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My convo with Thrash

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Originally posted by Mickalino

As long you stay in Charlestown WV, yes. :)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Actually, the race track here attracts some famous folks from time to time. I know John Thompson has talked about it on his show. Now, if only Gibbs would pick up the gambling habit.;)

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Originally posted by LivestrongSkins

I definetly wasnt referring to anyone on Extremeskins. Everyone here is knowledgable. I should have clarified it better. People in the workplace, school, and on other boards really go after thrash. Those are the ignorant people who think a player who excels on special teams isnt a good football player.

I think it's that people see him listed as a WR, and not catching any passes and immediately think that he stinks.

His impact on the team is not measured in the NFL stats book.

I wish we would throw to him more, just because it wouldn't seem like he was just in the game to block on running plays.

Some Skins fans felt Philly overpaid for him, which might be true. They saw him as a receiver, while we use him for his strengths in leadership, blocking, special teams.

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Originally posted by LivestrongSkins

I definetly wasnt referring to anyone on Extremeskins. Everyone here is knowledgable. I should have clarified it better. People in the workplace, school, and on other boards really go after thrash. Those are the ignorant people who think a player who excels on special teams isnt a good football player.

Ok. Gotcha. Right on then. Those peeps think they know, but they have no idea. The stats will never show it, but Thrash is a key compnent to this team.


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Originally posted by tr1

Let's chip in and buy Dfitzo53 a Brunell jersey...and considering Dfitzo53's jersey-owning track record, I'd say Arrington's days as a Redskin are few.:)


It might be too late to do any more damage as far as Brunell is concerned, but hey, I'm not going to argue with a free jersey.

Originally posted by LivestrongSkins

I definetly wasnt referring to anyone on Extremeskins. Everyone here is knowledgable.

You're kidding right? Do you read half the stuff that's posted here? ;)

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Originally posted by dfitzo53

It's funny you should say that...I wanted a Thrash jersey during his first stint here, but my parents didn't think it was a good idea. I got a Heath Shuler jersey and then he left, I got a Frerotte jersey and then he rammed his head into the wall. Finally this year my parents got me an Arrington jersey figuring I couldn't screw him up, so let's keep our fingers crossed on that one.

I haven't bought a jersey for several years.

I wanted Thrash. Then he left.

Next year, I wanted B Mitchell.

The next one I wanted was Larry Centers.

Then I was leaning towards Champ. Yeah, I'd look like just another bandwagon fan, but at least he'd be around for a while.

I was hoping for Brandon Noble, before he got injured. At least he's still around.

This year, I'm making a promise. If Rock makes it to week 1 (I'm hoping for him, but in the words of just about everybody in Star Wars, 'I've got a bad feeling about this'.) then I'm ordering one, even if it has to be custom made.

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Originally posted by SkinsTillIDie

Getting him for a 5th rounder was an absolute steal. It's great that The Coach is building this franchise around character guys like James.

Has he been worth a 5th rounder? Sure. But it wasn't really a steal when you consider the Eagles were going to release him to whoever wanted him if the 'Skins could have just kept it in their pants for another few weeks. If you look at it that way, it was really kind of stupid at the time, but it has turned out well. Thrash is a quality human being.

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