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Everything posted by CobraCommander

  1. Glad I fell asleep at the half. There’s always next Coach! I’m convinced I’ve never seen Bertans actually make a three.
  2. He looks like he has short legs and tight hips. The stumbling at the end of that catch is worrisome. It's a small sample size. I'd give it time but I'm not so sure he's going to make the roster.
  3. Just watched two befuddled Phillies fan get off the metro at Stadium/Armory. I think they said **** it and started walking to Navy Yard instead of admitting their mistake.
  4. Can’t believe the 5 divisional games to end. 3 I get, maybe even 4. But 5 out of 6?
  5. I don't think they will leave the party because they are stubborn. They expect Trump to start his own party but that won't happen. Neither will blink and they will all fall inline for midterms and the next presidential election.
  6. That's not a mouth, that's his butt hole.
  7. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/cheney-trump-mccarthy-vote/2021/05/11/1bb8fa56-b2a9-11eb-ab43-bebddc5a0f65_story.html Liz Cheney out. This is Trumps party now. God help us all.
  8. I kinda doubt the producers want Rodgers. He did a decent job but was pretty stiff on stage. It's leverage for him but probably undue.
  9. If a corporation is a person then a city can be a state. The Pentagon is in Virginia. In facts a lot of federal offices are to my knowledge. So maybe we can just strip Virginia of its statehood. 😂
  10. Do we need a high draft pick? I was hoping with Beal and Westbrook starting to click we could attract a third superstar. That seems to be the way of the league now anyways. The best teams aren’t built through drafting but by superstars texting each other and joining the same teams. Am I off base?
  11. Still beat that ass. Suck it hard, suck it long...Island
  12. They really want the islanders to tie this game up.
  13. i hope a bunch of Mets/Islanders fans are really sad tonight. I wonder if that's a common overlap.
  14. I remember one company I worked for had voluntary events. They were only voluntary in that if you didn’t show up you were next on the list to get laid off. You were volunteering to be the next out the door. That’s kind of the gist of voluntary work outs, especially for player battling for roster positions. The players that get away with not showing up are the ones that are too good to cut.
  15. See I think Coca Cola is a bad example to use because it's universally loved. I mean they did try to change the recipe at one point and the backlash was huge. The Redskins were not universally loved especially in the last decade, not even in their own backyard. We're not the Cowboys. The brand has not stayed on top of the Forbes list as a top sports franchise in the world, and quite frankly it's probably overvalued simply because owning an NFL franchise is tied to the league so heavily. If all these teams were truly independent and not tied to TV deals then certain franchises lose a lot of their luster. The NFL is the successful brand, not necessarily the Washington Football Team. We have been bad. We have a universally hated owner, we have a depressing stadium with a terrible gameday experience. I think this last year and coming season will be as you said a way for the decision makers to salvage as much as they can from those of us that have so much invested in the history of this team. But I also think as savvy business people that need to raise the value of this team to succeed in their positions, they will move forward with a new brand that has the name Washington and the colors burgundy and gold. I don't see us revamping the fight song or constantly harkening back to our past they was they did so much last year.
  16. I don't know much about marketing but I know human psychology has a lot to do with their research. It's not just random.
  17. See I think the last 30 years actually has a big influence on what the decision is. Had we been a good team with a growing fanbase for the last 30 years it would be really hard to move on. They don't have to start over completely but if they want to cultivate a new group of young fans and grow this fanbase then I think the last 90 years is less important than whatever the future of this team is going to be. The last 30 years of mediocrity and BS means besides the colors everything is negotiable. I'm buying into the idea that these names are just so people can pick overall if they want it to be an animal, miltary thing etc. I don't think it's about the names itself but the genre of name.
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