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Everything posted by drowland

  1. Let's say the report doesn't get released to the public, however the Dems take the WH in 2020. Can the new President order the Mueller report be released?
  2. They'll just say the caravan, full of criminals and organized by Democrats, changed everything.
  3. Lindsay Graham is worried about tradition? Has a State of the Union address been given by a president during a shutdown? Millions of people impacted and these bozos want to let Trump give a speech about how great he’s doing while they all stand and applaud him after every 10 words he says?
  4. Saw Glass over the weekend. It was...okay. It was a slow burn like most of M Night's movies, but the payoff was a little disappointing. It was definitely interesting and his take on certain aspects of the comic book genre were interesting. Thought the acting was great. James Mcavoy steals the show IMO and supplies a lot of the humor. I'd be interested to see something like the Horde/Beast in a MCU movie as a villain/anti-hero. That character is so well done.
  5. The Predator was garbage. Probably the worst movie I saw in 2018. I have nothing good to say about it other then Olivia Munn is nice to look at. But she can't act. The story sucked, the CGI was bad, the dialogue was awful, none of the characters were likable at all. I like most of Shane Black's movies but IDK what he was thinking with this one. They should have just made it a straight to Sci-Fi Channel movie with the likes of Lake Placid 3 and Anaconda 2. Venom was a mess, but at least the banter between Eddie and Venom was fun and entertaining.
  6. Ha, he did Half Past Dead with Steven Seagal instead. That movie was so bad is was actually entertaining. To be fair with Fast and Furious, when Vin Diesel turned down the sequel and it flopped that franchise looked dead in the water. Not sure anyone saw it coming back the way it did.
  7. It should be strike three since he didn't disclose he was a client of Cohen back when he was defending him on air.
  8. Not sure I'm giving him any benefit. This whole thing is dumb and he created it. I think he didn't know what this shutdown for this long entailed, or he ignored what people were telling him it entailed. That's not hard to believe. But I also believe Graham, McConnell, whoever in Senate GOP are telling him behind closed doors that he needs to end it and he's looking for a exit strategy where he doesn't look like he's just caving to Pelosi. Court strikes it down, he opens the Government and spins it like he was the bigger person and got 800K Americans their paychecks back like he's Trumpy Claus.
  9. Could it be Trump is just looking for an "out" with this situation where he doesn't look like a **** to his base and declaring it a national emergency and having the court strike it down allows him to say "I did all I could, blame the Dems and the so-called judges for no wall funding" and then re-open the Government. It's pretty clear Trump and his administration didn't know who all was impacted by this shutdown (Coast Guard, TSA, FDA, IRS, etc) and if they did wouldn't have taken it here. At least that's how I see it.
  10. 26th ranked D is good? They were good with turnovers, but there were issues with that D and he hasn’t had a top 10 D since 2011. Gregg did not hand pick Kitchens. When Jackson and Haley were fired the GM and owner called Gregg and Freddie in and told them your the HC and you’re the OC. Gregg did a good job stearing the ship but be real. A successful 2019 season for the Browns O and Kitchens would be snatched up. Some teams reached out to Kitchens for HC interviews and the Browns blocked them. Who was reaching out to interview Gregg for a HC gig? No one. The Browns have been his only interview. Maybe the Bengals would be interested in him but not likely.
  11. Well Baker Mayfield's completion % did go from 58% to 68% with Kitchens taking over the offense. And their offense averaged 6.9 yards per play which was #1 in the league over that span. If Baker's your future I think you go with the guy who worked directly with him over a 60 year old DC who hasn't had a good defense since 2011.
  12. This should be an interesting offseason with all these HC openings. One with a HOF QB and 3 teams with highly touted rookie QBs.
  13. Is he? I took it as a wink wink that he was there with the "#Mueller knows everything" at the end.
  14. Yeah I saw Bumblebee as well. It was pretty good. The G1 designs were great. It had heart which was always lacking in the Bayformers movies. The robot battles were well done and slowed down so you tell who was who and the decepticons weren’t just mindless drones. Cena’s character was over the top, but otherwise the human character’s weren’t annoying. Still would have liked to see more transformers and more Cybertron. Also they seemed to not want to commit to this movie being a prequel to the ‘07 movie. They had enough tie ins to say it’s a prequel but there are also things that were contradictory like they’re angling for a complete reboot. The mythology was so convoluted by Bay anyway throughout his 5 movies so i guess it’s not a big deal.
  15. The Big Trouble Little China thing has been rumored for a while. Last I heard they're still trying to do it, however it won't be a remake and The Rock won't be playing Jack Burton. It will be a continuation of the story with the The Rock playing a new character and it opens it up for Russell to come back as Jack Burton. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I love the original and it's weirdness fit the time period it came out in. 80s movies have a certain charm to them that's hard to replicate in remakes.
  16. I remember reading something that was on the Supreme Court's October docket which if overturned would give Trump the power to pardon state crimes. It was theorized that was why the GOP was pushing to get Kavanaugh confirmed quickly. Not sure what became of that.
  17. I’ll give Halloween a B. Had some really good scenes and some bad plot points. A lot of scenes that were call backs to the 1978 original and did a good job building tension. Some of the same slasher cliches with teenagers and dumb cops. Not sure what else there is they can do with this franchise but with the amount of money it’s going to make I’m sure they’ll keep making them.
  18. Actually from what I remember he did blame the year book editor. He said they wanted to go for an Animal House vibe and they may have edited his quotes. I’m sure news outlets are trying to hunt down Georgetown Preps yearbook staff from 1982.
  19. Limited in scope meaning they're only investigating Ford's accusations and not the other women's?
  20. This moment got me. When BK went from all serious to this stupid, slimy smirk on his face when Graham went off on his rant. It was like a spoiled child getting his way after being told no. Good job GOP.
  21. Wait so is Mitchell there to just question Ford or will she be questioning Kavanaugh as well?
  22. So Trump doesn't have to declassify these documents to look at them since he's POTUS, yet he hasn't looked at them. But he wants to release them to the public because his buddies in the media, who really only care about their ratings, are asking him to. Sounds like a great plan.
  23. Yeah that would be too Austin Powers 2 when they made it so Vanessa was one of Dr Evil's fembots all along.
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