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Everything posted by Tsailand

  1. We make an exception for him since he got us a Lombardi. And not just along for the ride; he won the Super Bowl in the second quarter. That's a lot bigger than RG3 going 9-6 in the regular season, and then being horrible for two more seasons, while being a bit of a team cancer.
  2. At the risk of approaching a forbidden topic... Neither RG3 or Kirk belong on this ballot. One amazing season or three pretty good seasons doesn't cut it. You need some longevity. Trent obviously belongs on the ballot and in the ring of fame.
  3. We'll probably find out the whole picture within a few months.Reports will be released or leaked.
  4. Worse version of Eli. And he'll won't have the defense that got Eli those two rings.
  5. Hopkins was 3rd all time in field goal attempts for us, behind Moseley and Chip Lohmiller of course. Second best FG% for us, behind Kai Forbath.
  6. This game just impressed on me that we are a long ****ing way from competing for a Super Bowl.
  7. Great catch. He was 33 at the start of the season but turned 34 in early September. Wilson is the outlier for his career so far, but that doesn't mean he will be good going forward.
  8. McNabb was 33 when he played for us. Alex Smith was 33 when he played for us. Russell Wilson is 33 this year.
  9. He's going to be a Snyder pick, and therefore he's not going to be a NFL-caliber starting QB. Rivera is going to get one or two more seasons and then be fired for failing to win with Snyder's QB pick. The next head coach will be picked based on how well Snyder thinks he can coach up that failed pick.
  10. I'll raise you this story from 2013 https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/kyle-shanahan-staff-inexperience-at-core-of-redskins-dysfunction/ McDaniel is likely to become a head coach after this season. Anyone have a picture of all four of them?
  11. He had as many sacks yesterday as Chase Young did all season.
  12. This game shows why adding the 7th playoff team was a bad idea. The Eagles don't belong in the playoffs, and the Bucs deserved a first round bye.
  13. Great thread idea. It'll be neat seeing the list gradually shrink over the years as guys retire. Since you're taking suggestions, update the list with player birth years or ages.
  14. They waited an extra day to screw with the other NFC East fans. And also their own fans.
  15. Shhh nobody say anything, let's see long long it takes him to figure out that they bury people in cemeteries, not end zones.
  16. If a plane crashed at the 50 yard line, which end zone would they bury the survivors in? Edit: It's sickening how, with 5 minutes left in a very competitive Chiefs-Bronocos game, they are showing us players warming up at the next game.
  17. Guys... if the nightmare scenario of Dallas vs Philly in the NFC Championship happens, who would you root against? You're not allowed to root for nuclear war/earthquake/super covid.
  18. Oh, definitely not. But Synder would still feel threatened by him. I think this season has shown that Taylor is backup caliber. I also think that Snyder will be picking our next "franchise QB", and the results will be just as bad as all his previous attempts. Who's the last Washington head coach who got to draft his own QB? Joe Gibbs?
  19. I think you're right. Here's the timeline: Snyder drafts the most-hyped QB early in the first round. Everyone on ESPN praises it as a great pick that will make the team instantly relevant. Snyder trades away Heinicke so he won't be looking over the shoulder of the new QB. Learned his lesson from the RG3/Cousins era! The new QB starts immediately, and it quickly becomes apparent that he is far from NFL-ready. The defense continues to underachieve compared to the talent invested. We finish the 2022 season at 5-12 or worse. Rivera and Del Rio get fired, but most of the position coaches are kept on. Snyder picks a head coach who is known for developing QBs, but isn't considered a serious HC candidate. His sole mandate: develop the QB. The QB does not develop. He gets benched towards the end of the season. We finish the 2023 season 4-13 or worse.
  20. https://www.nbcsports.com/washington/video/brian-mitchell-unloads-washingtons-effort-after-blowout-loss-cowboys
  21. QB Josh Johnson is starting for the Ravens today.
  22. If we can beat the Eagles both times and the Giants, we can afford to drop the second Cowboys game. 7th playoff seed here we come.
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