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Everything posted by drowland

  1. Jordan and Drummond are two of the better ones. They aren't good shooters, but their teams have figured out they can still get the spacing and get an open lob pass if the help defender leaves his man.
  2. Paltrow did tell Pitt who apparently threatened to beat Harvey up at a party. What came out of it? Paltrow became a huge star, won an Oscar and was the "it" girl in Hollywood for about a 5 year span. Pitt stood up for his girl, but ultimately it was Paltrow's call to speak out about Harvey or shut up and use Harvey to her advantage. She choose to be quiet and used him to advance her career. Wouldn't surprise me if her parents told her to be quiet being they're in the industry.
  3. That looked like two scenes cut together. It's unclear who he's offering his hand to.
  4. Damn! A lot to take in. Don't know what direction they're going with this one. Looks stunning.
  5. I saw IT today. Really enjoyed the movie. More creepy then scary, but when Pennywise attacked he was pretty terrifying. The kids were awesome. Well acted movie, had a lot of heart and it was funny. All of Richie's one liners landed perfect.
  6. Yeah I've heard of crash victims as a results of a police chase successfully winning lawsuits against law enforcement because their pursuit of the fleeing vehicle caused the wreck. These cops were trying to get blood from the victim to see if he had any drugs or alcohol in his system to protect from a possible lawsuit.
  7. I have family that live on a street named after Stonewall Jackson's horse. I don't think Little Sorrel had a choice on which side to follow. Can his name stay? And speaking of horses why not just remove Lee from Monument Ave statue and leave Traveller up there?
  8. I just hope people are careful with how they confront the alt-right. With the KKK and neo-nazis their beliefs and purpose are black and white. With some of these other groups it seems a lot them join in not because they hate minorities, non-christians or gays...they join simply because they hate liberals. They're trolls like Milo Yiannopoulos who get off on getting a rise out of people. That's their only purpose. They show up at these things just to get in a fight with someone and bring out the worst out in their opposition. Those are the people who should be ignored. Unfortunately it's hard to tell.
  9. Just saw War for the Planet of Apes. It wasn't what I expected it be which wasn't a bad thing. Very powerful film and I thought a good finish to the story of Caesar.
  10. Saw Baby Driver last night. Have always liked Edgar Wright's style. It was a lot fun! Had a True Romance feel to it which is one of my favorite movies.
  11. As long as Han is a stuck up, half-witted nerf herder the film should be alright. I'm guessing Lord and Miller tried to make him scruffy looking.
  12. The tweet Trump sent out telling Comey he better hope there are no tapes confirmed the meeting happened. What's interesting about that is the word "hope" was used in a threat to Comey to keep his mouth shut. Republicans and Trump Jr went off on Comey's testimony saying I "hope" you let the Flynn investigation go wasn't a directive. Maybe I'm looking to far into that, but considering the republicans were drilling Comey on the word hope in the context of what Trump said makes it fair to bring up.
  13. I don't think Trump's denied the meeting happened, he's just denied saying he hoped Comey would let the Flynn investigation go and the loyalty pledge stuff.
  14. Can it just be Lebron takes care of his body? The guy spends $2 million a year on personal chefs, trainers, etc. He's got a trainer everywhere he travels. Works out 5 times a week even when he's on vacation. He might be the most well conditioned athlete in all of sports.
  15. IIRC that happened in the final game of the series, a sweep by the Cavs. Olynyk was suspended at the start of the following season.
  16. LOL Robin Lopez. That was a funny sequence.
  17. I hope they turn her dark. Not sure if Disney is willing to do it with a female lead though.
  18. Other then the US and Tag Team latter match, the title matches have been pretty piss poor. ICC match was flat. They need to give Miz that belt back since he's the only one who makes ICC interesting. Orton vs Wyatt sucked. Goldberg can't work a match. The women's match was good until they took Sasha out. She had the crowd going and then the momentum was killed. Should have let Sasha and Bailey be the final two.
  19. Logan was fantastic! Reminded me of a western like Unforgiven.
  20. I'd love for Rey to turn dark. But Disney won't do it. They view her as a role model for young girls and they would probably fear it would hurt toy sales.
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