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Do you think taylor will get what he wants?


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Do you think Taylor will get what he wants? I think its money he wants. what else can it be? I think he will get it if it is. Right now i think the owners are trying to see where his head is at. See if he cracks and 4gets about the money. But if it come down to the boiling point they going to give his ass the money hahahaha. :wewantd: :cheers: :notworthy :laugh:

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We are stocked up at the safety position. The return of Bowen and Lott and the recent signing of Hall make it perfectly clear which way Gibbs and company are going. They are ready to make it work without Taylor and as far as I'm concerned that is the correct way to go in this situation. Let him sit out all he wants. I wouldn't waste my time ever calling him again if I was Joe Gibbs. To not ever return a call from a Hall of Fame coach is a downright slap in the face if you ask me. Taylor is not the type of person that the Redskin need on this team right now. Have fun on the beach Sean. It's your loss not ours!

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Originally posted by jonjeff

We are stocked up at the safety position. The return of Bowen and Lott and the recent signing of Hall make it perfectly clear which way Gibbs and company are going. They are ready to make it work without Taylor and as far as I'm concerned that is the correct way to go in this situation. Let him sit out all he wants. I wouldn't waste my time ever calling him again if I was Joe Gibbs. To not ever return a call from a Hall of Fame coach is a downright slap in the face if you ask me. Taylor is not the type of person that the Redskin need on this team right now. Have fun on the beach Sean. It's your loss not ours!

Hall isn't on the team anymore.

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Originally posted by jonjeff

We are stocked up at the safety position. The return of Bowen and Lott and the recent signing of Hall make it perfectly clear which way Gibbs and company are going. They are ready to make it work without Taylor and as far as I'm concerned that is the correct way to go in this situation. Let him sit out all he wants. I wouldn't waste my time ever calling him again if I was Joe Gibbs. To not ever return a call from a Hall of Fame coach is a downright slap in the face if you ask me. Taylor is not the type of person that the Redskin need on this team right now. Have fun on the beach Sean. It's your loss not ours!

:logo: I see a scenario starting to pan out. We are stocked at safety and if not one then I'm sure a couple of them are going to have stand out training camps. Sean Taylor obviously won't be forgotten about because that is just stupid. You can't just forget about him. However, I see us not being the least bit worried about Taylor's absence if this drags on into and through training camp. Sorry Sean...you are not bigger than than the Washington Redskins, and you certainly aren't calling the shots. This little ploy of yours probably would have worked had Norv or Spurrier still been here. Unfortuneately for your chump ass, Papa Gibbs is calling the shots and you ain't got a snowballs chance in hell to get a new contract. Grow up....or hit the road sean. It's really becoming that simple. Not because I said it but all I have to do is see the maneuverings Coach Gibbs is doing in the defensive backfield along with Gregg Williams and all I know is that they are getting prepared for life without Sean Taylor. I love having Gibbs here to put these "U" punks in their sorry place. Thanks coach.

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No new contract for Sean this year. He might be endangering a new contract next off-season if he keeps this up. After the Coles incident all players on the team should have realized that the team won't be giving new contracts in the same off-season that they took a 10 mil. cap hit. That just isn't smart. What he should do is: show up, knock the socks off the coaches with his work ethic and on field performance and wait for Mr. Snyder to ring his phone with the first round figures for he and his agent to mull over. Sean also has to realize that the T.O situation is making teams all over the league look at his agent with a leary eye. TO isn't going to get paid so Rosenhaus is probably looking to make some other team pay the price so he doesn't look like a complete idiot with all of his clients this summer. I don't think the Redskins want to be the team that gets the "pie in the face" due to Rosenhaus' mistake with the Eagles management and T.O.

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Originally posted by cphil006

Money or contract is not the issue. He just wants to get away and spend some time at his home in Miami, seeing friends and family. He will show up in great shape at mini-camp.

How much gosh damn time does he need to get away?!?! Christ when I get a one week vacation I'm doing backflips with excitement!!! The man has not had to worry about football for 5 months now. He had 3 months to not worry even if he had attended camps. It's time for the brat to grow up and hit the real world like the rest of us and keep in touch with your employers and honor your commitments.

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The fact that the team sent its cap guy to meet with Rosenhaus suggests that they were, at the very least, thinking it might be contract-related. Whether that's what it turns out to be or not---or even if that's just part of it---we simply haven't heard.

We'll know a WHOLE lot more come June 17, when he's required by his contract to report to mandatory mini-camp. Until then, his silence, while bizarre and certainly cause for some concern, may be nothing more than a kid acting like a kid and to heck with what anyone else thinks about it. Frustrating, to be sure, and damaging to him on certain levels, but not necessarily something that could derail his career here.

If he doesn't show on the 17th, though, and this thing drags on into summer ... it goes to a whole new level.

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I think that the FO will back-burner all talks on money because of this years antics. Its the only way we get a win-win.

I think his contract was a bargain for us compared to K2's but giving him money before he earns it on the field this year would be a major problem for the FO in future negotiations and holdouts.

I think you sit him down and tell him he is going to have to earn it this year and set some parameters to his play and his behavior. In those parameters there should be issues specifically spelled out like No Arrests, no holdouts, no off-field incidents, and a Limit for Personal Foul penalties would be smart too.

As long as he meets or exceeds the criteria we will renegotiate his rookie contract at years end effective locking him up long term which would be a good thing.

I also think you convert all of his future bonus money to workout bonus effectively forcing him to workout in VA.


(OH and welcome to the site CrazyJoe92 !!!! :welcome: )

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Originally posted by Om

The fact that the team sent it's cap guy to meet with Rosenhaus suggests that they were, at the very least, thinking it might be contract-related. Whether that's what it is or not---or even if that's just part of it---we simply haven't heard yet.

We'll know a WHOLE lot more come June 17, when he's required by his contract to report to mandatory mini-camp. Until then, his silence, while bizarre and certainly cause for some concern, may be nothing more than a kid acting like a kid and to heck with what anyone else thinks about it.

If he doesn't show on the 17th, though, it goes to a whole new level.

That's an interesting point, Om. I forgot all about the fact that the 'skins sent their "capologist" to see him and he was immediately turned away. If it was about money, why wouldn't Rosenhaus want to talk to him? Maybe he just wants a break from it all and that's REALLY it. Either way, doesn't excuse him for not calling Gibbs back, but I know I will be relieved if he is not holding out for a new contract.

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Originally posted by cphil006

Money or contract is not the issue. He just wants to get away and spend some time at his home in Miami, seeing friends and family. He will show up in great shape at mini-camp.

I agree, i think the media is blowing this way out of proportion. Give the man time, if he doesnt show up for mandatory camp thats when we should make a issue out of it.

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Originally posted by jonjeff

We are stocked up at the safety position. The return of Bowen and Lott and the recent signing of Hall make it perfectly clear which way Gibbs and company are going. They are ready to make it work without Taylor and as far as I'm concerned that is the correct way to go in this situation. Let him sit out all he wants. I wouldn't waste my time ever calling him again if I was Joe Gibbs. To not ever return a call from a Hall of Fame coach is a downright slap in the face if you ask me. Taylor is not the type of person that the Redskin need on this team right now. Have fun on the beach Sean. It's your loss not ours!

both Bowen, nor Lott are even close to as good as Taylor will be. I think it would be pretty awful if Sean doesn't play this year. Although I don't agree with redoing hit contract either. Let him sit out, then trade his ass to the Raiders. The Raiders seem to get all the "troubled players", they will probably pick up Ricky Williams some how as well.

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