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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. Same questiin but also a family of 2 with no kids. Asking for a different friend.
  2. I agree with Blitz. I thought the same thing. Maybe "GOP Tax Reform Thread" or something like that.
  3. Sorry I am just now coming back to address the kid at the Tomb of the Unknown. Im on the road so posting while driving is difficult. From a thousand miles away, I view as the same as kneeling at games. I dont like it but it is your right. I also admit if I were actually there, my reaction may not have been so level headed. Being a military member, having family that have been POWs, and having one family member who's remains were never recovered (admittedly someone I never met), I couldnt promise that if I were there and saw it that he wouldnt have gotten his ass kicked. He reminds me of those Westboro idiots. I get you have a point you want to make but choose your location with some freaking respect. Lastly, he appears to be a teenager and it is my belief all teenagers are idiots. There for I am going to assume he doesnt even know what he is protesting other than the sound bite he heard on MTV.
  4. Im on my phone and not sure how. Ill give it a shot. But that is why i said hypothetical kid taking knee in protest at tomb of unknown. Edit: so i took a picture of the post on my phone but cant figure out how to post it here from the gallery. I have an S7 edge if that helps.
  5. Surely a typo but you may want to fix that. Well I cant stand Tebow so. But I would imagine he would be praying. It did not appear as this is what was happening. Do you support taking a knee there as a protest, not a prayer.
  6. So I just saw a thing on Facebook (which means its probably fake but lets treat it as a hypothetical situation) of what appers to be a black teenager on his knee at the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown. Aside from him having the right to do it, do you all agree with doing it there?
  7. I dont know if this has been mentiined but I jist heard DirectTV is giving refunds for Sunday Ticket if yoi call and say you are protesting the protest. Interesting.
  8. Haha....Yea that has got to really burn his backside, huh.......
  9. So my sister posted a poll asking how many people stand at home or in a bar for the anthem. Some of her friends then went on to say if you don't that you are a hypocrite and that the POTUS should be impeached for violating the players 1st amendment rights. Below is my response: Well on base obviously I pay all normal respects. We live close enough to base that I often hear colors from our house. When I am out in the yard, even alone, I pay normal respects. I don’t think I have ever heard it on the radio in the car that I can remember so I can’t speak to that. When I am at home and it comes on TV, I shut up. Do I stand? Sometimes but not always. But I don’t think it fair to label someone a hypocrite just because they don’t. Do you (meaning everyone) always act the exact same in the comfort of your home and in public? Ever tell an off-color joke to your spouse in the house that you wouldn’t have said in mixed company? I bet you have. That doesn’t make you a hypocrite, that makes you human. Personally, I don’t like the kneeling. But I respect their right to do it as long as their employer allow it (more on this in a moment). AND I respect the right of people to vocally say they feel it’s wrong and they want to protest their protest. And round and round we go. Thing that gets me is how easy it is to claim “free speech” now but where were all these people when a city was attempting to shut down a planned white supremacist march? Hate to say it but that is free speech also. As much as I may disagree with what they say, I defend to the death their right to say it (I feel like we’ve heard that before) until it gets violent. Now regarding free speech and the First Amendment, I wish people would actually read it before attempting to invoke it. “Congress shall make no law……abridging the freedom of speech.” Now unless the news really dropped the ball, I’m not aware of any law being proposed banning the kneeling. The Supreme Court has expanded the 1st to include all branches of government so the POTUS would not be able to give an EO banning it either. I don’t think that has been proposed either though. The 1st does not protect you from private repercussions of your speech. That is why I said if the employers allow it. Was what Trump said in bad taste? Possibly. What is the difference between it and a POTUS condemning someone’s racist remarks (other than the level of eloquence)? Both are free speech and no law is attempting to shut it down. I’ll tell you what the difference is. One is easy to defend. The other is painful. But defending rights isn’t meant to be easy. So to all of the people condemning what Trump said, I expect the same level of outrage when a public official calls for someone to lose their job because they were spotted at a white supremacist rally. If you don’t, THEN you are a hypocrite. This was good timing. Please see above. Also, troop pay isn't crappy. We are actually compensated well. I can explain that further if you need. There are charts involved though. Vets being taken care of better, you will get no argument from me there. I needs to happen. But no president on either side has straightened that out. Vets are the domestic North Korea. Everyone wants to talk about it. No one fixes it. As for your pointless/fake war comments, I would caution you using those terms in the physical presence of a vet. I'm not even going to say you are wrong (it is an opinion after all) however telling a vet they lost friends and body parts in a fake war is not well received on our part. This is me asking you nicely to tone it down on that front. This is the only smart point you have made yet.
  10. So far I think this is one way the NFL players are screwing this up. You protest to get peoples attention. Well guess what, now you got it. What are you going to do with it? All of the people should have been cruising the TV and radio networks now speaking about what the protest was about. There should have been a line outside of CNN, ESPN, NFL Network, etc to go talk about the treatment of blacks. So much so that a 3rd stringer kicker would only get time with a Baynet reporter (do they still have that in SOMD?). Their window is closing. Go get your message out.
  11. We (current and former) are used by both sides when it suites them. However the state of the VA shows how much they really care. I agree the country goes over board (and some vets) with what they think the military people are entitled to. But taking care of issues that the military caused should be the first thing we care about and its not. Of course some members abuse the VA system and that is partly why it is so screwed. But that is getting a bit off topic I was more bothered by him saying "pointless wars". That is something that greatly offends the pretty much all of us. Then he told me its easy to have my opinion when I havent been semt over there........smh.
  12. Well this tells me you didnt read my other posts. You dont know what I do for a living I guess. I have been "over there".
  13. He intends a lot of things. I'm pretty sure we are smart enough to be able to use a few of them against him.
  14. And that gets you more clicks and ad money. One thing I liked that Trump proposed (ducks) was being able to open the media up more to liable claims. Now I would have love to seen the Left get on board with this. It should have passed with 100 % support. Now I would have seen it used a different way than Trump probably intended. I would have used it to go after biased "news" organizations (looking at you Fox, MSNBC not far behind). Start holding our media outlets to some sort of standard regarding truth and fair reporting. Our 1st amendment wasn't intended to protect pornographers rights to show bestiality (I think). It was a check against our government. But it must be an honest check. If I had to pick one thing that has gotten us to where we are today, it is cable news.
  15. Ha! If Obama couldn't do it (a guy who I didn't agree with on a lot of policies but he was a hell of a leader), who the **** can? I have zero hope that anyone else can if Obama could barely even move the needle.
  16. So, in short, you think what happened yesterday is the kicking off point that will spur change? Okay. I don't agree but neither one of us can predict the future so I concede you may be right. Only time will tell. I hope you are right. I doubt you are. As for the second paragraph, how do we fix that? Bear in mind current society. It's not how you, or the Left, or whoever can make it happen. How do WE possibly get past that point.
  17. Just to be clear, I wasn't being sarcastic. If you have a suggestion on how to have the type of discussion that you say is needed (which I agree is needed but don't think is possible), I'm excited to hear it. No sarcasm. I'm open to suggestions.
  18. I'm sorry if you thought I meant they didn't care. I meant that the discussion isn't happening. When it has happened in the past, it went the way ASF said it SHOULDN'T go. So my question to ASF is how do we get the type of discussion he says is needed? Point is these problems aren't as black and white as some pretend. There are truths on both sides of the arguments. But neither side will admit that. And we end up with the same type of discussion we are having here. And that we have in every thread. (yes that is a generalization. I know not EVERY thread goes like this and sometimes people learn things. But that wasn't my point. But sadly I still have to make this statement.)
  19. I think it has been shown that even starting the discussion isn't that easy. At least not an honest discussion as you suggest. So how are we going to do it? CK started his protest over a year ago. And where are we? There are other threads to discuss those topics. Notice none of them have been bumped.
  20. That is a great idea. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix the problems that ail us? Or is the solution snarky comments? Because if it is, I got this covered.
  21. I disagree. One, it's not just an issue of racism. There are issues far bigger than that. Like I said, no respect or consideration for differing opinions. Racism is just the topic of the hour. Look at a discussion on health care, abortion, gun control, etc. Everyone is right and anyone who disagrees in the slightest is wrong. Two, nothing can be changed because of #1. The people who want change want it all right now. There is no room for getting closer to better. Either make it perfect or you're racist, want babies to die, etc. The people resistant to change aren't willing to even consider meeting in the middle. And why should either side consider it? They are right after all. And everyone else is wrong. No need to listen to their opinions and consider what they mean. Especially when we can pick apart every letter of every sentence they say, ignore what we all know they mean, twist it in to something horrible, and claim our moral victory! 'Merica. So depressing.
  22. Well.......That took even less time than I expected.
  23. I fear this is going to be twisted to make it seem like they kneeled through the anthem. Even though that isn't what happened. Does it make a difference in the long run? No. But the right will use it as proof of fake news. And the left will use it to say the right gets hung up on the wrong things. And further apart we divide.
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