the underlying psych problems in play that led to the prescription to begin with.

Re: Scientology, even ignoring how wierd and troubling many of the beliefs are, what disturbs me greatly is the control of the organization over the individuals in it and their surrender of autonomy. I don't think that's healthy no matter what religion or organization you're discussing.

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Heres my favorite quote from that article:

One legal goal of Scientology is to bankrupt the opposition or bury it under paper. The church has 71 active lawsuits against the IRS alone. One of them, Miscavige vs. IRS, has required the U.S. to pro- duce an index of 52,000 pages of documents. Boston attorney Michael Flynn, who helped Scientology victims from 1979 to 1987, personally endured 14 frivolous lawsuits, all of them dismissed. Another lawyer, Joseph Yanny, believes the church "has so subverted justice and the judicial system that it should be barred from seeking equity in any court."

I feel bad for the Government -- They seem to be getting picked on by them.

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