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El Mexican

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Everything posted by El Mexican

  1. I do that regularly. Those were well-coached teams and it shows. They played hard and fast and everyone did what they were supposed to do. A real joy to watch, really. I don't understand when people say the NFL is faster now. Watching those old Redskins-Giants game from the 80s-90s, for example, I see plenty of speed and masterful execution.
  2. I just don't care anymore. Strange thing is the pathetic state of the franchise has also affected my passion for the NFL in general. It seems like every other NFL game I watch I marvel at the speed, intelligence and power of other team's players. Not with WSH, though. There's a huge drop-off in the overall quality of the product I'm watching on my TV. Maybe that's one reason most NFL owners want Dan to sell the team? A general feeling of desperation around this long and storied franchise that seems stuck in oblivion for the past 20 years?
  3. Yep, the HUGE problem with this team is the also terrible defense. It can't stop a toddler in kindergarden.
  4. Awww man, this will be a very long season. This team is de-volving. It's not a stretch for it to end up 1-16. The incompetence is everywhere, except for the punting game. That's still very good to excellent. But that's it. In every other aspect, from GM all the way to the bottom of the organizational pole we suck. We are *this* close to another Jay Gruden era were the players don't care.
  5. It would matter if Joe Montana circa 1988 came here. This team is putrid.
  6. Did you actually watch the first half of the game, man? The one were they steam-rolled over us to 24-0 and 350 yards in just ONE HALF?
  7. Let's just be honest here. This was a total systemic failure. Offense, Defense. Everything. You can't spot any team 24 points and 350 yards in the first half and expect a good outcome. It's more than a coaching problem. It's also a collective delusion that we are going forward when we're doing the exact opposite. Oh God Dan please sell the team...🤑
  8. I just gave her a pass, bro. She did watch Seattle games because they legalized pot over there and their RB ate Skitles like a vacum cleaner, though. Can't blame that logic. Right now I have no intent whatsoever to date or marry another woman again in my life. Really. Still a die-hard fan of this ridiculous team, though!
  9. Same here, bro. My ex wife asked me repeatedly why did I torture myself to watch the entire game. Said I should change teams since I suffered so much. No more. 30 years is enough.
  10. The Eagles are for real. Just saw them against the Vikes and they will destroy us. I predict another trashing before half-time and then they take the foot off of the gas. Why bother? They know we are flaccid. They will run for 200+ yards and sack Wentz at least four times. Our running game will be non-existant yet again. A couple of dinks and dunks that turn into big gains, but that's it. Commodores: 9 Phily: 36
  11. I have rarely seen a more pathetic team effort than today. The first half was beyond anything I could have imagined. When you go into the half down 22 the writing is basically on the wall. That's a coaching issue. It's not the first time we see this from HC, though. Seems like the status quo. And let's not talk about the talent factor. Detroit's players looked superior in every important position. We have a huge talent gap that is now impossible to ignore. Took three years but there it is. Clear as day. This will be along season. Funny thing is I don't care anymore. Too much mediocrity has a limit and this season I have reached that limit. Twenty plus years of this Snyderian crap is enough. I will actively root for this team to tank and be happy for another L. There. I said it. Hail to the Commodores.
  12. Just out of curiosity have both of them gone defunct? Who can actually claim them?
  13. Awesome memories guys. What I find most surprising to my OWN memory is the sheer speed our great SB teams had. Those games on YT show those guys knew exactly what they were doing 99% of the time. Hard and fast. Relentless. Therefore, they won more often than not. I have never seen this kind of play here after 1992. That 1993 season was so shocking because, even when most of our SB starters were still here, they all seemed so confused. Heck, they still seem slow and confused to this day, ha!
  14. Ya'll can say a lot abaout TH but we ended up in practically the same spot as last year. Big diff is the other teams in the division reached a better record an we missed the paloffs. But frankly, it's hard to consider any improvement during this season, given the circumstances.
  15. Can't say I'm optimistic about this game. We tend to have tremendous problems in NY and its miserable weather. NYG-17 WTF-10 Barkley runs for 150+ yards and that's it. Season done. Good riddance.
  16. Can't agree with the OP's assesment. This team is a clear-cut D. Too many blowouts, errors, bone-headed plays and coaching mistakes to even label this squad as "mediocre". One of the saddest seasons I can remember around here. Not a single new silver-lining discovered this season.
  17. He should be in our top 10 worst draft picks in our already cuestionable draft history. Did he even play a down? Same can be said about the safety we also drafted a couple of years ago and retired before he even played a down with us LOL Feels like Larry David writes the story of every season around here...
  18. Meh, too many variables to take into consideration. He did show some flashes of competency with the weapons he was given. At this point, as I've said numerous times, the team needs a complete overhaul. QB is but one of those missing pieces.
  19. This team has so many holes not even Brady or Montana in their respective primes could sustain it long term. The last three games have been the equivalent of watching a peewee squad against college seniors. The other guys are always faster, meaner, stronger, execute better and manhandle us like a bunch of potato sacks. This is trully a hopeless team with a good-intentioned but limited coach. Don't even get me started on the FO.
  20. Seems we've done this for most of two decades since Snyder bought the team. When was the last time you said "yeah, this team is loaded"? Not with aging superstars, but fundamentally sound in most areas, I mean. For me the first year Synder was around here, which means it wasn't really his team (Brad, Davis, Centers, Tre, Jansen, Raymer, Big Daddy, Marco, Dana, Champ, D. Green, et al). Now that's a serious roster that only ever needed a bit more time to gel and a few additions here and there to really hit it. But we all know what happened next...
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