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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. Well it was more about that Gruden didn't know about the Landon Collins move until he saw it in the media, and that he's frustrated and 'wants to jump off a bridge'. I kind of got that they insinuated that he had not much say in the offseason due to those reports, not that EB was flat out told he had no say in it. Also, "the fan" reporting it was false is just Craig Hoffman. So there are contradicting reports at Redskins park. This has never happened before...
  2. Reporting on what a source told you isn't lying. It's relaying what was told to them. DC sports radio is only awful because of fat lip smacking Grant and unfunny Danny.
  3. You all wanna see how a real man handles being hit by an egg? I present you Ahnold:
  4. Triple Frontier - 7/10 - was quite a bit different than I expected and thought it was just alright.
  5. I like Buck too, but did anyone else yesterday hear him call Sato Dirk while he was at the free throw line lol? I had to rewind the DVR to make sure I heard it right. And then I took a video with my phone lol.
  6. Yeah I mean, there was just so many things you are like WTF including those ones. Even where dude slept over and stuff. Like who the hell allows that? The people who are on those kinds of shows always seem to be people who live in bum **** nowhere in these little towns.
  7. My wife and I watched "Abducted In Plain Sight" last night based off comments in this thread, and wow you guys were not kidding. Pretty much every 5 minutes I was saying out loud "WHAT THE ****???" after what I had just heard from pretty much everyone, except the child was at least a child and had more of an excuse. But even at the age of Jan, it's shocking what she thought was real. The whole thing was just ... WTF... And the dad in the car with B ... like WHAT THE ****ING ****???
  8. Except I never said any of that. I just said that all the bad **** he has done has no effect on whether I enjoy his music or not. The music sounds the same whether he did what he did or not.
  9. I personally can put music and artists personal lives separate. I don't really care what MJ or R Kelly did in regards to listening to their music. I still like a lot of their music and will continue to do so. I mean a lot of the rappers I liked growing up aren't the best people but I don't care I like their jams. Same with movies. I hear people saying they don't want to watch a movie because X is in it and they don't like his personal life. I couldn't care less about that, just give me an entertaining movie.
  10. I'm not sure if you have ever seen this before, but this behind the scenes of a continuous shot is pretty damn awesome to watch just how much goes into those. I have never seen the show/movie this was for, just this video though and thought it was very neat.
  11. I watched A Star is Born Friday night and thought it sucked big time. There was so much stuff in the story that just made no sense at all. Bradley Cooper's singing was overrated and not nearly as good as everyone made it out to be, and his acting was just mediocre i the movie, and I'm a fan of his. He's definitely had better movies. I'm the opposite and can see why he did NOT win any Oscars for the movie. Lady Gaga stole the show though and I was shocked at how well she could act. I watched Free Solo last night on Nat Geo and wouldn't have even known about it if it weren't for the Junkies, and damn that was an awesome documentary. That dude is insane. There is some great camera work and scenery in the movie. Definitely worth a watch if you like documentaries and have any interest in watching a dude climb 3000 feet with no harness and ropes.
  12. What a piece of ****. I hope they throw the book at this dude and make an example out of him.
  13. Fox made a statement that flat out denies that though, so who knows.
  14. Even though it sounded very odd from the get go, I gave this dude the benefit of the doubt until it all played out. But the way things are going now, it is really starting to look like he set the whole thing up. If that pans out to be true, I really want to know WTF his motivation was for all of this.
  15. Hahaha he HATES that people still love Obama. You can hear it in his voice every time he talks about Obama. Man this dude is comedy gold. "I don't need to do this." But it's an emergency. Okay...
  16. Nope. I could barely get out of bed. I went to a health clinic and was put on 4 prescriptions. I had some strand of the flu. It was not a fun 24 hours.
  17. Well, I booked another trip back to GC for March with the class again so I'm going to be knocking on wood that I don't get sick this time!
  18. Agreed. The new Predator movie was really really bad, although I was slightly entertained while watching it. Venom was pretty damn bad too but when he started talking to Venom in his head, it took a turn for the better. Some of those conversations had me rolling. I don't know if it was supposed to be funny or not but I laughed.
  19. Mowgli - 8/10 - wow this movie was really good. It was better than I anticipated and it's basically a Jungle Book story for adults. No singing or kiddie stuff and it's dark and gritty. I liked the style of it with the animals and while the CGI wasn't the best I've ever seen, it felt like it fit the style of the movie.
  20. This movie was SSSSOOOOOO bad. The only part that kept me somewhat entertained was all of the dumb comedy in it. Key told some mama joke on the bus that had me rolling.
  21. I'm with you. That movie was ****ing terrible. One of those movies after I watched it, I wish I never wasted time on it. One of the worst movies I've ever watched in full. Halloween (2018) - 7/10 - this movie was very close to being like a 9/10 but there is one part towards the end that had me going "really?" and I kind of saw it coming but really hoped it wasn't going to happen, but it did. Other than that though, I thought it was great. The music and sound is awesome and very Halloween'ish. So is the camera work with scenes filmed like you're looking into someones window of their home. Just really well done. And Michael Myers was a complete badass in this movie.
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