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Everything posted by drowland

  1. Hereditary - unsettling is right. You have to really pay attention to the details. I didn’t the first viewing but still got caught up in the building tension this movie has. Didn’t understand the ending at first until I read up on it and watched it again and got the clues. Really well done movie. A lot of wide shots that draw your attention then you understand what the director was doing. I give it an A. Tag - I heard it wasn’t that good but I really enjoyed the humor and the soundtrack (very 90s). Over the top in spots but it was a ridiculous premise to begin with. Idk maybe this based on a real group of friends. B-
  2. Will be interesting to see what Cameron's Avatar movies do. Avatar 2 comes out in 2020 and 3 comes out in 2021.
  3. You see, I thought Ultron was severely underdeveloped. It felt like they rushed him onto the screen after he had a brief conversation with Jarvis and killed him. I think they would have been better served introducing the Ultron Project in IM3 to start building towards AoU. IM2 was to me the worst villains because of the wasted talent. They made Justin Hammer a punchline and Whiplash wasn't really Whiplash. Rourke was a cross between Whiplash and Crimson Dynamo. Rourke said he filmed another 30 minutes of scenes and dialogue that was cut out of the movie which is why his character came out underdeveloped. They used IM2 to build on Fury putting a team together going into Avengers more then putting out a good stand alone move. Abomination was in Incredible Hulk, not the Ang Lee movie.
  4. I read select theatres did a Christopher Robin/Black Panther double feature to help push BP over the 700M mark. Both films get box office credit in those situations.
  5. Saw Mission Impossible: Fallout today. I really enjoy this franchise (minus the 2nd one) and Fallout didn’t disappoint. Probably the best action franchise around. The action sequences always feel fresh and put you right in the car, motorcycle, helicopter, whatever it is. Cruise apparently got his helicopter license right before they started filming just so he could fly the copter in the one scene. The guy is nuts, but I appreciate that he puts his body on the line for these movies. The story is pretty solid. This one is different in that the story pulls from some of the past films where the others are more stand alone. First time they’ve brought a villain back. Lots of twists, some you see coming, some not. Overall I give it an A.
  6. Saw Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom yesterday. I’ll give it a C-. The last movie had issues, like a weak plot, but at least it flowed well and was a fun ride. This one really dragged at certain points and made the movie feel longer then it was. There were so many call back scenes to the original Jurassic Park I just kinda rolled my eyes. The villains were cartoonish and I thought the twist with the little girl was pointless. Movie just served as a setup for Jurassic World 3. I mean the trailers showed how this movie would leave things with the dinosaurs.
  7. The problem people have with Rey is she was just handed everything. She jumped on the Falcon and was flying it like she’s some great pilot. Finn asked how she did that and she didn’t know. She even was teaching Han stuff about his own ship. Then she’s all of the sudden doing Jedi mind tricks, scaling through Star Killer base and out smarting everyone. She picks up a lightsaber for the first time and beats Kylo who’s Jedi trained. We’re used to Jedi having to go through training to do all this stuff and she just picks it up? That makes her less interesting to me. There’s no struggle for her. Is Ep 9 going to be Rey teaching the force to the force? Kylo’s a little more interesting. But the first scene in TFA, Poe makes fun of his mask and looking back that kinda made him a joke. But there is depth to him. His dad left home. His mom sent him off to live with his crazy uncle who gets drunk off green alien sea cow milk and tried to kill him. That forces him into arms of this shady old guy who mentally and physically abuses him. Then when he tries to ask the girl he has a crush on to join him she rejects him. I mean she already embarrassed him so why would she join him. That’s another part of TLJ that made no sense. Kylo wanted to train her? She’s already beaten him! What are you going to teach me Kylo, how to get my ass kicked? Kylo is you textbook case of a kid who goes on a shooting spree. But I think the real problem with Kylo is they didn’t hide that he was a Solo. They established that from the jump, which leads you to assume he’ll come back to the light side. So the attempts to put him over as a villain (killing Han and Snoke) are hallow. It’s like Vince McMahon and his obsession with putting Roman Reigns over as the next Rock in WWE. Fans have said nah no matter how they try to put him over.
  8. I don't know, but the refs were making up rules on the fly last night so why not?
  9. It was a 50/50 call on the court. Anyone sitting in the nose bleeds of Oracle could see Lebron wasn't close to being in the restricted area. It should not have been reviewed. If they're going to review that then they should have reviewed the Warriors lane violation on the Hill missed FT.
  10. Doesn't matter, the call never should have been reviewed in the first place.
  11. I think they can review to see if the defensive player was in the restricted area however Lebron wasn’t even close to being in the restricted area. It never should have been reviewed.
  12. I mean the only explanation I guess would be the Emporer and Snoke were killed by their apprentices which plays into the rule of two mythology. Maul was killed by a Jedi. But still the whole he survived because his force hatred for Obi-wan kept him alive is weak. They made that up as an excuse to keep an unexpectedly popular character with the fans alive and introduced in the animated series. They should keep him there. It’s like Marvel and Agent Coulson. They killed him in the movies and then brought him back on TV. But they’ve stayed clear of bringing him back in the movies. I don’t think they’ve even mentioned he’s still alive.
  13. I agree they need to die, which is why introducing Maul back into the movies mucks everything up. Now if Snoke and the Emporer don’t come back people are going to say why not since they’re supposed to be more powerful then Maul was and they died in the same manor.
  14. He was the popular character from TPM so they brought him back in Clone Wars and Rebels cartoon series. Lucas admitted he wouldn’t have killed him if he had known fans would like him so much. George thought everyone would love Jar Jar. Introducing him back into the movies opens the door for the Emporer and Snoke to still be alive, since it’s now established a Sith can survive being cut in half and falling in a reactor shaft.
  15. Just saw Solo in a mostly empty theater, lol. It was okay. Didn’t hate it or love it. Had some good tie ins with the OT. The whole is it Hon or Han thing with Lando was funny. The part with how Han got the name Solo didn’t sit well. Han hated the Empire so why would he keep a name they gave him? Why couldn’t it just be his family name. Not sure how I feel about the big cameo at the end. I’ve seen some of the Clone Wars animated series but I don’t watch Rebels or read the books. A lot of the movie fans don’t. I think Disney/Lucas Film is making a mistake asking their viewers to take in all 3. The hardcore SW fans will keep coming but the broader base will start walking away. They need to learn from Marvel.
  16. DP2 was an enjoyable movie, but I liked the first DP better. This one had bigger action sequences but the comedy didn’t land as well for me. I thought the running gag of DP accusing Cable of being racist was the funnest thing. Brolin can pull off anything so obviously he was great as Cable. Domino was excellent and the kid was pretty good too. The chemistry between Wade and Vanessa was top notch as it was in the first movie. It’s kind of surprising that out of all the super hero movies put out, DP is the best when it comes to the love interest.
  17. A warning to all, Forbes posted an Infinity War article with all the spoilers in it. Apparently it’s not even a review, just spoilers. They put a spoiler warning in the article but obviously social media trolls are jumping all over it and posting spoilers everywhere. Might want to avoid comment sections and Twitter.
  18. Reactions can go up Monday the 23rd. The review embargo lifts on Tuesday the 24th. Apparently they've been doing early screenings but have only been showing the first 30 minutes of the film.
  19. Saw Rampage today. Overall I enjoyed it. It’s a dumb movie for sure with a shaky plot, over the top action, cheesy dialogue and one dimensional characters but it’s the Rock and monsters destroying stuff so that’s cool. It’s only 1:45 so it moves quickly.
  20. Preet Bharara was just on with Cooper and speculated (based on rules when he was the US attorney in NY) that since Cohen is an attorney any search warrant would have had to been approved by the US attorney in the southern district of NY. That US attorney was appointed by Trump.
  21. Oh I know. I think Duke Nukem could be a good role for him. He already looks the part and I would assume they'd go with a comedic tone which plays to Cena's strength. Some of the other action roles he played (The Marine) the movies took themselves too serious.
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