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El Mexican

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Everything posted by El Mexican

  1. No. There's no way any QB succeeds here with this joke of an O-Line. It doesn't matter if you resurrect Joe Montana, hire Brady, Lamar or Mahomes. Every single one of them will inevitably fail here bc our O-Line cannot pass protect. They can run block pretty well, though.
  2. How can the O-Line be so bad in passing downs? I saw Giants LBs and DEs get in TH's grill even during shootgun formation. That's absurd.
  3. Some paper maché cut outs are better at pass-blocking than this OLine. If the QB is having less that 2 seconds to release the ball then run run run until the D back's off. They are at least competent in that area (159 yards yesterday).
  4. This. Our O-line is terrible in passing downs. TH was literally flinging passes with three Giants in his face all day.
  5. It's a bit of a moot point since that has not happened yet. We saw that with Cousins and Brad Johnson and coaches didn't bench them. Lots of yards and TDs and constante losing. I'll give you an answer when and if that happens. Right now the W-L record is more important than balls out QB play.
  6. A winning and BALANCED team rarely needs the QB to that every week. Not counting one or two shootouts a year, QBs with those kinds of numbers are generally playing from behind.
  7. The proof is right there in the W-L record. The other variables you mentioned are a consequence of the level of play of TH. It's undoubtably better than Wentz's. That doesn't mean TH is the new Elway. Far from it. The common-sense reality is that he is in fact better than a washed-up QB and that has brought us here, deep into December with a chance to the playoffs. If only TH would have started back in September...
  8. You know damn well as I do that there's a direct correlation between the teams improvement across the board and TH coming in for an injured Wentz. Two sides of the same coin that are impossible to separate. There's a clear A/B test here between Wentz and TH. I'm taking TH.
  9. He's the HC of the team. He needs to stay with that rhetoric bc he knows Wentz cannot lose his job due to injury. So he has to give him at least one more shot. But it's just that. Rhetoric. Baring a catastrophic next three games by TH, Wetnz will be out of this squad come next Spring.
  10. This will be a great game. Prime time, baby! I except RR will run run run until their DL starts to tire. Our OL just can't handle these guys. Clock management, deep throw here and there. Short passes that could be runs that keep the Giants D honest. NYG: 21 WSH: 28
  11. The report was published at the start of the team's bye week so the information would not impact player performance on the field. So this is a clear message to Dan and Dan only. And some high-level NFL executives, obviously, but mainly to El Dano. Time to pack your bags and GTFO. It's enough.
  12. That ship has sailed. It's TH, Howell and yet another veteran QB for next year. At this juncture it's pretty clear RR does not feel comfortable giving rookie QBs too much responsibility.
  13. Speculative. RR won't change his horse in the final stretch. If we lose paloff contention then of course. But not with the postseason on the brink.
  14. Big picture is Wentz gone at the end of the season. His signing was a mistake. Time to move on. TH stays as a backup and competes for starting job next Spring. Probably against another high-profile has been. Howell gets some reps. There's no way Wentz comes in cold in the middle of December, baring an injury on TH. Even then, maybe RR goes with Howell.
  15. I agree. TH is far from elite. But the sad reality is he's our best card this season, due in large part to our erratic O-Line. He's already shown he can win given the correct mix of pass-run ratio and solid defensive play. Let the man play.
  16. He sucked bc our OLine sucked even more. Let's be honest. The terrible play of the O-Line can't be ignored, though.
  17. I agree. TH made an incredible play and throw right there running for his life, as was most of the game. A better O-line is necessary for the inevitable new guy or TH himself. Yesterday's game was a great example of TH's value. Without him NYG would have racked up 8+ sacks. His mobility and quick decision making are good assets.
  18. Nice stats. I get what you're saying but I have to trust my eyes on this one. There's a night-day difference pre-post Heine. If the D is playing better it's because the change in QB has allowed to rest. We are #1 or #2 in TOP as of this moment.
  19. Yeah no. The reason our O-line has looked respectable is thanks in large part to TH mobility and unpredictablity. Our RBs have benefited as a consequence as well. But the O-line remains the most important group to solidify. Since Trent Williams and Brandon Sherf left we have struggled a lot.
  20. Poppy****. There's NO way news items like that are kept under wraps for more than 2 minutes. Unless Snyder and Bezz conducted a secret meeting at 04:00AM with no security, assitants, and accounting people and signed some document it makes no sense. Besides, it would incredibly unwise not to inform the team's sponsors and media groups associated with the organization. It would make the new owner unreliable from the first minute. No. When this once glorious franchise is sold it will be a heavily publiciized event. It will be a happy day.
  21. Like it nor this team has found an identity. Solid D, good running game, and an average passing game with some specks of extremely good luck. It was baseless to think we would ever be a high-caliber passing team. Rivera never wanted that. This team fits his idea of an NFL winning formula. It won't take us deep into the playoffs. No way in hell. But at least we are finding some respectability.
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