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Everything posted by samy316

  1. Yep, it goes to what I said about how the media/NFL fans think of Carson Wentz. Until proven otherwise, no one expects Wentz to do well here in DC. It's up to him to change the narrative surrounding him. His stock is about as low as any NFL starting QB at the moment. Either it's a great opportunity to buy low, or will his stock be delisted if he screws up here in DC like he did in Indy & Philly.
  2. I mean, it makes sense when you think about it. We’re the laughingstock of the league, who didn’t do squat all offseason, except trade for a QB the media dislikes and thinks is overrated. They also laugh at what we gave up to get him, thinking that we could’ve just signed him if the Colts cut him. But that’s neither here nor there. Sometimes I think the fanbase forgets to see the team from the lenses of a neutral fan or more specifically the media. If you were a neutral observer, with our lackluster offseason, what would make anyone who isn’t a blind homer predict that the Commanders are a favorite to win the division? I would argue that our lack of activity in free agency, especially on the defensive end hurts us rather than helps us.
  3. I mean, this isn't necessarily a huge surprise. I would wager that the D prior to last year was one of the most hyped units in the NFL. It had pundits predicting us to win the NFC East, and winning playoff games. To say it was a massive disappointment last year would be an understatement. Right now, if you had to gage which unit on the team is seen as more reliable or trustworthy of being a good to great unit, it would have to be the offense. What did we do to address our weak points such as LB, S or CB? Unless you count the draft, we really didn't do anything of note to improve or enhance our massively underperforming D. I would argue that the D is more of a liability right now to us having a playoff season than the offense is. The D-Line in particular should have massive pressure to perform this year. I think we understate how awful they were (especially Sweat & Young). They should all have a chip on their shoulder to perform at the level they're expected to, including the overrated coordinator who is overseeing the defense.
  4. It’s his fault for not renovating and upgrading the stadium to make it at least usable for events other than football. That’s not even going into all the off field issues that have made DC radioactive as far as big events go. We were a finalist for the 2024 NFL Draft, but lost to Detroit of all cities. I have no doubt that being a city that houses a clown show team with a crappy owner turned off the NFL from awarding DC the NFL Draft. I bet we won’t get any primetime games anymore at home until we get a new stadium, or a new owner. No use in showcasing a dump stadium, with less than 50% crowds ruining the NFL viewing experience.
  5. This is sure to throw salt in the wound to DC sports fans: https://sports.yahoo.com/world-cup-host-cities-2026-214301806.html What a gigantic embarrassment. The capital city of the top country on the planet wasn’t chosen to host the biggest sports event. This is going to sting. Fed-Ex is such a dump, that DC had to combine their bid with Baltimore in order to be considered. Every East Coast city is hosting the game except for DC. Snyder continues to be a wretched human being, and a stain to this great town in more ways than one.
  6. I already gave my prediction for next year, and why they’ll have that record. As far as Wentz goes, this is his last chance as a starter. If he craps the bed like he did in Indy, he’ll be a backup QB going forward. Hurts is in the same position too. The general public and the media sees Wentz-Hurts as a push. Check out the QB lists from pundits. I personally believe Wentz is more talented, but he’s given people plenty of ammo to doubt his standing with his up and down play. He’s at best a Top 17-18 QB when he doesn’t try to play that dumb hero ball crap. He’s ranked where he is (in the 20-25 range), because of his tendency to throw up on himself in crucial moments. We need him to be play like a Top17-18 QB, not the QB that got ran out of Indy. If he can do that, then we can win 9-10 games.
  7. It's not a stretch to see Hurts being just as effective, if not better than Wentz if Wentz keeps having incidents like the end of last season. Right now, the media and most other fanbases in the NFL would see Hurts-Wentz as a push at best. It's up to Wentz alone to change that narrative. Until he does, people will think both QB's are about the same or give the edge to Hurts. IF Hurts isn't able to excel with the talent around him, then the Eagles can use their 2 1st round picks to move up and grab a QB in a much better 2023 class. That's where their FO is better than our FO. While we were letting talent literally walk away for free the last few years, the Eagles were able to take the Wentz haul, and turn it into a treasure trove of ammo for the future. How is our FO better than their's again?
  8. This presentation last night was for an audience of 2. Donald Trump, and Merrick Garland. Trump is currently spazing out on Truth Social as we speak, so the presentation was partly effective, but the biggest question will be what does Garland and the DOJ do with the evidence presented? This certainly looks like a committee ready to call out the actions of Trump and his henchman as "illegal". Cheney used the words illegal and illegality in describing the actions of Trump, which is very strong language. They're certainly framing this as a case that should end up with Trump facing several federal charges by the end of the committee hearings. I'm interested in seeing how the DOJ will move going forward. If last night is any indication of how the rest of the hearings will go, it will unbelievable and shocking if Garland doesn't pursue criminal charges against Trump. Garland should be fired if that's the case.
  9. Hold up, you just really called PHI's FO a mess???? Seriously?? Then what the **** is our FO then 😄 I would love to have a "messy" FO like the Eagles. The abundance of 1st round picks, and the excellent talent they acquired during the offseason pales in comparison to whatever the **** we did 🙄
  10. Why should we get any respect? What the hell have we done to earn respect? Until this team wins consistently, this will continue happening. Go out and prove it, then be celebrated. If I were a neutral fan, I wouldn't predict this team winning a damn thing either. The Cowboys and Eagles are the two best teams in the division until otherwise stated. It's funny how we always whine and complain about being disrespected, when a normal year from this team consists of going either 1-5 or 0-6 in the division. Want to know what our record was against the Cowboys and Eagles last year? 0-4. Remember when we lost by 6 FREAKING touchdowns to the Cowboys on Sunday Night Football? I don't want to hear any complaints of how the media covers us. As far as I'm concerned, they treat us exactly how we should be treated, as an afterthought.
  11. I mean it's great that these hearings will be televised, but nothing's going to come of this. The DOJ is not going to go after the bigger fish involved in the riots, so what will this ultimately accomplish? The people who watch tonight are already convinced that the previous CIC orchestrated the planning and execution of the riots. They don't need to be convinced that this was a large scale operation. The people who NEED to be convinced (aka the cult of Trump) won't watch, because their preferred news networks won't even air the hearings (FOX, OAN, Newsmax, etc). So the question is, will this even move the needle? I tend to think that this will be forgotten in about a month, when 45 announces that he's seeking re-election.
  12. Same. I’m shocked at all of the 10+ win projections from the fans here. I thought they would know better after everything we’ve seen. Blind optimism with this team makes absolutely no sense.
  13. All that sounds good, but we’ve heard this song and dance before. I’m not going to get excited by anything Wentz does, until I see that he can play at a high level consistently with THIS team. To be honest, I’m not that worried about the offense. I know that having a Top 15-20 QB should propel us to a more potent offense, but the defense is what I’m worried about the most. We did squat to improve our Linebacking Corp, and our secondary is still weak. I’m not expecting much from our line, since they disappointed us last year. They might be average to above average, but the D as a whole is still a weak link. Del-Rio will be the scapegoat should things go south on the D side this year. If I had to make a prediction, I predict that our offense will be Top 10-15 this year, but our defense will struggle to be Top 20. As a result, we’ll be in some shootouts this year, like we were in 2015 with Cousins. Our final scores will look more like 34-27, then they will 20-17.
  14. This. I’m never predicting anything above 10 wins for this franchise until I see it with my own eyes. This is a Dan Snyder owned team at the end of the day. The rule of thumb should always be lower expectations (or no expectations if you’re a lifelong fan). When they’re hyped, I expect disappointment. When they’re projected for a low win total, I usually agree with the prognosticators. I’m in show me mode with this team. I want them to show me they’ve changed/gotten better before I believe it. Hoping and expecting big things from this team leads to disappointment and despair more often than not. Ashburn syndrome is a terrible thing to catch. Luckily fans are a lot smarter, and not buying what they’re selling nowadays.
  15. Doesn’t matter who replaces him, the point is that mediocrity shouldn’t be rewarded with more seasons of mediocrity. If Ron can’t get the team to at least a winning season in his 3rd year, then what’s the chances that he will in year 4 or beyond? Take a look around the NFL, teams have winning seasons way more often then we do. The goal is not to be content, but to build towards a winning culture. We haven’t won 11 games in 30 years (Every Team in the NFL has won at least 11 games since 1991), and we’re one of 4 teams to not make a conference championship since 1991. At some point, it gets really hard to be this bad for this period of time. Ron was brought here to develop a winning culture, and to win games. At some point he needs to stop talking about it, and start doing it.
  16. I wouldn't. His first two seasons have resulted in losing records (save for the fluke division title). If he can't get this team to 9 or 10 wins, then he should be fired. In today's NFL, there's no excuse for a head coach to have three consecutive losing seasons, especially a coach that was just hired. This offseason and the moves we've made make this the ultimate show me season for Rivera. He took a big swing for a QB the general public thinks negatively of, and he gave up assets that he might not have needed to give up in order to get him. The trade will determine whether or not Rivera will see a 4th season as Washington HC. If they can't get to 9 wins, then it's time to let him and the FO go. No excuses.
  17. Let's be honest, this team has had a terrible, awful offseason in the eyes of the national/local media and a majority of the fanbase. We've had to deal with the constant off the field scandals of Dan Snyder, the terrible role out of the new team name and uniforms, doing nothing of note during free agency, trading for Wentz (in a move most in the media and some of our fanbase called desperate), and the news about our future stadium being the smallest stadium in the NFL (if it even gets greenlight at all). The only thing that can brighten this offseason, is a new deal for Terry. He's one of the only fan favorites on this team, and a Top 10 receiver when healthy. He's played with this trashbag franchise for 3 seasons now, through 8 different QB's throwing him the ball, and all the dysfunction around him. To not pay him, would just show how cheap this franchise is, and will show the other players on this team and other potential FA's that Washington doesn't reward and pay their own stars. We can't suck AND be cheap, that's a deadly combination for a franchise that's hemorrhaging fans at an alarming rate.
  18. LOL. There’s a better chance of us winning 3 games than winning a SB. This team will never sniff a SB as long as Dan Snyder is the owner. One thing I’ve grown to learn in my life, is that you should have ZERO expectations when it comes to this team. The lower the expectations, the more pleased you’ll be when they over perform. It’s better to be prepared for disappointment, and be pleasantly surprised, then have high expectations, and watch the team crash and burn.
  19. I predict we’ll finish 8-9, after we get off to a 5-2 start. Wentz will hit a wall during the part of the season where we play teams like the Packers, Vikings and Eagles, then he’ll get hurt sometime during the final 5 games of the season, causing Heineke to start some games(and lose all of them). What turns out as a promising start turns into a disastrous finish, where we will be questioning Ron’s job. We’ll also be just outside the top 10 in the draft order, causing all of us despair, as we’re in a spot where we won’t be in position to draft a franchise QB in a loaded 2023 class. In summation, expect a typical season for this cursed franchise.
  20. If that's the case, the only reason he wouldn't be fired, is because Dan doesn't want to pay out the $14 Million Rivera is owed for the last 2 years of his contract, NOT because Dan believes in Ron after another underwhelming season. We're on what appears to be a shoe-string budget, so that will factor into Ron's job status more than anything else. Make no mistake about it though, if Ron fails to win at least 8 games with this schedule this year after the Wentz gamble, that's three straight losing seasons. He would absolutely deserve to get fired, no questions asked. This is the NFL, if you can't get a team to over .500 in your first 3 seasons, you deserve to get canned.
  21. I think they should win 9 games minimum. No excuses. The way our schedule looks, I think 10 should be the floor. This is put up or shut up time for Ron and the FO. If they can’t get to 9-10 wins minimum this year, then Ron’s not the right coach for this team. I want to see us get at least a wildcard birth. Ultimately I think the Eagles will win the division with 11+ wins. He took a gamble trading for Wentz, and the media and a decent portion of the fan base (me included) think it was a desperation move. He has to get this deal to work, or we’re in major trouble going forward. They also have to have a good season, because this is essential a new slate, with the new name and the new (terrible) uniforms. They can’t be the same old trash bag franchise they’ve been the last 20+ years. They need to start winning fast in order to gain any sort of momentum for the future.
  22. Come on man. Don't slander AJ Brown & Hassan Reddick like that. AJ Brown is a legit Top 5 WR in the league, and Hassan Reddick is better than any Linebacker on our team times a dozen. The Eagles are getting hyped, but it is deserved in this case, because they have the best roster in the division hands down. The only question mark currently is the QB position, but Hurts playing just solid (not even good) can get that team to 11 wins, which should easily win this division. If Hurts does not impress this upcoming season, then the Eagles have the ammo to trade up and select a QB in a loaded draft class They have 4 picks in the top 60 next year. They're well suited to be a legitimate contender for the foreseeable future. We, on the other hand had a subpar offseason to say the very least. Not many people like the Wentz trade (can't say I'm one of them either), and we're dragging out feet for some unknown reason trying to sign T-Mac to an extension. Our offseason wasn't very impressive, and I don't think we'll win the division next year. We might be fighting for a wild card, but that's being generous. No one knows what we're trying to do exactly with this front office, and to be frank, Rivera and Co. don't get the benefit of the doubt. I'm not impressed with this FO, and I have a feeling that the NFL world feels the same. Year 3 better be a success, or Ron & crew should be out.
  23. I think his finances are tied up to whatever he has to pay for a new stadium. Lord knows that the taxpayers in DC/MD/VA won't give him a cent more than they have to in bonds. 5 months ago, it was looking like we would receive news soon on where the stadium would be built, but with everything that's happened since the offseason began, it's beginning to look like we'll be at Fed-Ex Field beyond 2027, and that no municipality will want this horror show of an organization playing it's games there. I wonder how long Snyder can hold out as far as keeping his checkbook closed and his expenses minimal? Eventually he's got to realize that the fanbase will be pissed off at him for not opening his wallet to make the team better. He's got to find out soon if this stadium deal will even still happen. We used to be terrible, but we would open our wallets to get anybody we could. Now we're terrible AND cheap. Things can't get worse when you're a loser organization and cheap at the same time. At least when we used to spend money, it would captivate the local and national audience.
  24. I predict 1-2 primetime games (MNF and TNF). We're not good enough or interesting enough to get 4:25PM games or SNF games unless we're playing the Cowboys or a team like the Packers. Since our schedule is filled with teams that aren't marquee attractions (Texans, Jags, Falcons, Browns, Lions, Vikings, Etc), we're probably going to see a LOT of 1PM games on our schedule this year. I don't think we'll get a Thanksgiving game this year, since we've played on Thanksgiving a decent amount of times recently, and they would like to give the game to a more interesting or competitive team. I'll say that one of our Cowboys games, and the game against either the Eagles or Colts will be our only primetime games this year. The Vikings game at home will be a 1PM Sunday game, because nobody outside DC or Minneapolis cares about Kirk Cousins return to Fed-EX.
  25. NFL rules all sports in America. They've gotten to the point where a schedule release will outdraw NBA & NHL playoff games. People are interested in where and when teams will play each other now. Whatever the NFL does marketing wise clearly works, because there's no other enthusiasm or anticipation like this in any other sport outside of soccer. Not even close. The offseason has just as much juice to it now as the regular season.
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