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Everything posted by CobraCommander

  1. This kind of tweet or facebook post drives me insane. What's the point? I have a friend that does this kind of thing all the time and I had to unfollow him because it just leads to people having to ask him what the meaning of the post is. Just say what you have to say if you have something to say! If you don't have anything to say, don't say anything at all. Drives me up the wall.
  2. Not get away from racism, get away from the family. I'm unaware of anywhere on earth where one can get away from racism that is at the same time inhabited by humans.
  3. Trump was a big deal in foreign news for 4 years. Perhaps we feel like we can sit and judge other nations now that Trump isn't in office. Part of it is of course the fact that they moved to the US to get away from it.
  4. Another way to look at it that a POC is calling out a white institution for racism. That doesn't sit well with racists.
  5. Cool cool cool. Meanwhile our family is still waiting on second stimulus check, 2019 tax return and Maryland Unemployment from December through January for me. Somewhere around 6k dollars that various organizations are withholding from me for no apparent reason other than they can. I'm sure I'll get this next round too. 🙄
  6. We’ve gone from not having enough chefs to having too many IMO. Hope it works out in the end and we’re not just stuck with a new class of Snyder Yes-Men trying to make as much money as possible before the next regime.
  7. This is 100% my speculation but I've been wondering all this year whether the back injury has led him to a dependence of prescription pain meds.
  8. Au contraire mon frere. I had a Scottish math teacher in middle school and he was very adamant it was MacDonald and not to confuse his name with the popular chain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macdonald#:~:text=The surname is an Anglicised,might"%2C "rule". The surname is an Anglicised form of the Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic MacDhòmhnaill or Dòmhnallach.[2] The name is a patronym meaning "son of Dòmhnall". The personal name Dòmhnall is composed of the elements domno "world" and val "might", "rule".[3] According to Alex Woolf, the Gaelic personal name is probably a borrowing from the British Celtic Dyfnwal. In the context of Scottish clans, the various forms of the name refer to one of the largest clans, Clan Donald. In Ireland the name is largely from this root but may sometimes be a synonym for MacDonnell, which itself may be of distinct Scottish Clan Donald galloglass or native Irish origins.[4]
  9. I don't know if that's a good idea. If you make it too obvious the commissioner's hand won't sort through the pile and pick out your envelope. What we really need is a feel good story about why DC needs a good Basketball team.
  10. Danny makes my ears bleed. How many times can one person repeat the phrase "I don't know" and still have a job talking about what he knows.
  11. She looks like she was rode hard and put away wet. And then had a Brazilian plastic surgeon go to town.
  12. I’m thinking I should pull my shovel and sleds out of the shed.
  13. If there are any it will be for the little guy, not the hedge fund manager.
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