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Everything posted by oraphus

  1. here are my thoughts on this Cmac move: As a football fan I am excited about the move. I would love to see what a RB of Mcafrey's talent level can do on a run first Niner O that has historically been very generous for RBs. Strategically it makes sense as well on many levels. NFCW is much weaker this season and NFC as a whole is not great so if Niners believe that MC is the necessary piece to allow them to coast to the playoffs and beyond.. why not. Here is what I dont like: Niners in 22 are not the niners of Yesteryears... the D is a shell of themselves, O line is very inj and I still dont believe JImmyG is the guy put them on his back when they need it. (maybe having Cmac will reduce Jimmy dependency even more) Also they are paying him 12+mil a year (top of market money) for a inj prone smallish rb going in to a system that kills RBs(inj) for whatever reason. Niners also basically have no significant draft capital over the next two years and their inj woes are related to the age and mileage of their players.
  2. Hey Ron! I hear Russel Wilson could be had for a 7th rounder... last i remember you were ripping hair out because your high offer got denied.
  3. I honestly dont see how washington wins another game this year. This offense is atrocious at every level. Coaching, QB, Oline and even WRs havent been playing well. Bears are actually worse but Washington should have lost the game. Fields (wow... he is terrible btw) missed easy TD throw and we needed a fumble on kickoff to win... and even with that they found a way to almost lose the game in the end. Firing Ron, Turner and the rest cant come soon enough!
  4. Ron and his band of merry Idiot evaluators are some of the worst i have ever seen. We should thank the lucky stars that he didnt get Russel Wilson and gave up Wash next 4 drafts for a washed up QB that can't function from the pocket and refuses to move.
  5. I have to say.. watching the game last night put a little smile on my face, as inept and incompetent as Washington FO is, there are other Franchises that are even worse... and man, that deal and draft capital Denver gave up for Wilson is going to keep them in the gutter for a loooong time
  6. We need to continue playing Wentz until the cliff of the 3rd rd pic. Then put Howell in. We basically suck for a high QB pick next year since its a good class, so whoever the coach will be (Hopefully NOT Ron) they can have their pick of QB and we could start a rebuild.
  7. The problem is... this team in constantly rebuilding and never gets better. Riverra's narrative has always been: 1. we will build up all the position groups and now all we need is a QB to be a top 10 team. well... we have a QB now.. but our D still sucks and our O line is not very good. So what the hell have you been building?!
  8. I've been calling for JDR to get fired since before the season.. keeping him this long in this role is borderline incompetence on Ron's part... he might be sealing his own fate by keeping JDR this year.
  9. Any ex-carolina old retreads we can trade for at half time Ron!? everyone needs a pay check
  10. Thats exactly it.. if after 2 years you cant get the players to subscribe to your scheme and play with in it.... then, maybe,.. just maybe your scheme sucks... or is not a fit for these players. Good coaches adjust the scheme to fit their players.. the idiots we have here just keep trying to push players in to their idea of a d scheme.. and fail, repeatedly. And if you tell me.. "well the scheme is good, its just the players are not able to play with in it" well... since you drafted most of these players then its again a fail.. then draft players that can play within your scheme, or at least make changes in the off season. We basically have the exact same underperforming D from last year.
  11. We have a defensive coach and ex LB and a D coordinator, also a LB... that cant actually draft a good LB or build a D worth a damn... our O is sub par, and we are down to trading for QB retreads that nobody wants and get similar results.... its like we are cursed with bad ownership and coaches... but hey, at least our culture is good now
  12. Gibson is doing everything he can to give the starting job to Robinson.. and Robinson will take it from him
  13. Rivera strikes me as a blindly loyal guy (to his detriment) that will stick with people for way too long to give them a benefit of the doubt. DL unit has underperformed greatly and D as a whole has. Same issue with JDR.. he should have been sent packing last year. If the Wentz experiment fails badly.. the whole coaching staff needs to be sent packing.
  14. Funny thing is that everyone is hating on Wentz late season collapse, but for some reason giving Murray a pass on his 2nd half of the season atrocious play. AZ will live to regret this contract.
  15. I can finally put my RG3 jersey to good use. good thing i can remove the name stitching
  16. Comps being equal between Mayfield and Wentz, I would lean toward Wentz. You can't teach size, arm strength and scrambling ability. The funny part is knocks against both are similar: lack of accuracy at times, bad decision making at times, lack of leadership + for Mayfield lack of arm strength and lack of size Wentz - has the ceiling of being Elite top 5 (even if he is unlikely to get there) + the team is build for a strong armed QB so he fits the O better Baker - has the ceiling of being Pretty good (top 15) Hindsight Baker might have been the more cost effective move but Carson is the more shoot for the stars move... Even if Baker get to Cousins level... that wont win you a superbowl. Baker wasn't available when Wash got Carson so the only thing you can hammer the FO on is not being patient enough in waiting for other QBs to become available. Likely outcome is that neither is more than a stop gap and if thats the case Baker would have been the way to go.. Like Ron mentioned though.. nobody cares what we gave up if Carson gets us to the superbowl or even if he makes us a 11W team.
  17. aside from all the rhetoric .. i am actually concerned about the O line going in to the season. 1. Everyone knows O line needs time to jell 2. we have 2 new starters and a center thats not yet ready to hit the field.. so possibly 3 new starters when season starts. 3. If the Oline plays like poo the first half the season (ala Fitzmagic) it could break Wentz's already fragile psyche, and once that happens we have a 2020 Wentz and a bunch of wasted pics/ $$$
  18. I dont hate this list.. its pretty close to where I see QBs... feel like 15-20 QBs are interchangeable
  19. A contract is just an agreement to perform service for a set price.. Obviously a construction contract does not look the same as a nfl player contract... duh.. but its still a contact. As a player - I am playing for your team for X years at $$$ per year with $ in guaranteed money + perf, escalators, etc. If i perform to your satisfaction or above, I expect i am on the team to receive the full value of my contract. But even if you cut me 5 days in to the first year, i still get the guaranteed portion $ just for showing up. As a contractor - I am building you a deck for your house with specific dimensions, materials, etc to be completed in Y days for a set price of $$$. If my deck performance is to your satisfaction I will get the fully guaranteed portion of our agreed to compensation. If not, we can negotiate alt price.
  20. Thats not correct. The contract in principal is still a contract. No difference if its NFL or construction. There are terms for each... In NFL players negotiate the guaranteed portion of the contract which is the portion they get no matter what. Which is why in the nfl its pointless to look at full value of the contract... instead focus on the guaranteed at signing/ per year/ etc. Rookie contracts are fully guaranteed by the way.
  21. There is no difference.. its just the way of the NFL contracts are today. If a rookie outperformed his draft status.. they want to get paid asap. But reality is that team still has most of the leverage. They can either chose to pay what player wants to show good will or drag it out. QBs have extra leverage since its by far the most important position on the field. Now if a rookie underperforms his contract - he is still getting paid the guaranteed portion of the deal even if cut early. The funny things is that players underperform many big FA contracts, yes you dont see teams ****ing about it on social media
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