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Everything posted by samy316

  1. You definitely have a point there. Another 2-4 or 1-5 start, and he’s canned by Halloween. Slow starts are a staple of Rivera coached teams.
  2. LOL, the odds of him getting to the playoffs next season, much less winning a game or two are minuscule. I don’t think we’ll have to worry about that happening. We’ll probably be our usual 7-10 or 8-9, which will get Ron canned thankfully. There’s a better chance of us winning less than 7 games next year with essentially a rookie QB then there is winning a playoff game. You’re right that this is more of a hot seat season rather than a lame duck season, but I’d put the odds of Ron and co. getting fired at 80% or higher. I might be underselling that number. Logically, it should be a 90% chance or higher.
  3. None of that actually matters when it comes to X's & O's, and more importantly Wins & Loses. I don't give a damn if our coach is priest like (think Joe Gibbs), or a literal devil (Think Belichick). All i care about and all that matters at the end of the day are wins and loses. We're NOT headed in the right direction in my opinion when it comes to his actual coaching capabilities. I have already made long posts going over his terrible judgement at the QB position, and being too loyal to mediocre players/coaches. Luckily he's a lame duck coach next year when we get a new owner, and Rivera will be fired by this time next year. It's a damn shame that the new owner is coming into the picture now instead of January, that way we could've fired Ron already and made a run at someone like Sean Payton.
  4. Makes no sense whatsoever. Why would we keep Sweat over Payne, when Sweat hasn’t done anything to earn an a new contract? That’s just literally letting talent walk out the door and getting worse for no reason. If you don’t want to pay Payne, then we damn sure shouldn’t pay Sweat. Also, there’s no guarantee Mathis or Ridgeway can replace the production of Payne. We’re going to get markedly worse in one of our only strengths that we have as a team.
  5. I just think that not paying our best players doesn't make sense for this team. If we were paying big money to a QB, then I could see the logic in letting some good players walk because of the cost to keep them and your franchise QB. But we don't have that problem at the moment. We're not paying big money to anyone, save for McLaurin and Jon Allen. We're in a great spot currently to pay our best players, with a rookie QB making peanuts on the dollar. That's the way you want to operate in the NFL. Part of that equation is for our rookie QB to take the next leap. Payne would command around $20 Million a year roughly. If we pay that number, we would STILL be in good shape with our cap moving forward. We don't have to worry about Sweat or Young until next year, and the salary cap will still be increasing.
  6. Which ILB is out there in FA? We’ll be on a budget this offseason, so I doubt we do anything in FA on that front, unless we’re drafting that position. If we have $50-$60 Milllion in cap space, then it should be a no brainer to tag Payne if we can’t get a deal done.
  7. Disagree. We’re not paying big money to a QB, so what the hell are we sitting on money for? Are we going to let every other good to great player walk with this mentality? We’re not devoting significant resources to ANY position right now save for McLaurin & Allen. We can pony up the money to pay Payne. If we keep letting talent walk out the door, then no FA will want to sign here (we have a hard time signing FA’s as it is), and the players we do draft will be leery of believing in this team and it’s ability to keep its homegrown players after their rookie deals. We’re in a great spot to pay our best players now, and not having to worry about paying 40-50 million a year at QB like the Cowboys, Packers, Cardinals and Broncos are. We might end up losing Payne due to the ownership situation, and being on a budget, but we should tag Payne at the very least.
  8. Oh I definitely think that Snyder was involved in getting Wentz to Washington. It the same dumb, laughable move that he’s made in the past with regards to the QB position. I’m actually of the mindset that Rivera has more control here as of late than any over Coach we’ve had. To be frank, Rivera has no clue about offense or QB’s. I still think he had a lot to do with advocating for, and trading Wentz. He has no feel for what a modern NFL offense should look like, and he’s too loyal to people who don’t really know what they’re doing. That’s why he’s a mediocre coach. If Cam Newton doesn’t have that magical 15-1 season for the Panthers, Rivera would not be a head coach today. Just a DC or an assistant to a coordinator somewhere. Once we get an offensive coach here in a year, you’ll see how night and day our old approach was, to how an NFL team should run.
  9. Rivera is DEFINITELY part of the problem at the very least. No one told him to make that absolutely asinine move to give up trade capital to get a QB that was a laughing stock, when said QB would've likely been cut and could've been acquired at NO cost. No one told him to nuke our offensive line, by not negotiating in good faith with our Pro Bowl tackle, and letting him walk out the door with no clear replacement. No one told him to let our other quality lineman exit out the door, and replace them with scrub replacements from Carolina. Most of all, no one told him to replace the backup QB with the season on the line, and a home game against the Browns with the awful QB responsible for putting them in a 1-4 hole before getting hurt, costing this team the playoffs. He did all of that on his own volition. Dan Snyder clearly checked out at some point between last offseason and the beginning of this season. Ron has had plenty of wiggle room and power behind the scenes to make these non-sensical, idiotic moves with little to no pushback. Rivera is a mediocre at best coach, and an even worse FO executive. I can't wait for the new owner to get rid of Rivera after next season. With any luck, the new owner will be brought in early enough for us to fire Rivera in March for Sean Payton. One can only hope.
  10. This. I don’t think people realize how low our ceiling is with Ron coming back as HC in 2023 as a lame duck. Ron alone assures us that we won’t finish with anything more than 8 wins next year. I also agree that people are way too enthusiastic and optimistic about a 5th Round QB with one start to his name. People, he’s essentially a rookie next year. Our offense isn’t suddenly going to be elite overnight. He has to go through some growing pains next year. That’s why I’m writing next season off already. It isn’t fair to have high expectations of a kid who will essentially be learning how to be a starter on the fly. Not everyone can be Brock Purdy. It doesn’t work like that in the NFL.
  11. I don’t mind Bieniemy at all. What’s the worst that could happen? He’s been an OC on the best offensive team in football the past five years, working with arguably the best QB in the league the past few years. Next year is kind of a write off at this point anyways due to new ownership, and most likely a new HC and FO in 2024. We’re going to be quiet in FA & the draft, so why are people freaking out about the OC position? We’re essentially starting a rookie QB next year in a stacked division, with a mediocre at best HC who will likely be a lame duck. We most likely won’t be a playoff team, and we’ll be beginning a new journey with a brand new owner & FO. Whatever happens next season won’t be too bad all things considered.
  12. I wouldn’t totally discount Cowherd. Yes, he’s been a blowhard sports radio guy for the better part of 20 years, but he’s higher profile now. He owns a successful podcast entity, and he keeps close relationships with scouts and GM’s. He’s been very accurate on NFL & NBA moves the last few years. Payton works for FOX at the moment, and is on Cowherd’s show like every other week. I think they were friends before Payton got to FOX. I tend to believe Cowherd more than others when it comes to coaching rumors and FA signings and trades. I think he was the first Sports Radio guy predicting and confirming Brady to the Bucs months before anyone else. Everyone else had Brady going to either the Dolphins or the 49ers.
  13. As with all things, it depends on the team/and or the defense. The Chiefs have an average defense, so removing Mahommes from the lineup would probably knock KC down to 6-7 wins. Chad Henne wouldn't be getting the Chiefs to a #1 seed with the #1 offense. Mahommes, Herbert and Allen are all extremely valuable to their teams, since all three teams have an average defense at best. You would rather have an elite QB and an average defense, rather than an average to below average QB and a great to elite defense. Of the 4 teams left in the playoffs, 3 of them are good to great QB's and Brock Purdy (who we don't know much about yet in 8 starts).
  14. The best way to calculate WAR is factoring in total points versus wins. For example, if Wentz or Heinecke started games, and they scored less than 20 points in their starts, you would factor in what that would translate to versus wins. The more points you're responsible for, the more that victories would be credited to you. Let's use Mahommes as an example, since he's at the top of the WAR chart. The Chiefs won 14 games, and in the games that Mahommes started, he was responsible for getting them to average 31 PPG during the season. This website below breaks down how they calculate WAR for QB's: https://www.sportsinfosolutions.com/2021/05/04/a-primer-for-siss-nfl-wins-above-replacement-war-metric/ I couldn't link PFF's writing on how they calculate WAR, but it's similar. Basically, if you're not putting up points that lead to wins, you're WAR is going to be lower than someone who is. Wentz & Heinicke were almost negligible in the way that their stats and points lead to no real wins. They were just passengers for a great defense this year. Literally anyone who was even marginally better than both those QB's would've netted us 2 extra wins or more. That's why we have the worst QB situation in the league. All we need is an average QB to get to 10+ wins and win a playoff game or two.
  15. Take a look at this chart. Keep in mind that the same people are in charge of handling FO decisions for at leat one more year: It's amazing how horrific Ron Rivera & the FO are at making decisions related to the QB position. I'm really tempted to bump that Fire Ron thread just to reiterate how awful our QB evaluating process is here. The fact we won 8 games with two QB's who are dead last in WAR, QBR and PFF analytics is an amazing indictment on our offense, and a clear sign that the defense definitely played up to expectations this year..
  16. Except for the part where he's owned this team since being drafted by NYG. He owned us, when the Giants were a tire fire before Daboll. Now that they have a great offensive minded coach, and a top flight GM, Jones will continue to own us as long as he's with the Giants.
  17. I don’t mean to put this team down, but they make it really easy. It sucks seeing teams that were worse than us for years suddenly catch up to and pass us with ease. All the Giants did was hire a new offensive minded coach and a GM from a winning team, and they did in one season what we couldn’t do the last 17 seasons, which is won one freaking playoff game. It seems so simple, but for this team, doing the simple things seems like an impossible task. We seem to always stay right in that mediocre sweet spot of 7-9 wins year after year, while every other team is able to have one 11 win season and play for conference championships. Did you know that if the Cowboys win tonight against the 49ers, that will leave just 3 teams in the entire NFL without a Conference Championship appearance since our last Superbowl. Guess which team is amongst those 3? If you just narrow it down to the NFC, barring a Cowboys win tonight it’ll just be 2, (Us and the Lions). What a pathetic franchise we’ve become. I can’t wait until March, when we hopefully have a new owner, and start anew. No other franchise deserves it more.
  18. 2 things: First of all, it's a terrible reflection on this team that they could only tie in the first game in NY, then gag like chocking dogs at home in primetime to a less talented team. Those calls in the pic don't matter. We got some bad calls, so what? There are bad calls in games all throughout the NFL on a weekly basis. The real story in that game is failing to score more than 12 points at home in a primetime game after a bye AND having faced said team two weeks before, with two weeks to prepare. They get no sympathy for how that game turned out. By the way, even IF they got that TD and scored the two point conversion to tie that game, there's no guarantee that they woud've won that game. Second of all, we STILL lost to Cleveland with the playoffs on the line. We had ANOTHER chance to win a game at home against a lesser talented team and gagged AGAIN. We didn't deserve the playoffs, and going 0-3-1 in December & January proves that point. Winning that meaningless Cowboys game in the finale doesn't count. The Giants are a lesser talented team then Washington, but their future looks brighter than ours clearly. They have an outstanding coach, a very smart GM/front office AND they have about $60 Million of cap space to play with in the offseason. The Daniel Jones issue will be resolved in the offseason, but even if they sign him to a contract, we haven't beaten this dude when it matters, and they'll improve their offense with that extra cap space. We now have the worst coach in the division by far AND no QB. We're back to being bottom dwellers in the NFCE. Hopefully our new owner will clean house in 2023 and get this team back to relevancy.
  19. This is an interesting conversation, and this offseason will definitely be a big one for this team’s future going forward. The logical thing to do this offseason is roll with Howell and draft/sign O-Line to improve that unit. However, Rivera is essentially a lame duck coach with one year left to prove to the new owner that he deserves to stay as a HC. A coach in his last year will be desperate, and try to make any move he can to guarantee himself a shot at the playoffs next season. I think Rivera is desperate, and since he has FO responsibilities along with being the HC, he’s going to swing for the fences to get a vet QB, because he feels like he has no better options at the moment. He’s not going to pin his hopes on a 5th Round QB, who only played one game. I think we’ll offer the moon to Derek Carr, and/or Tom Brady. It’s desperation time for Rivera, and he wants to do whatever he can to get this team to the playoffs next year. He’s not concerned about setting this team back if he’s not going to be here. If he has to offer a big time haul for Carr, he’s going to do that. If Carr is cut, I can see Rivera giving Carr a huge contract to sign here. He has to pull all the stops to get that Vet QB.
  20. I don’t think you have to worry about watching both games by 5PM EST. The Cowboys will most likely have a 3-4 touchdown lead before 5PM, and you can enjoy watching the Caps game solely in peace LOL. There’s literally no reason to watch this game, other than Howell, so the competitive part of the game will be over long before the Caps game.
  21. I should add that the Jets will be the team that gets tied to every FA QB this offseason. They will be the team that gets media hype once they sign either Carr of Jimmy G. The Jets have a roster that will attract any FA QB from Brady to Carr to Jimmy G. After the Jets, I see Miami being a desirable location, if Tua doesn't pan out. Rumor is that Brady was headed there after the 2019 season before he ended up in Tampa Bay.
  22. The problem with that is we're going to be picking from the scrap heap during free agency. No viable, decent QB will want to come here. The ownership question might be resolved around the time FA begins, but the stink of this organization, and our spending ability will result in better QB's considering teams other than WSH. I would be shocked if Carr or Jimmy G. even gave this FO the time of day to do an interview. They both might laugh and hang up the phone when we come calling. I forgot that Brady will also be an FA this offseason, and he's going to be highly coveted too. I see us getting either Mayfield or Brissett, and having Howell as a backup behind either. If we get Mayfield, we should consider ourselves lucky. Mayfield might be the only QB available in FA that can get Ron a wildcard spot next year. He'll probably come in at a reasonable price too. It would allow us to resign Payne.
  23. Yes, definitely. Until we have “the guy” at QB, we’re just twisting in the wind.
  24. We have two options next year, roll with Sam Howell, or draft a QB in the 1st round. Rolling with Howell is risky for Ron and Co., since they would theoretically have one year left to prove to the new ownership group that they are worthy of being extended. The issue for Ron, is that he needs a playoff appearance minimum to convince the new regime, and it’s a tall order leaning on your 5th Round QB to get you there. Ron’s other option is to swing big in the draft, and trade up for a franchise QB. If we lose this Sunday, there’s a chance we could end up picking as high as 10th in the upcoming draft. At 10th, it makes it easier to make a move to Pick 2, if you’re willing to part with draft capital. The issue with that though, is that we don’t want Ron wasting future draft capital to save himself from being fired at the end of next year, and potentially screwing over the new regime with a lack of draft capital going forward. We’re in a tough spot, because we need to hope that Ron doesn’t damage the future of the team going forward to save himself, but we also don’t want to go into next year with no shot at making the playoffs, and ending up in that 6-9 win territory we seem to be stuck in.
  25. Jimmy G didn’t want to come here last year via trade, and opted to get surgery to avoid being traded, which spooked teams from giving up a high draft pick for him. Carr, if he’s smart would consider better options out there than the Commanders. If it’s between us and the Jets, Carr will pick the Jets in a New York minute (pun intended). After those two QB’s, you’re left with the rest of the other options, including Brissett. We might not have a choice but to sign Brissett if/when all the better other options turn us down.
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