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Everything posted by drowland

  1. He's been rumored for the Duke Nukem movie they're planning on making. Not sure if that's the type of quality writing you're talking about.
  2. I read this morning about the Parkland girl saying Rubio values their lives as $1.05. I thought oh, nice Team America reference. Then realized they calculated it based off his NRA money and remembered they're all too young to probably remember or know about Team America. Just interesting they landed on a buck o'five.
  3. Last I've heard was Matt Reeves is developing a new Batman trilogy but wants a younger batman. The Affleck movie was killed, but he might make an appearance in the Flashpoint movie.
  4. I’m in the same boat. The Cap movies are my favorite. Maybe it’s because they’ve gotten better with each one or it’s the Russo Bros. They’ve handled that character and others so well.
  5. The trailers for Game Night were meh but it actually turned out to be an enjoyable movie. I little over the top but had several lol moments and interesting characters. They shot the movie like it was an action thriller like “The Game.” Good movie to take a date on.
  6. This reads like a Wolves of Wallstreet type movie, especially the stuff going back to the 80s with Manafort, Stone and Black. If Manafort goes to prison I’d like to see Scorese do it.
  7. The DHS and DNI released a joint statement in Oct 2016 about the Russian meddling which was probably directed by Obama. The Access Hollywood tape came out the same day Guess what got more media coverage.
  8. It was originally supposed to be the end but Coogler said he thought the UN scene and the final scene in Oakland with T’Challa and Shuri was just repeating the same message. And it was kinda fitting that the movie started and ended in the same location. That’s why he moved the UN one the mid-credits. I thought it would have been cool if some other faces had been the audience.
  9. Just got back from Black Panther. Wasn’t quite what I expected. More dramatic then action. But it’s a good story and has a lot great characters. Klaw and Kilmonger are two of the best villains the MCU has had in my opinion. Andy Serkis is just awesome. I wish there was more of Klaw in this movie. Kilmonger is ruthless yet complex. I give it a B+. Only real issue was I thought T’Challa was over shadowed by some of the other characters a bit even though he’s the lead. But he also had some very powerful moments.
  10. I liked Happy Death Day as well. Nothing really original about it, but it's a well put together movie. Just about everything Blumhouse puts out is quality. The truth or dare movie they have coming out looks terrible but it'll probably end up being pretty good.
  11. I don't think anyone expected TLJ to make as much a TFA. Sure there is going to be some fatigue but if these movies are still bringing in a billion $ I wouldn't call it a crisis. Solo is going to be a test. Don't think it will make as much as TLJ or RO coming out in May. Infinity War will likely rule the month/year and Deadpool comes out a week before Solo. Then Solo has two weeks before Incredibles 2. Disney probably should have stuck with December where Star Wars can rule the box office without much competition.
  12. Trailer had a Rogue One feel to it. Some cool visuals, but it's concerning they left Alden Ehrenreich kinda hiden. The full trailer comes out tomorrow so hopefully there's more of him.
  13. Shurmur's a good teacher, but I don't see him as the type of coach who can handle strong/outspoken personalities like the Giants have in OBJ, JPP and others. The Vikings don't have guys like that. Plus he has to handle the NY media and he's pretty laid back like McAdoo was. I could see Shurmur run out of there quickly.
  14. True, Scientology has Tom Cruise. Trumpism has Scott Baio and the Duck Dynasty guy.
  15. I don’t think football knowledge would have anything to do with it. From what I read it’s doubtful NFL owners want to set the precedent of ownership stakes being given up to coaches. Just think what Belichick could demand. It would be months before the owners would vote on it though so it doesn’t sound like a deal breaker if they voted no. He’d already be on the job. And with the Raiders moving to Vegas he’d save a lot on the state income tax going from CA to NV.
  16. Rumor is the offer includes an ownership stake in the Raiders which would have to be approved by the NFL owners.
  17. Scott Mantz is a Star Trek guy btw. Which I find his interesting considering I thought Rogue One dragged a lot until it got to the final act. Which a slow burn is fine as long as it payoffs in the end.
  18. I checked out the Disaster Artist today. If you're a fan of The Room you'll enjoy it. Has a lot of good laughs and has some heart. It really is an underdog story. Franco did a good job becoming Tommy Wiseau and as the movie went on you believe he really is Wiseau. He goes between creepy weirdo, to being a straight asshole to just being a lovable loser.
  19. I thought JL was ok. As others have said the CGI Steppenwolf wasn’t good. I found it distracting at times. They didn’t really set up his character well or the mother boxes. The biggest positive out of this movie was it set things up for the DCEU to go in a number of directions with characters. I think the Aquaman (or “Aquabro”) movie will be good. I liked the Atlantian scenes.
  20. I think Thanksgiving weekend is historically a big box office weekend. Maybe releasing it the weekend before they figure to get good carryover into next weekend. Although I think Coco will be #1 draw next weekend.
  21. Moore married his wife in the mid 80s. She’s 14 years younger then he is so yeah he courted much younger women when he was in his 30s. But there’s nothing out there saying he’s ever committed adultery. I don’t see this as a Cosby/Weinstein situation where it went on for decades. It looks to be isolated to a 5 year span of time. Unless someone digs up accounts of him doing this in his 20s, prior to 1979.
  22. I saw it last night. It's nothing like Thor: The Dark World. Best way for me to describe it is a Saturday morning cartoon come to life. Especially when Hulk is talking. It's by far the most dialogue he's had in the MCU and he's like the Hulk in the cartoon which I thought worked. Some people will think Thor is a little too happy-go-lucky and won't like the changes they made to his character but I think mcqueen brings up some good points about Superman in DC. Taika Waititi's strength is comedy and interactions between characters. Those elements play out really well. But I think he should have reigned it in a bit. At some points the film did feel like a parody of itself.
  23. Just got back from Thor. It’s a fun and fast paced movie. The comedy elements really landed well and the character interactions were great. The Corg character was very funny. Biggest issue i had was some of the serious parts that were there to add weight to the story were really glossed over. As well as Hela’s back story was a bit rushed. As for a villain though, I thought Cate Blanchett was pretty menacing.
  24. I was waiting for something to come out about Ratner. Always thought he was a douchbag. And outside of maybe Red Dragon and the first Rush Hour, his movies suck.
  25. Ragnarok is said to be nothing like the first two Thor movies. And it’s a team up movie with Hulk. I think that’s what people are excited about. Plus the reactions from advanced screenings have been positive.
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