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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. But they havent accomplished this. Want to take aguess at the number of gun related laws vs uterus related laws? If you want to make an argument, at least use something close to facts. Otherwise we may mistake you for Fox news.
  2. We elected Trump as president and you think we arent already screwed?
  3. Your first picture absolutely isn't true and I dare you to prove otherwise. Guns are much heavier regulated than "your uterus".
  4. Just realized this is the Vegas thread. My bad. I think the majority of this discussion should move to the Gun Control thread
  5. The realized it. They didnt care. They wanted so.ething they could waive to their constituents. Politicians dont care about right or wrong. They care about keeping power.
  6. Glad to see this debate is going as well as it used to back when I was the pro-gun advocate. I'd be fine with banning bump stocks. That is about the only thing I would give in on relating to this incident. So far, no reason to think a background check would have done anything.
  7. I have to do a lot of dog training as part of my rescue work. I always tell owners that dog training is 10% training the dog and 90% training the owner. Consistency is key. As is practice.
  8. Problem is people look at Chicago as an absolute. The right as its proof gun laws dont work. The left as it is completely irrelevant. Both are wrong.
  9. Im still waiting for military to be allowed to have a firearm on base. That was a campaign promise.
  10. As the resident gun nut, and tye one who is usually leary of gun regulations, I completely agree there isnt a good reason why someone needs a silencer.
  11. I would say not. No way anyone else could have done anythimg to stop him short of an extremely skilled sniper with a very nice rifle.
  12. What law are you referring to? Im not aware of what you are thinking of.
  13. Im bumping this to helpt people find it if needed.
  14. I just saw the Sheriff say they werent saying one way or another until more investigation was done. Did someone else rule it out? From the places I have been, the security in the hotel part and casino part are vastly different.
  15. Why? Seems pretty clear cut regarding the proper thread for the proper topic. We have a thread for gun laws.
  16. I just woke up amd saw the video. Definetly sounded like a fully automatic rifle. If so, they are illegal with a whole crap load of paperwork from the ATF. It is possible to illegally modify a normal rifle to fire like that. I would bet that is what happened. I would ask that we keep this thread about Vegas. If you want to talk about gun laws or the lack thereof, we have another thread for that.
  17. Here is my Lab (Logan) using my Fox Terrier (Molly) as a pillow.
  18. To be clear, I didnt think ot was real. Im asking how to show it isnt. I doubted it was real. I work with a lot of old people, mostly vets. They seem to eat up all this stuff. They seem to think that if its online it must be trye. I usually point out the ones I can prove arent but a lot of them I dont know how to fact check. For example a few weeks ago a bunch of people were sharimg about how 30 SEALs were just killed. I could prove to them that was old by finding the article from like 8 years ago when it happened.
  19. Do you honestly believe that the majority of your posts are not calling something racist? Or do you just mean that everything you post IS racist but it deserved to be called such? We have had conversations before. Im willing to try again but from what I remember there is never any convincing you.
  20. So other than safe assumptions how do you know its fake? How do you fact check these things? One of my friends shared it on facebook. Things I can prove false, I do. But stuff like that I need proof an dont know where to get it.
  21. You all are better at fact checking than I am. Can anyone confirm or refute the authenticity of this?
  22. Yes. Simply click on your profile. Then review your posting history.
  23. I get that he experiences more racism then us white guys can understand. And i get that he should be listened to for his experiences. But he also needs to listen and be open minded. If I havent experienced racism, that doesnt mean I can claim it doesnt exist at all. Conversly, just because he does experience it doesnt mean he can claim it is the basis for everything.
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