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Poll: Ever ended up having sex on a first date?

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Originally posted by Destino

Since when did it need to be about love, respect, and decency? Sometimes you just get a little crazy not knowing what's going to happen next.

You and I are in agreement I think. Here is a quote from my first post.

"My guess is these individuals deserve each other in their quest to......... screw."

And let me go on record as saying screwing is FUN.

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My answer is no.

I knew from a young age (and from having seen the actions of other people) that sex was not something that I would ever take lightly. In my world, no one gained...entry...without extensive discussions about where one had...er...been previously, what was and wasn't OK, and what monogamy means (to me, to my partner, and to the relationship). And most definitely NEVER without testing or protection. (I volunteered with an AIDS organization in those years. It was pertinent.) Or without knowing each other well (or what I thought was well). Lessons learned.

Once I met my now husband, I realized that there is still another level above that which I had experienced or realized before. I'm glad that I stuck to my guns.

However, to each his or her own. I try not to make value judgments based upon a narrow set of factors. And circumstances are always different in each situation. It's your life, and your decision.


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Yes, I have plenty of times, and it makes no difference to me, I still respect them in the morning :)

Seriously folks, why would a womans promiscuity bother you??? Hell, I like the more "experienced" woman myself, it's always nice to have a partner who knows what she is doing right? I mean hell, sometimes you can wait for three months, do all the romance, wine and dine stuff only to find out she is absolutely horrible in the sack. Then my friends, you have just blown a few grand only to find out you're with Mrs. Cleaver :doh:

Actually, I had spent the night last night with a "first date" and got lucky (but it was about time, the damn ex went frigid the last 6 months :doh: ) and not to be graphic or anything, but I thought I was going to shoot her right through the wall :laugh:

But hey, I talked to her many times over the phone, and through e-mail and although I didn't expect to get lucky, I was pleasently suprised to say the least. I know that at least I have sexual compatibility with her before building a long relationship. It sucks to she's a "dead lay" for lack of a better term after you have spent three months of your life working on her.

I guess what I am trying to say is that there seems to be a double standard through some males in this country, but it isn't right. If they can get their rocks off on the first date, a woman should be able to just as well without being considered a ho or a slut. Also, by having sex on the first date, you know automatically if one part of your relationship (if there ends up being one) will work or not. It can lead to a large monetary savings in the future, as well as not having a lot of frustrationg nights :laugh:

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Wow, we've had a little bit of everything in this thread. I see right now "Yes" is comfortably ahead. I guess I'm not surprised much.

For me, maybe I'm less of a man, but I wouldn't prefer it to go there on the first date really. Depending on how well things were going 2nd or 3rd would be fine.

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Originally posted by Predicto

Welcome to the world of Internet Male. His self-righteous double standard is second to none.

I have, in the far ancient past, had sex on a first date. If you let that be a significant factor in whether your relationship progresses, then I pity you. You might just miss out on the love of your life.

The only factor should be whether you like the person and want to see them again. And the same rules should apply to both of you.

I agree :)

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Originally posted by chomerics

Actually, I had spent the night last night with a "first date" and got lucky (but it was about time, the damn ex went frigid the last 6 months :doh: ) and not to be graphic or anything, but I thought I was going to shoot her right through the wall :laugh:

You should have warned her that she might need a tetanus shot too there, Rusty. ;)

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Originally posted by chomerics

Hey I was just proud I lasted more then two minutes :laugh: Nothing is more embarrasing then the two pump dump :doh:

That can be a bit embarassing, but depending on your biological "gifts" it can be no big deal. ;)


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Yes, but it was before I met my wife, so don't tell her. To the serious relationship question, I had one with the only girl I had sex with on our first date. I was 17, she was 18. We dated for about a year. We broke up, so I don' t know if that's a good example. :D

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dont listen to any of these asses, listen to this ass. Show her your doo dads, if she tickles them let nature do to her what nature wants. If she slaps you, I wasnt here and I didnt give you any advice.

joking aside, if you cool a chick and shes into you and you dont bang her, your wronger than my run on sentence. True if the booty girl doesnt want a long term relationship, she wasnt the one but you still got some and the "one" aint gonna hate you for it.

So bottom line if the first date puts it up there, tag it. She might be the one she might not be the one, but atleast youve been there. Just dont make it the rule, you might miss some good ones.

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Nah. I'm not into sex with strangers. Sorry.

I don't really care what the rest of you are into or not into, but I will say that if you are disgusted by with another person's sexual behaviour you shouldn't practice it yourself. That makes you a hypocrite. Using your gender as an excuse simply makes you a hypocrite in denial.

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I had random sex once turn into a two year relationship. Does that count? If so yes, if not then no. Yes, some large amount of liquid courage was involved.

It wasn't a date, we met at a party and really hit it off.

In hind sight, life is certainly simpler/easier if sex isn't the first impression. I never went that route again.

I think the post about it not really being a double standard is somewhat true when it comes to how we think of people of the opposite sex. I don't think women want serious relationships with "players" any more than men want them with "loose women." That being said there is a serious difference in how men treat "player" men and how women treat "player" women. Ironically, I think the double standard most women complain about is of the female gender's making. I guess men could more harshly judge other men... but why bother?

I'm not sure why anybody is judged harshly on who/how many they've been with. I don't care who my wife first had intimate relations with. I care with whom she last has them. All of this assumes safe behavior in past or at least behavior that won't hurt me.

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Seems like it's an issue that is important enough to some people that they can't ignore the fact that their date gives it up on the first night....and others could care less. I suppose the others who could care less might have another hangup that would prevent them from dating someone??? Hell...I could take you to another message board I frequent where there is a group of men who say they will not date a woman with a FICO score of less than 750! I'm not kidding....

....so, to each his own...

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Originally posted by SkinsNut73

....Hell...I could take you to another message board I frequent where there is a group of men who say they will not date a woman with a FICO score of less than 750! I'm not kidding....

....so, to each his own...

I use credit scores...due to the fact that I am a LOAN OFFICER!

Using credit scores to determine whether a person is a potential date!!....:doh:. What kind of message board IS that?? :wtf:

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Originally posted by RonJeremy

I use credit scores...due to the fact that I am a LOAN OFFICER!

Using credit scores to determine whether a person is a potential date!!....:doh:. What kind of message board IS that?? :wtf:

It's over at askmen.com. I actually venture over there because they are entertaining...a bunch of nutcases...but they make me feel "normal" :)

Can't you picture it RJ...you are in the heat of the moment with the lady at your house....you are helping her take off her blouse and you whisper in her ear..."by the way Baby, what's your FICO score?" :laugh:

....and when she says "it's 715"...

...you say "Get the F%$K out a here you fiscally irresponsible whore"...

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Originally posted by SkinsNut73

Can't you picture it RJ...you are in the heat of the moment with the lady at your house....you are helping her take off her blouse and you whisper in her ear..."by the way Baby, what's your FICO score?" :laugh:

....and when she says "it's 715"...

...you say "Get the F%$K out a here you fiscally irresponsible whore"...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by Predicto

Can't turn a hoe into a decent husband or father.

Indeed. I remember in high school a girl once told me there were guys that you want to **** and guys you wanted to marry, and I was a guy you wanted to marry. Let me tell you, when you're 15 that's not exactly what you want to hear when asking a girl out. 20 years later I'm ok with it. :)

There are plenty of double standards in this world, and not all of them are practiced by men.

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