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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. Exactly. Which is why simply "they lost, get over it" is a bad argument. Thats all i was saying.
  2. Better. But lacking substance. In seriousness though, the "you lost" is a crappy argument when discussing the civil war or from Republicans talking about the last election.
  3. To the victor goes the spoils. That argument has been used. We won, they lost in both cases. Seems like an apt comparison to me.
  4. I've read every word of this thread. Perhaps you didnt read my post. Nowhere did I say it was the only argument being made. I said THAT argument is not a good one. To the victor goes the spoils. That argument has been used. We won, they lost in both cases. Seems like an apt comparison to me. To the victor goes the spoils. That argument has been used. We won, they lost in both cases. Seems like an apt comparison to me.
  5. All this talk about how to the victor goes the spoils has me thinking about how Japan is getting snippy again. How dare they complain about the number of troops we have stationed there. Or anything else for that matter? If we want their opinion, we will give it to them! Maybe they should have thought about that before they took a day trip to Pearl Harbor. NAGASAKI!!! Or just maybe we can come up with a better argument than "you lost"......
  6. Not really that interesting. I was stationed there when I was young and dumb. Got drunk and beligerent out in town and thrown in the clink. Sobered me up real quick when you realize its not like American jail AND they arent huge fans of foreigners.
  7. Japan? Ha! Ever been charged with a crine in Japan? I been in a Japanese prison? I have. You dont't want that unless you love being hit and eating uncooked rice and fish heads.
  8. Impressive that not a single shot was fired in that mess.
  9. Dude losing his job I totally support. The other guy being expelled I'm not so sure about. There does need to be a line somewhere where you should be protected for expressing your opinions, no matter how wrong they are. Now if he was involved in the violence, that is a different story. But if he was JUST speaking, I'm not sure how I feel about that. Also, isn't UNLV a public school? I'd be interested in the legalities of them expelling him vs the 1st amendment. I think a private school would be different but I'm no lawyer either. Dude with the 82nd hat, I wonder if he really is a Vet. Hats are easy to come by.
  10. I just want to help people here be prepared for the coming **** storm. www.gunbroker.com
  11. I haven't. Can you explain to me why it's wrong? I get that if we didn't have foreign workers that we would be paying $20 for a ear of corn. But that to me says something about our workforce. But I also have never owned a business.
  12. Good. No matter your view on guns, no one can argue that this cou try doesnt need some clarity on what the 2nd means. And because of my personal views, Im not exactly sad the current court makeup would hear it.
  13. This i agree with completely. Why is everyone arguing about how to pay for something thag is way more expensive than it should be but no one is asking why I am paying $100 for a box of nasal mucous receptacles in the first place?
  14. This may be crass but my thought would be if you can't afford it, don't have a kid. Or roll the dice and have it at home on the cheap. Hopefully it will work out. This is what gets me about things like having a child. People want to do it but don't want to pay for it. Can't afford it? Then don't do it. But that is why I'm a pro-choice conservative.
  15. Im interested to see how this will affect other states gun laws.....
  16. I hold strong on my belief that the big problem with our country is primaries. It causes good ploiticians to have to go to the fringe to win the primary because people on the fringes are who votes in primaries. Then in the general it is too late to go back.
  17. Oh sure but when I make a blanket statrment about a group of people, its frowned upon. Im sure all the liberals in those states appreciate your point of view. SMH.
  18. I would not be surprised to see some form of civil war in the 5ish years Obviously I am not advocating it and really hope it doesn't happen, but it wouldn't surprise me. God help us.
  19. Is there a reason a majority of your post has a line through it? Like is it supposed to mean something Im not getting or is it a mistake?
  20. Since I was already talking about my move to Norfolk in the cable thread, I have a question for this thread. Is there a good Skins/NFL radio station in Norfolk? Right now I have Sirius only for the NFL Radio channel but Im looking for places I can cut back. Thanks.
  21. I cant get quarters if they are already giving me BAH. My only other option is live on the ship for 3 years and no way Im doing that.
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