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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. I'm sorry if you thought I meant they didn't care. I meant that the discussion isn't happening. When it has happened in the past, it went the way ASF said it SHOULDN'T go. So my question to ASF is how do we get the type of discussion he says is needed? Point is these problems aren't as black and white as some pretend. There are truths on both sides of the arguments. But neither side will admit that. And we end up with the same type of discussion we are having here. And that we have in every thread. (yes that is a generalization. I know not EVERY thread goes like this and sometimes people learn things. But that wasn't my point. But sadly I still have to make this statement.)
  2. I think it has been shown that even starting the discussion isn't that easy. At least not an honest discussion as you suggest. So how are we going to do it? CK started his protest over a year ago. And where are we? There are other threads to discuss those topics. Notice none of them have been bumped.
  3. That is a great idea. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix the problems that ail us? Or is the solution snarky comments? Because if it is, I got this covered.
  4. I disagree. One, it's not just an issue of racism. There are issues far bigger than that. Like I said, no respect or consideration for differing opinions. Racism is just the topic of the hour. Look at a discussion on health care, abortion, gun control, etc. Everyone is right and anyone who disagrees in the slightest is wrong. Two, nothing can be changed because of #1. The people who want change want it all right now. There is no room for getting closer to better. Either make it perfect or you're racist, want babies to die, etc. The people resistant to change aren't willing to even consider meeting in the middle. And why should either side consider it? They are right after all. And everyone else is wrong. No need to listen to their opinions and consider what they mean. Especially when we can pick apart every letter of every sentence they say, ignore what we all know they mean, twist it in to something horrible, and claim our moral victory! 'Merica. So depressing.
  5. Well.......That took even less time than I expected.
  6. I fear this is going to be twisted to make it seem like they kneeled through the anthem. Even though that isn't what happened. Does it make a difference in the long run? No. But the right will use it as proof of fake news. And the left will use it to say the right gets hung up on the wrong things. And further apart we divide.
  7. Some of you may remember I took a hiatus from the Tailgate a while back. Part of my parting words were that Trump is not the problem. He is merely a symptom of the real problem. He is the cough that is a part of the nations cold. I feel like this whole kneeling thing falls under the same category. One thing I am noticing is that no one is discussing the problem. Sure words are being spoken about it but everyone is just speaking past each other without listening. And this is the nation in general, not just here though it is also prevalent here. Both sides have merit. Do they have a right to kneel. Sure do! Do others have a right to piss and moan about it? Sure do! Are they bringing to light an issue that needs to be rectified? Sure are! Is what they are doing offense to some? Sure is! Is either side totally right or wrong? Sure not! That is the great thing about opinions, there is no right or wrong. But there is no thoughtful discussion. There is just trying to "win". Again, this is just a symptom of where our nation is at. And I see nothing that makes me think it will get better. Not without some blood shed at least. In no way am I advocating for that. But I just see it as what is bound to happen. When we stop listening, there is but one other route to inevitably be taken. It is a sad and unnecessary route but I fear it is the route the nation is bound to choose. My wife said something on Facebook the other night that really struck me. (we are currently separated, geographically; not emotionally) And in about a month I will be deploying for the next year and a half. She said "I am supposed to be worrying about what is going to happen to him over there, not him worrying about what is going to happen to me over here." It was very sad but very true. Actually made me tear up a bit. So you all (I mean here and in the country) can keep arguing about if they have a right to kneel. And if others have a right to **** about it. I'll give you a hint. They both do. But until the underlying issue is addressed we will just keep bouncing from symptom to symptom until the cold is cured. Our cold is intolerance of others and their opinions/beliefs. This is not a Right or Left problem, this is an American problem.
  8. Maybe its because we don't see them as pointless. So now that we have the country's (and the world probably) attention, are we actually going to talk about the police treatment of blacks and debate solutions or are we going to keep dumping on Trump and the anti-protesters. Edit: i meant that as a collective we as a nation, not just we here in this thread.
  9. Thanks. I just noticed I hadn't seen many people mention the treatment of blacks by police. I thought maybe it had become more about a statement on free speech. Sounds like to some it is a general statement of support. Like I said, I was just curious what the message was actually supposed to be now. Thanks again.
  10. Thanks but I was looking for something from yesterdays protests. I saw a few. They didn't specifically say "I did X because of Y" and I'm not saying they needed to be that clear. I got the impression it was more of a "kick rocks" statement to POTUS. So I was wondering if the statement had changed or what. Not trying to say it effects validity or anything, just honestly asking about the intended message. Tomlin pretty much said they stayed in the locker room to stay out of it because they were here to play football (which is funny because they got beat by the freakin Bears).
  11. So I have a question. And there is no underlying point I'm trying to make with this question, I'm just asking. Of all the players that protested yesterday, have any of them come out and said what they are protesting? I know why CK started it and I'm just wondering if that is what they were protesting yesterday. I havent heard any talk about that. I'm not asking what you THINK they were trying to say or if you think they were justified etc. I'm only asking if anyone has come out and said what they were protesting.
  12. I've been in for almost 16 years and was a Republican until a few months ago. This is how I feel. They have the right to do it. I don't like them doing it. I have the right to say I think it is wrong. But I would be against the government attempting to stop them from being able to do it. As someone who has escorted friends home from the sandbox under that piece of cloth, and handed that piece of cloth neatly folded to a grieving widow,, I would appreciate if you referred to it in a more respectful manner. I'm not demanding it, I'm not requiring it, I'm not saying you don't have the right to say it, I'm just politely asking. I ****ing hate it when people do that. Though I have excepted it is going to happen anyways. I still think it is wrong.
  13. Just to be clear, do me mean on the Presidential level or on any level? And are we allowed to vote for any GOP person or do you just mean trump? Because I can make a pretty good argument for some GOP (though a depressingly small percentage). I was a registered Republican for many years. I have voted for R, D, and I in many elections. I research and choose who I think is best regardless of the letter next to their name. I un-registered a few months ago when Trump took office. It was my own mini-protest. But seeing how many of our Leftists here treat others with differeing opinions, I won't be rushing down to register as a Democrat any time soon. The Left is going to need people like me to unseat Trump next election. Maybe you all shouldn't be such jerks. I live in Florida so that makes me even more special!!! Yup. Paint everyone as racist. That will help. @Kilmer17 You may want to edit out that pic you quoted.
  14. Hard to say. I don't believe they have the courage to look themselves in the mirror.
  15. I would bet anything that if the Left agreed to repeal the ACA and then pass the exact same thing but call it Trumpcare or GOPcare, the Right would get on board.
  16. Not sure if this was rhetorical or what. I think what trump is doing with DACA is MORALLY wrong. I was asking about the legal side and the basis for the lawsuits under the law.
  17. And thats why i asked about the grounds for these lawsuits. I think what trump is doing is wrong but whats the legal basis to oppose it?
  18. Any smart legal minds in here able to explain the dreamers case to me? I mean I think what Trump is doing is morally wrong but I dont see how they have a legal leg to stand on. Isnt Trump just going back to pre-Obama EO position? Im assuming it was legal before Obama.
  19. I may get laughed at for this but I dont really follow basketball. Does new england have a NBA team? Are they any good?
  20. The eye is in south florida and I am on the very NW panhandle. And we are starting to feel it here. The base hasn't evacuated yet so Im still here. The storm is pretty much covering the entire state.
  21. My wife said she heard that Sunday Ticket will be showing for everyone Week 1. Anyone else heard that? I dont want to wait until kickoff to find out she was wrong and miss the first quarter. Thanks.
  22. Its Chief, not chief. And yes. That is part of my hesitation. I feel like i need to wait until my Sailors evac. But Im also worried roads will be clogged by the time they do. Base emegency team has a meeting at 0800 tomorrow to decide if they evac.
  23. If you all lived in Pensacola, would you evac? Im torn after Ivan and its crazy path.
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