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My convo with Thrash

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At game 3 of the wizards and bulls series me and a friend were walking around the MCI center before the game. We look up and see Thrash walking with his 2 year old sun. So of coarse we do the whole "you go talk to him" No, you go say something to him" :laugh: I was the one who did it though and boy am i glad that i did it. He asked me MY name! and made his son say hello to me. He asked ME about school and what my plans are. I had to think to myself for a second, wait a minute am i the redskin or are you the redskin? We talked about the season coming up and I wished him the best of luck. He shook my hand and said it was a pleasure talking with me. We cross paths again one more time later that day and he said "good luck with everything in the future Marshall" What a class act. People are hard on this guy because he isnt going to catch 100 passes or 20 td's, but what he will do is work his hardest at the small things that are all so important. A main reason i left the espn board was because the morons over there would constantly refer to him as "trash." Heres to thrash having a great season and taking his old number back from 30/70


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He's our special teams ace who will give 110% on every play. I recall him making some huge stops on the one yard line on punts, and he was probably our most consistent receiver on third down. He blocks on running plays, he returns kicks and punts, and I bet he is a good holder too.

Getting him for a 5th rounder was an absolute steal. It's great that The Coach is building this franchise around character guys like James.

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Originally posted by SkinsTillIDie

He's our special teams ace who will give 110% on every play. I recall him making some huge stops on the one yard line on punts, and he was probably our most consistent receiver on third down. He blocks on running plays, he returns kicks and punts, and I bet he is a good holder too.

Getting him for a 5th rounder was an absolute steal. It's great that The Coach is building this franchise around character guys like James.

Agree 100% with everyting you said. I dont get why so many people bash him. How many guys are that good on all the units of special teams then can come in and get you a first down reception? Not a whole lot!

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Originally posted by LivestrongSkins

People are hard on this guy because he isnt going to catch 100 passes or 20 td's......


:rolleyes: Where have you been hanging out? I haven't heard a bad word about Thrash since he came back. Not one. We all love him.

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Originally posted by SkinsTillIDie

He's our special teams ace who will give 110% on every play. I recall him making some huge stops on the one yard line on punts, and he was probably our most consistent receiver on third down. He blocks on running plays, he returns kicks and punts, and I bet he is a good holder too.

Getting him for a 5th rounder was an absolute steal. It's great that The Coach is building this franchise around character guys like James.

and he has taking Jacobs under his wing, instilling a work ethic & professionalism in him... already being noticed by the coaches

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Originally posted by zoony

He still doesn't get enough love...

how many of us own a Thrash jersey? :paranoid:

*edit... do they even make one? or would it be special orders only?

It's funny you should say that...I wanted a Thrash jersey during his first stint here, but my parents didn't think it was a good idea. I got a Heath Shuler jersey and then he left, I got a Frerotte jersey and then he rammed his head into the wall. Finally this year my parents got me an Arrington jersey figuring I couldn't screw him up, so let's keep our fingers crossed on that one.

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Originally posted by LivestrongSkins

Agree 100% with everyting you said. I dont get why so many people bash him. How many guys are that good on all the units of special teams then can come in and get you a first down reception? Not a whole lot!

I agree Thrash is a class act, I'm glad I got his autograph at fan appreciation day last year, but where do you hear bashing from??

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Originally posted by dfitzo53

It's funny you should say that...I wanted a Thrash jersey during his first stint here, but my parents didn't think it was a good idea. I got a Heath Shuler jersey and then he left, I got a Frerotte jersey and then he rammed his head into the wall. Finally this year my parents got me an Arrington jersey figuring I couldn't screw him up, so let's keep our fingers crossed on that one.

dfitzo53, please do not buy any more current player jerseys. :mad: Maybe except for Brunell, but no more! ;)

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Yeah Thrash is great...I was truly glad to know when the skins were making a play to get him back. I recall Gibbs saying, everyone in thier camp was saying..you gotta get this guy, you gotta get this guy..or something to that effect about go after Thrash and making him a Skin again. I wish he had never left. 5 more players that play like Thrash would be great. but why stop at 5 *lol*

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Thrash is one of my favorite Skins. I wasn't bitter when he went to Philly for some reason - guess it's because I always figured he was a good guy and it was more our mistake for not keeping him. Anyway - he is well-loved locally, and is loved by all the coaching staff obviously. As Snyder said last year, he's a "true Redskin".

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Originally posted by Sebowski

:rolleyes: Where have you been hanging out? I haven't heard a bad word about Thrash since he came back. Not one. We all love him.

I definetly wasnt referring to anyone on Extremeskins. Everyone here is knowledgable. I should have clarified it better. People in the workplace, school, and on other boards really go after thrash. Those are the ignorant people who think a player who excels on special teams isnt a good football player.

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Thrash is great... He's one of those guys that I hated to see in Philly because I knew he belonged with us. It's awesome that he's back, and along with him we have alot of other character guys... Coach is slowly turning this team around, and that's really refreshing to see.

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If you guys follow the Wizards(I know a lot of you do)I think you can agree with me in that James Thrash reminds me a lot of Michael Ruffin. Not very physically gifted, but works his ass off and gives it 110% leaves it all on the field.

If only we could transplant Michael Westbrook's physical gifts into Trash's body, we would have the best WR in the game. ;)

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