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Everything posted by Corcaigh

  1. The last experiment at the JET tokamak (which uses large magnetic fields to confine the fusion plasma compared to inertial confinement used by NIF) in Oxfordshire, UK has been run. Onto the ITER experiment in France which should get going in earnest with full fusion plasmas in 2035 and beyond that the DEMO experiment in around 2050. Maybe commercialization by the end of the century. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2415909-uk-nuclear-fusion-reactor-sets-new-world-record-for-energy-output/
  2. For my top word, callipygian, you don’t need a thesaurus, just Google image search.
  3. Steve Allen said: “Do not allow children to mix drinks. It is unseemly and they use too much vermouth.” Eight seems a little old. You should have started with this board book in the crib. But I suppose it’s never too late to start. How will you feel when the kid is visiting the neighbors and the Mom asks what he’d like to drink and he replies “An Old Fashioned”. What other sinful activities will you be Introducing the young child to?
  4. Well, they are in for a nice surprise when they check their 2023 statement. Thanks Biden! The thing with the decline in bond fund NAV is that they will have seen an increase in dividends, and if they do plan to sell a portion of their bonds in the near term they should at least have that portion in shorter durations. If their financial advisor put them in this situation they need a new FA or just do it themselves and save the AUM fees.
  5. Critics have stopped talking about gas prices for now but I still hear a lot of whining about retirement accounts being decimated. A central pillar of most people’s retirement accounts should be a diversified stock portfolio. Since Biden entered office the broad stock market is up about 30%, I.e. which is above historical averages. Even if they are sitting on cash they are getting much higher rates than in the past decade. And the news on other fixed income isn’t bad either, unless they did something misguided.
  6. Billionaires funding athletic freaks who will severely shorten their lifestyles for the billionaires entertainment. That said, testing is so patchy that many don’t really trust the fairness of elite competition.
  7. It’s a shame that he didn’t bring a map of the world with him so that he could show that Singapore and China are not the same country. Even better to ask Tom Cotton to point them out on the map.
  8. If Zuckerberg's (non) speaking opportunity is represented by the short clips he should have sent a cardboard cutout instead. As a bonus it would display more charisma and emotional warmth.
  9. The algorithms are not going to pick that up and make it go viral in its current format. They should replace one of the talking heads with a dog that farts every 17.5 seconds for optimum virality.
  10. While he’s at it Hawley can drag Al Gore over the coals for enabling the internet to exist in the first place. What a stupid circus.
  11. Slightly changing population in Virginia. Some of the immediate DC area decline is driven by more remote working since COVID, where people are willing to be up to a couple of hours away for the now very rare occasions they go to the office. https://statchatva.org/2024/01/29/amid-slow-population-growth-virginias-demographic-landscape-is-being-transformed/ Migration is not going to make a difference in voting at the state level but it potentially might make more rural counties less red (and metro areas with a smaller blue majority), although for many counties it will take more than a few percent population shift. The article mentions disproportionately higher death rates among the older rural population during the pandemic, but again not likely to be large enough to flip a county.
  12. Might as well as there’s Andra Day singing the black national anthem (Lift every voice and sing), an ugly dude with facial tattoos singing America the Beautiful and then Usher for the halftime show. What’s the under/over on number of complaints that Bon Jovi would have been better.
  13. When Lockheed Skunk Works throws in the towel its acceptance that creating a viable fusion reactor is not in the realm of being an engineering problem with current knowledge. We need a big scientific breakthrough.
  14. The Taylor Swift Chiefs versus the gay libtard cesspool 49ers. Is football the wokest sport?
  15. On a rainy weekend I was doing some reading on the current status of various fusion power projects. Lockheed shut this particular one down in 2019 after almost a decade of no real progress.
  16. Yeah, maybe a little harsh on FSG but Liverpool have been outspent by at least eight premier league teams in the last five years.
  17. I can understand the grind getting to a top manager. He has made more money than he will spend in his lifetime (currently >$50m per year). Aside from spending every waking minute trying to improve in an incredibly demanding job, he has to deal with unsupportive management, idiot press and public, and opponents breaking rules so that it’s not an even playing field. Speaking of the press, until I spent time on YouTube I never realized how much responsibility the managers have for pre-game and post-game interviews where the most inane and pointless questions are asked. Many, many top managers find it’s just not worth it. Success just brings more pressure from all sides. When you have many tens of millions in the bank, why tolerate the disrespect. Even Xavi is quitting Barcelona because of how he is treated. If anyone should be given a little slack, he should:
  18. Lots of TJ customers claiming they’ll not be customers any longer for union-busting, but much like with Starbucks their talk is just empty.
  19. What time of year? Some events such as Oktoberfest and Christmas Markets are pretty unique. Prop your feet up on the AC and let it blow on your wurst.
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