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El Mexican

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Everything posted by El Mexican

  1. No excuses for TH, bro. Wentz had an even worse time behind this OL. That's the constant here, hence my comment. I don't consider it hyperbole. You plug a rook QB in there and the organization is basically sending him to his premature retirement. It's that bad. Scherff was a massive loss, as everyone knew it would be, except our FO of course.
  2. Of course he is. No one should deny that. But that doesn't mean our OL does not sucks. It's terrible even with a mobile QB like TH. Same with Wentz, only that guy had the mobility of a tree. And yes, our DL had a pretty good game, all things considered.
  3. What tone is that? An upward hill tone? It's like every damn play the QB (Wentz or TH) is running for his life or curling into a ball getting sacked. No. With this O-line even John Elway himself would suck. Our QBs are basically running for their lives or getting slammed on every passing down. It's ridiculous.
  4. As Boswell said we don't have five OL at the moment. We have FIVE TURNSTILES. That was a terrible performance by this group.
  5. You can bet the WaPo will change its tone if Bezos buys the whole enchilada.
  6. This is true and incredibly sad. Got it, bro. I was LMAO, though.Some of your replies were brutal.
  7. More like the Washington Powers, as in the seat of power and a play on the "Rings..." series that is costing Bezos billions.
  8. Err, that would be the fans. You know, by purchasing official sponsored products and attending games as well as watching the games on TV (ad revenue and broadcast money). So you're basically hailing yourself, bro.
  9. That's nice, man. You know what's even better? To stop being the NFL laughingstock like we've been for the past 20+ years due in large part to owner's incompetence. Also: leaving the putrid stench behind of a corrupt, vouyeristic, arrogant, abusive NFL owner.
  10. Stephen Davis Pierre Garçon Kirk Cousins Trent Williams We let these guys go due to some idiotic decisions by the FO headed by El Dano. Lot's of bad blood in that group.
  11. As I understand it, the fiscal book revelation is being considered a low-punch by the other NFL owners, since it affected their own pockets. That's why let the dogs out and are going full medieval against Snyder. They are forcing him to sell low and undervalue the franchise. The NFL is a club. You go against one of those guys and the rest are going to protect him. Problem for Snyder is he went against ALL of them with the book-keeping fiasco that's now being investigated.
  12. Oh God this is potentially the best Day of the Dead ever.
  13. Just finished watching the Arizona-Minn game. Sadly, they are a much better team than us. Their running game is pretty solid. Cousins...is Cousins. If he has one of those terrible games he's prone to, they'll just spam Cook over and over again. This game will expose our dirty underwear, I'm afraid. Cousins: 28 Heine: 20
  14. As y Yep, that's the only game the Lions have won this season, btw. Right now it's 9-0 or we don't go.
  15. I agree. These guys deserve our support because they have shifted our entire season in a positive manner. This looks like a completely different team than the one we saw vs. Detroit, for example. Seems like TH is more than a backup QB with a non-bazooka arm. That's a good thing around here.
  16. If the guy of the street is winning and creating some electricity every time he plays then so be it. No one in their right mind can say the expensive QB gives us a better chance of winning. So basically yes, Wentz was a bad choice for a bad team. TH makes that bad team look mediocre to respectable.
  17. If there ever was a winnable game it's this one. First game for their QB, questionable defense. This is it. Redskins : 28 (great running game for second week in a row) Snyder Haters: 23
  18. "You're only as good as your backups". Well, our backup QB is good. He's even been a starter throughout his career. I'm riding the TH and strong running pony until we find a better strategy to win games.
  19. It's a free country. Come right in, outlander.
  20. 168 rushing yards. That's the game right there. No one is beating this team with that stat.
  21. TH is the real deal. You pessimists out there should have learned by now.
  22. 10-0 or we don't go, baby. Yeeehaaawww.
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