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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. I"m interested to see how it goes. I'm getting stationed in Norfolk but my wife will stay here in Florida due to her job. I've never even spent the night in an RV. Hope I like it. Just bought one a few hours ago.
  2. Question: I'm about to move to Norfolk and live in an RV. Will I be able to pick up Skins games on antenna or do I need cable/satellite? Thanks in advance.
  3. Nope. But thats why we need to focus more on healthcare costs and less on insurance.
  4. So if people forgo the better insurance, isnt that their choice? And its up to them to accept the consequences of their choice?
  5. His stance sounds pretty close to mine during my 30 seconds of research. Ill have to follow this story.
  6. Similar to people that are fine letting someone who OD'd just die instead of get help. Stupid choices and all. Can't have it both ways. To me, our nations biggest issue is what people expect from our healthcare. Who go for a run when I can just get a pill to fix me later? Got a cold? Why deal with it and let it run it's course when I can go get some pills?
  7. Haha. Dont underestimate tje stupidity of junior enlisted. They will deny something happened even when you have video of them doing it.
  8. For the sake of honesty, almost anything can be a capital offense during wartime. But you usually end up NJP at worst. Believe me, I know from experience.
  9. Out of curiosity, whats the plan for all the people that would lose their jobs if you got rid of the health insurance industry?
  10. I get that opinion. But flip side of the coin, is that part of why costs are so ridiculous?
  11. Do we think this forum can handle an adult conversation on where the line is for when to spend money trying to fix someone and when to "let nature take its course?" Or will Death Panels be brought up immediatly? I could be talked into some form of single payer or something like that but I take a pretty hard line approach as to what should be fixed and when someone should just be made comfortable. I was going to start a thread a while back but was advised against it. On a different note, one thing I will give the military is the lack of wasting time. My wife went in for a lump by her boobs. She expected her appointment to just be for a consult. Then possibly a few follow ups, maybe a biopsy, then possibly surgery down the road. She went into her first appointment, the docter poked her a few times, laid her down and cut it out. It was sent out for tests and came back fine but she couldnt believe they did surgery without a million pre-appointments. I wonder how much money we waste on consults.
  12. This has been happening too much everywhere. It happens here in the tailgate and more notably, it happens in R circles. It is one of the things that finally drove me to un-register as a Republican. Its why Kasich didnt stand a chance. I think it also happens to the moderate ledt also. There is no middle grpund left in this country.
  13. Meh. Thats you. I see it as feeling bad for the guy that drove the need to have a warning on a lawnmower that there are moving blades underneath. You should have known better
  14. I never thought I would say this but I agree with Benning. You know NK is crazy. You go there and do something stupid, you should be expecting 50 years of making big rocks into little rocks and thats if youre lucky. I got no sympathy for this kid.
  15. First time was about 15 years old. Loved it amd smoked often. I would probably smoke occasionally today if my job allowed it.
  16. Ill put my non-lawyer thoughts in..... It has nothing to do with right amd wrong and just politicians doing what is best for themselves and not what is right. No politician wamts to fight for it because the oppositiin will run ads saying they "want to give guns to felons!!!!" And thats it.
  17. How does this even make sense? You think the NRA wants to keep guns from people?
  18. Well considering the number of people that voted for Trump, Id say we are pretty close to at least half the country being mentally hamdicapped.
  19. I would really like to hear from the jurors why they found him not guilty. Have any of them been interviewed?
  20. Maybe that is the difference. I came in and asked a question in an attempt to see another perspective. And I am open to a different point of view. I'm not trying to defend the world you are looking at, I'm saying we have a different idea of what is wrong, especially regarding this case. I look at this case and see reasonable doubt. I also agree that there are many (probably mostly black) people in prison who shouldn't be because there was reasonable doubt there also. I'd rather address the latter. I also agree that there seems to be an issue of black men being assumed to be more dangerous by an officer upon meeting. I think that needs to be addressed. But locking up this cop when I'm not SURE the guy wasn't reaching for his gun isn't the way to fix it. I said I agree with finding a way to make sure he doesn't become a cop somewhere else and not let him have a modern firearm. Either way, if you don't want to discuss it anymore, that's fine.
  21. I never said it affects everyone the same. I said it was everyones problem. Not sure what you disagree with.
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