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Sean Taylors Playing Status


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I say he will be in camp and present for week one. I'm not underestimating the court system's leniency toward these guys. You and I would still be sitting in a holding pen and our futures would be far more in doubt. This is an NFL player we're talking about though. It'll all be worked out and he won't have to pay very dearly at all for threatening someone's life with a gun. Sad, but true.

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Originally posted by dwills1

Enough of the B.S.

Do you guys think Sean Taylor will be on the feild opening day? Or even this year at all? Am I the only one worried about JUST THIS FACT? WILL HE PLAY?

Opening Day: No

At all: Only if he's not in jail, but I'd still expect him to miss at least 1/4 of the season.


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I hate to say this and I have already posted he should be cut/traded but the bottom line is he has not done anything wrong as of today. He hasn't missed any mantatory practices and he has not been convicted of anything yet. It may be that he goes to the hearing and the guys he waived a gun at not only stole his ATVs but also threaten him and his buddy in some way. so it that is how it is then Gibbs would be putting him on ice because he didn't call him back.

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Originally posted by TheGreek1973

It may be that he goes to the hearing and the guys he waived a gun at not only stole his ATVs but also threaten him and his buddy in some way.

That is if he is licensed to carry a concealed weapon. If not he is still in trouble. I wonder if he still has the alledged weapon or whether it somehow has disappeared.

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The only way he isn't on the field is if the Redskins suspend him. Which I think they probably will. I'm expecting him to miss the first two games with a team suspension, then return in a reserve role in game three. I fully expect him to be starting at FS after the bye week.

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He should be suspended at a minimum of 4 games if not the entire year. As much as I like his abilities and what he adds to the team this is a matter that needs to be addressed with a stiff penalty. If you don't send a message with this then there is no hope for law and order in DC

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I can see a hefty fine from the league and Sean coming into camp competing for his starting position again. Considering how the Lewis's in B-More were treated I don't see why Seaon would be facing a suspension from the team or the league unless this occured during the course of the season....

I also find it interesting that the Ravens & their fans stood by their players even though they made mistakes while they were young while Skins fans at least are ready to throw Sean to the curb....I think we should apply more pressure to Seaon now to come up here, workout with the team and become a more settled individual but wouldn't it be more beneificial to all parties involved if we were able to develop him as a person and a player for this team going forward??? I mean a person as spirtitual as Gibbs would be wrong in my opinion give up on someone of Sean's age so quickly....(If you are going to refute this thats fine but please don't mention the agents or number changes as reasons to give up on ST....get over it if you're stuck with a #36!!!!)

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I love Gibbs, but he looks like a bumbling idoit this off-season. I don't know how many times I've heard his quote about Taylor being the most researched pick in the history of the NFL in the past two days.

Gibbs needs to kick Sean Taylor off the team. Taylor's a fool and a thug and is not worth the hassle. Cut him and be done.

Sports radio down here in Falcons town (790 The Zone) is having a field day this off-season, saying the Redskins are the worst-run team in the league, hands down. I hope they're wrong, but there's a lot of evidence to back them up.

It's tough enough to be a die-hard Skins fan here in Mike Vick territory. I hope the Redskins shape up soon.

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