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Official "All Things Sean Taylor" Thread - (MERGED 34X)

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Does anyone think this Sean Taylor legal battle actually HELPS our team?

Perhaps it pulls us closer together? When Taylor comes back, do you think his teammates will band together and support him?

I could understand if they didn't, since he didn't show up to Camp, but still, it could be a "We the Redskins support Taylor as long as he wears the Burgundy and Gold" type thing.

Anyone else have this slight feeling?

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''He is a person of interest that we need to talk to,'' said Miami-Dade police spokeswoman Nelda Fonticiella. Finding Taylor, she said, has been a ``little more difficult than they planned.''

Many people have had a hard time finding Taylor since the NFL season concluded in January. He was a no-show for a Redskins spring mini-camp in April at which coach Joe Gibbs said Taylor had not returned any of his calls.

I was thinking what if when the off season started Taylor knew that he would be getting involved in some shootizzles, smoking bluntizzles, and other crimizzles. Maybe he was protecting Gibbs by not maintaining contact with him, so Gibbs wouldnt have to be interviewed by the polizzle.

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I think generally the players support each other, but it might improve Taylor's game because he seems like he is always playing with a chip on his shoulder. He is out there to take someone's head off every single play, and he does it most of the time. I think most of our defensive players play with that intensity level. I think they were the first to buy into Joe Gibbs returning to coach and that's why they are such a fierce and cohesive unit. Plus Gregg Williams is a defensive genius.

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Originally posted by laurent

If it was known that Taylor had been firing shots don't you think they would have issued an arrest warrant?

I dont think its public information who has arrest warrants out on them, and I dont think the police have to tell the media who they have issued arrest warrants on. Sometimes the police dont want the suspects to think they are wanted for arrest, if they think they are wanted just for questioning they tend not disappear so completely and if they dont know there is an arrest warrant out on them they will just conduct business as usuall.

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Originally posted by Mickalino

Taylor's father, Florida City Police Chief Pedro W. Taylor, wouldn't comment on his son's whereabouts Friday, referring media to his son's mother. Taylor's mom, Donna Junor, 43, said she hadn't seen her son since Tuesday evening when she found him at home asleep.

Anyone else think it's funny how Taylor's Dad basically said, "Go talk to the kid's mother. I'm not dealin with Sean." :)

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mick he cant officially comment, he as access to information that may or may not be there. So when asked a question like that he has to deny to comment, cause if he answered he would be revealing information as to what the police know about his whereabouts.

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I just got to get this off my chest...guilty or not, cut the jerk! He's a headache we don't need I don't care how good he is or might be. Gibbs needs character guys, not thugs or wannabe thugs! In my opinion, he's guilty of enough things to warrant getting rid of.


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Originally posted by dreamingwolf

mick he cant officially comment, he as access to information that may or may not be there. So when asked a question like that he has to deny to comment, cause if he answered he would be revealing information as to what the police know about his whereabouts.

Probably so, but it just reminded me of when I was a kid, and I'd ask Dad for permission to do something, and he'd squirm out of it, by saying, "Go ask your mother."

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Originally posted by dmurda

Ya'll need to stop hating on taylor. First of all he is the man. He is gonna play and be the best safety in the NFL. Second, everytime you start to hate just look at your boy kellen winslow and be greatful for taylor, trouble or not.

Say what? My boy KWII, at the time, Ghost and I were preaching long and hard for a trade down and drafting of K. Udeze. Once word came that the Patriots were offering a package deal of #1's (one of which they'd trade up to get, to make the deal more attractive), I wanted to move down and draft the best DE and DT, or player available, my targets ended up being Udeze, and Wilfork.

Doesn't seem like such a bad idea now does it? Wilfork started half the year for the patriots and was a stud. Udeze got his share of sacks, one of which forced a fumble and won a game for the Vikes, and neither have been in the news and both combined cost far less than S. Taylor alone. Meanwhile we couldve drafted who the Jets did at Safety and gotten the "ALL-Rookie" safety for about 1/100th the cost of Taylor.

That's what i was in favor of. Additionally we have no idea what's going to happen to Taylor, he could go to jail, he could get suspended, who the hell knows. All I know is that I had inumerable arguments for not drafting him, and he's added about 10 more to the file from his own asinine behavior since day one, whether it's not hiring an agent to get a deal done till practically the Hall of Fame Game, to complaining about the deal the second KWII signed a deal, to missing the Rookie Symposium, getting in trouble with the cops more than once, not starting for what a month, to disappearing and ignoring the offseason workout and mini-camp regimen. The list goes on and on. He was a mistake before we drafted him, when we drafted and even now. He has a huge mountain to climb to overcome that, and since he isn't smart enough to climb that mountain, the only way he'll make it is being tough enough, but prison may be the ultimate proving ground for that. Hopefully this is all one giant mistake. I pray it is. Even if it is, he's still a colossal moron, but at least he's innocent. I pray he is.

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Originally posted by Redsknsfan

Fark Sean Taylor..............:D

Here's some I've done so far.

Filling in for Fat Toney on an episode of The Simpsons.


Doing a guest appearance for the newest Grand Theft Auto 8 game.


Oh....the Thug Life.


His once scene in ScarFace.


And his newest movie, just released!


OMGROTFL!!! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :notworthy :notworthy

I may have to steal one of these for my sig if it's ok with you.

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Originally posted by dreamingwolf

I dont think its public information who has arrest warrants out on them, and I dont think the police have to tell the media who they have issued arrest warrants on. Sometimes the police dont want the suspects to think they are wanted for arrest, if they think they are wanted just for questioning they tend not disappear so completely and if they dont know there is an arrest warrant out on them they will just conduct business as usuall.

Arrest and search warrants are very much public information.

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Ladies and gents considering all the evidence at hand and accouting for due process, the 5th amendment, the right to keep and bare arms, the presumption of innocence and the rest of that rigormaro I've come to the following conclusion:

Some of you Taylor haters need to get a friggin life. Dude was only protecting his turf.

Someone steals your ATV you handle it like a man. Forget the cops. Load up your four five with hollow points, head to the suckers home and blast away indiscrimnately to let him know who the boss is.

Who in their right mind could even suggest that he handled things improperly? It's a matter of respect. And the third law of the jungle states: "Respect is best earned at gun point."

Totally justified.

End of story.

Stop hating.

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Originally posted by HailSkinz1

I just got to get this off my chest...guilty or not, cut the jerk! He's a headache we don't need I don't care how good he is or might be. Gibbs needs character guys, not thugs or wannabe thugs! In my opinion, he's guilty of enough things to warrant getting rid of.


I'd agree, and I hated the Sean Taylor draft pick, but then again, this reminds me of the thinking that got us the Boulez theory after Webber became too much of a headache, "ingenious! let's trade big and young (Webber) for old and small (Richmond), and insure that Sacramento is a contender, and we suck for another half decade! Whoopeeeeeee!!!! Didn't work so well for us that time, did it?

Acting out of anger is never smart, like the saying goes, "revenge is a dish best served cold," take your time, find a sucker, wait until all this attempted murder, not showing up for workouts, complaining about your contract a day after you signed it, not starting for months because you're an idiot, skipping the rookie symposium, and losing the "All Rookie Team" slot to a safety drafted deep into day 2 of the '04 draft blows over and then, ahh sh!t, we're the only team stupid enough to be that much of a sucker huh? To paraphrase the old gambling line, "if you can't find the sucker on the table, the sucker is you,", that sucker is US. Hopefully we can find another one, given enough time.

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Originally posted by laurent

Arrest and search warrants are very much public information.

Very true, if they truly believed that Sean was the shooter in this incident then they would release a BOLO for him. They would also classify him as an armed suspect. This is standard procedure no matter what the profile of the person is. This is mostly for the safety of the general public. My personal oppinion is that Sean was there when the shooting happened. I highly doubt he was the trigger man. He is probably in a quandry as to whether he should keep his mouth shut and risk being indicted as an accomplise or squeel on one of his boys. Let me make it easy for you Sean, should this be the case. Get your mua f****** Bama a@@ to the police station and tell them what you know. Then if they give you permission, take your sorry existence to the airpot and get on the next flight to Dulles. Get off the plane and go directly to Joe Gibb's house and apologize until he forgives you. Which shouldn't be long knowing the character of Coach Gibbs. Then begin your jouney to become the most dominant defensive player of all time. You have that capability fool.

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Originally posted by skinstzar

Very true, if they truly believed that Sean was the shooter in this incident then they would release a BOLO for him. They would also classify him as an armed suspect. This is standard procedure no matter what the profile of the person is. This is mostly for the safety of the general public. My personal oppinion is that Sean was there when the shooting happened. I highly doubt he was the trigger man. He is probably in a quandry as to whether he should keep his mouth shut and risk being indicted as an accomplise or squeel on one of his boys. Let me make it easy for you Sean, should this be the case. Get your mua f****** Bama a@@ to the police station and tell them what you know. Then if they give you permission, take your sorry existence to the airpot and get on the next flight to Dulles. Get off the plane and go directly to Joe Gibb's house and apologize until he forgives you. Which shouldn't be long knowing the character of Coach Gibbs. Then begin your jouney to become the most dominant defensive player of all time. You have that capability fool.

His "real" friends would tell them this.

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Lets be a little objective in all of this. We know that his car was stolen; there was a shootout at the place of the person suspected of stealing the car; and the cops aren't sure what happened.

Who do you question in a situation like this? Well, it seems obvious that you would want to question the car owner and find out whatever you can. Does that mean that the car owner did the shooting, or that the car theft and shootings were even related? Not in my book. But those are the only facts that we can gather from these patched together articles and until some more facts come out, i'm not claiming the kid to have been weilding a gun around dade county. On the other hand, i am interested in getting more facts.

note: if there are more facts that i'm not aware of i may change my mind, but from the above that's where i stand and where i think people should be standing on this.

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