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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. I didnt post while driving. Hence the "sorry Im just now responding"
  2. So two wrongs make a right? If you want to have a serious discussion regarding the protests, why people are upset with it, what the end goal is, etc then I am totally game. I think many here would agree that I'm always up for a good open discussion. And I think there are a lot of others here that have valuable insight to offer. But wrong "facts", stereotypes, etc don't lead to a thoughtful discussion that is helpful to anyone.
  3. So we have gone from it's UnAmerican to just it's misguided and then thrown in a few stereotypes for good measure? Now THAT is American! And what the hell is DTOM?
  4. Actually it is about as AMERICAN as you can get. The same right that lets them do it lets me tell them they are wrong. Free speech being a double edged sword and all. EDIT: Unless they are calling for Congress to make a law banning it. Then I could concede you may have a point.
  5. Easy. One, for people invoking the First Amendment, they should start with actually reading it. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." I don't believe Congress, or any part of the government, has passed or even proposed a law to stop the players from kneeling. What I do love is that the people upset at those objecting the the kneeling wish those objecting would be quiet. "Freedom of speech" that protects the players kneeling also protects someone else saying they disagree, calling for someone to be fired, or even using slurs if they so desire. Funny thing about the 1st, it tends to be a double edged sword. The 1st isn't as all encompassing as some may think. It only keeps the government from quashing your speech. It does not prevent repercussions of that speech. EDIT: Oh, and because Montel seems to require it to have an opinion, I wear the uniform.
  6. If you look at where the person was when they made that tweet, it was in Vladivastok Russia. Off topic, that is a great city to party in. We used to call it the white thailand. I was a single guy back then.........
  7. For anyone interested, there is a town hall on CNN right now regarding this. Heinz Ward just called out Goodell for lack of leadership. So far, it's not bad. Not great, but not bad.
  8. How come when a veteran (or person of one particular group) does something to help the case, it makes a valid point. But when it goes against the point, it doesn't matter because they don't speak for all veterans. If I find one veteran who says it isn't respectful, does that negate your bolded point?
  9. You have to sell it to the dumb people. Get a used car salesman and one of thise wacky waiving inflateable arm guys and make commercials "Uncle Sam will give you $500 a year every year that you dont have a child!"
  10. I don't many are having it for the deduction. But how many would be more careful too NOT have one if there were a deduction.
  11. I'm against deductions for kids. In fact, we need to start giving deductions for not having kids. We need to start encouraging some of these dumb mother ****ers to stop breeding.
  12. Well they would pay sales tax when they buy stuff unless they live in one of those bull**** states like Delaware. So you want them to pay just based on principle?
  13. Yup. Not sure how to fix that. But like single payer, does people losing their jobs justify not doing it? It would never happen. Too many special interests and rich people would lose. And they own our government. I have no clue how to go about getting a CBO reading.
  14. Not that I know of. As for feasibility, it would require someone smarter than me to figure out the actual number and percent to make it solvent. I just made up numbers that sounded reasonable. Usually everyone freaks out once they realize that means the mortgage deduction, the child deduction, etc would all go away. If you are "poor" (below $50k) you don't pay. Then you get taxed on everything beyond that. To me, it's the most fair thing. People usually hate fairness once they realize it doesn't go in their favor.
  15. You would pay zero in taxes. The $50k deduction would make it so no one making less that that would pay tax. Everyone over that would get to deduct that amount. If you make $51k, you may tax on that $1k. If you make $1mil, you pay tax on $950k. And everyone would pay the same % on there income (probably around 20%).
  16. I'm not going to disagree with that. My point was that I don't think it has to do with race. That's what I said. If you want to argue that a far too large portion of America are to lazy to care about things that they should care about, you will get no argument from me. But again, that is a laziness issue. That doesn't make them racist.
  17. Im once again going to propose my flat tax that gets rid of pretty much all deductiins and everyone gets a $50k standard deduction.
  18. Hi ASF, Im Naive. I think some are based on race. I think a majority just dont want a bunch of crap brought into one of the places they go to get away from crap. The same reason you dont talk Politics or Religion in a bar. I remember Tebow getting a bunch of crap for praying at random times (i was one of those people giving him crap). We want to see a football game. No more, no less.
  19. Apparently. Can you explain it? Im being serious. It sure seems like a person thinks tjey can tell me why I disagree with the protest and my meaning behind it but I cant do the same for the protest itself.
  20. So just to be clear, the audience of my objection can decide what I mean but the audience of the protest cannot? Makes sense.
  21. Boy I sure am lucky yiu are here ti tell me why I disagree with what he did. Without you I wouldnt know what to do with myself. I have some math homework also if you want to do some more thinking for me.
  22. Regarding forecast, I dont believe there is anything else on the horizon you need to sweat right now.
  23. Sweet! Looking at the chart above I think I may do even better if we both file single. Have to wait and see final details and play with it.
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