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Everything posted by gbear

  1. I see a lot about not attempting the FG because Tress Way isn't good at kicking them, but I think that assumes the long snap from our 4th string C would have been good. It also assumes our OL wouldn't allow so much pressure a line drive kick would be blocked. I think the whole field goal kick operation would have been doubtful, at least to the point there is no chip shot gimme.
  2. I think the plays at the end of halves and games has also seemed different or at least less predictable. It looks like actual plays are being drawn up on the dry erase board. Of course this may be a natural result of a more balanced offense.
  3. I have been very impressed with his improvement this season. To be honest, I didn't expect it after last season.
  4. Right now, J and I are fostering a dog for animal control which we started doing after COVID slowed everything down . Francis is a beautiful well mannered dog. For example, took him to mother in laws house who has to go very slow down stairs. Francis just waited a step behind for her to get down the stairs, never pushing to get by. He does well with kids and other dogs, but chases our cat. He also has a funny looking prance of a gait when walking. We think he will be with us for a long time (meaning months to years) barring a good surprise. He is around 11 years old and somewhere around 55lbs. So while his temperament would be good for an older owner, most older owners can't risk needing to lift him at some point in the future. Younger owners mostly don't want a dog they cant have for years. So we get to keep this lovable teddy bear looking pooch until somebody with good sense and tastes gives him a forever home.
  5. Thanks for that memory trip down downer lane for yet another memory of the talent that got away...lol
  6. I was surprised when my son's freshman U.S. history book had a section on the increase in KKK membership in the 1920's. I was surprised because there was no mention of the events going on around that time. There was a mention of fear of spreading communism. However, there was no mention of the Tulsa race massacre or the red summer of 1919. There was no mention of men coming back from WW I as a fuel for the racial tensions. It was as if there was no real context for how the events go together to show how things escalated, getting further and further out of control. I cringe when history is taught as a series of unrelated events. Of course, my mentioning these omissions would probably bring up charges of CRT because it might lead to talking about things like redlining and its impact on today. So instead we will simply mention discrete dates and events without linkage.
  7. The Wizards showed not all 11 seconds are equal. If you are only going to have a lead for 11 seconds, make them the last 11 of the game.
  8. I think there should be a distinction made between America the ideal and America the country. In America the idea is an idea where Puritan work ethic is rewarded by the next generation being able to live "better" than the one before it. Hard work is rewarded and the American dream is achievable for all. In America the idea, everyone has a vote, and the best ideas will be implemented. Our freedoms only end at their impact on other people. In America the idea, we have freedom of religion and freedom from religion. In America the country we have "Go west young man." We have historically and currently have an extremely mobile workforce. This has allowed us to move around our workforce to more profitable or needed industries. We have been able to maintain this because the costs of moving in this country are lower than many countries due to low interest rates and a capitalist market which moves around the pieces of our economy relatively efficiently (everything is relative). We have a history of a large middle class which aspires to upper class status. This has created a large purchasing market allowing much of what we make to be sold without exporting. In America the country we have a currency which has been remarkably stabile in terms of purchasing power. As a result, our currency has become a sort of global reserve currency. This allows the Fed to pump money into our economy without destroying its purchasing power (rapid inflation many countries would face if they did as we do). This greatly has smoothed out recent recessions. Other countries investing so much in our currency because it maintains its value has been a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts. America the country has enjoyed many military advantages. At first it was because there was an ocean between us and those who would harm us. In recent decades it has been because we spend so much on our military and are even able to sell some of our systems to allies (how much better when another country pays some of the costs to us for goals we agree upon?).
  9. I think there was a movement awhile back to identify prejudice instead of racism where many agree we all have prejudices. The problem was it became a safety blanket. People (those who don't instantly shut down at anything they considered "PC") said of course I am prejudiced and thought it was OK. The thing is people need to recognize their prejudices and take steps to mitigate them. That is the hard part nobody wants. Nobody wants to recognize a need for change in the way they think. Harder still is recognizing our society as a whole has prejudices built into it as we are the land of the free and supposedly the same laws apply to us all. Then comes the really hard part because we will claim any and all fixes are unfair/uneven. Harder still is coming up with an end result towards which we can move /claim victory if ever we reach it.
  10. WFT hopes to get players off injury list, but instead injures the rest of the OL. In sympathy, the DL feels like they need to help out the O, so for the first time this season they bail them out...by taking all the headlines reporting their bar room ball leaving 2 of them injured and the women they were fighting filing harassment charges.
  11. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/neglect-4-texas-brothers-proves-163059356.ht My wife and I were talking about this case again last night after reading the article above. It is easy to discount this as just another sad story without looking at the role race played. However, there is a structural racism at play in the story. We don't often cover that side of the story because we racism as something that only happens between person A and person B. Sometimes, we may note it as society versus group A like when we note numbers of Black men on death row versus White men. However, we very rarely think of it from a society versus a single person because we want concrete specific examples. As a society, we are less likely to report a Black family for fear of appearing racist. This is a time where that hurt a specific family. It's not a statistic to think these kids should not have had to live with the corpse of their sibling for a year. How do we deal with issues like Black people feeling distrust for institutions that have typically failed to help them? Do you blame them for not turning to CPS for help in a situation likely to break up another Black family? In this case they should have, but I understand not wanting to get on the phone to call them into your life even if only as a witness to what is going on next door. Somebody should have said something about a smelly teen sleeping on the playground slide... We failed.
  12. Thing is, 5 games ago we didnt know if we had either, and many were downright skeptical of the GM.
  13. This is how we treat runaways at our home for lost souls. They only run once because after that, they know they cant go far detached from their legs.
  14. Beal looked hurt to me last night. He just wasn't moving smoothly at all, especially by the fourth. Of course I watched him take some hard falls too. That said, he was absolutely playing D, and our team D looked far improved from the other night (I know that is a low bar).
  15. You do it this way because it can't be just Dems pushing for it. If it is truly the best way for democracy, we need to find partners on both sides. To do that, naming somebody you know disagrees with you on some things but agrees about what is needed for democracy to flourish, then they are ideal for the position. They are less likely to be accused of doing things to help YOU and be more trusted to do what is right regardless of whether it helps you.
  16. I know the American Medical Association is an organization where doctors set the standards for certification of doctors. Now some states have short changed their credentialing procedures to require AMA certification which has caused the AMA no shortage of grief. They stand by their doctor's setting standards for doctors, not politicians or insurance companies setting standards for doctors. However, I would stand behind their efforts to self regulate which actually has some cool methodology behind it. They take their test questions and they ask a pool of doctors, "What percentage of minimally qualified doctors should be able to answer this question correctly?" They add up the percentages to get the passing score for the test. So if there are 4 questions, and the average answer for the percentage was 75% for each question, the passing score for the test is 3 (because 3 = 4 * 0.75). Now they do other things to help doctors pass like tell them the areas they need to study up on for the questions they miss and give out a sort of study sheet of areas to study based on what doctors say they spend their time treating. So if doctors in that specialty are spending 15% of their time on wound care, one could expect roughly 15% of the questions to be on wound care. Note, I have greatly simplified the numbers for ease because I am lazy and can't pretend most on here want to read about it, but I learned a lot about what good self governance of an industry can look like when I volunteered as a patient advocate for them. Now if only most patients knew to look for AMA certified doctors...
  17. Ah, I see. I too have achieved the age of 29. In fact I have more than 15 years experience with the achievement.
  18. Am I the only one who would like to see a response post to each of the pictures of firefighters or police officers leaving their hats/helmets/boots on the steps of a monument where the ones left are put next to a different color item for each of the people in the profession who died from COVID? Also for all those bemoaning buying the child doses before approved, if one truly expects their approval, we need to work on the role out administration now. If not, we will spend more weeks planning for role out and doing it AFTER the approval. There is an old saying, "Those who fail to prepare for success, plan to fail." This was my concern when we were working on developing a vaccine. We didn't have a plan to administer them and wasted time setting up max vax sites and distribution plans for the states.
  19. As a follow-up, I was at a fundraiser this weekend for Pets with Disabilities. The couple who run it wanted to send back thanks for the help with Jett last year. Jett is doing well and remains their mascot. This is a pic of Jett, my younger daughter and me.
  20. I have gotten to the point where I pretty much exclusively breath through my nose except when I am running. Then I end up switching to mouth breathing when I push myself. It is just hard to force myself when I feel a need for maximum air. I still try, and I do find my times where I run using just nasal breathing to be amongst my fastest times. It is just I don't find them relaxing which I need from my runs. I have no idea if I am breathing through my nose while sleeping to reduce snoring.
  21. We all know our cloud will drop a lot of rain on us with holes for us all to come tumbling out for a long fall, but let us have our fun. I mean after all, the view is fine and the fall can be fun. It's only the landing that hurts.
  22. After one game, I would predict the Wizards are more likely to make a finals appearance in the next ten years than the WFT is to play in the super bowl in that time. That's no gimme bet either as the Wizards have been bad since they last won in 1978. They have been bad even longer than the Skins...
  23. That is what I saw too, but I am unsure how much of that is wishful thinking on my part trying to buy into impact of a coach who preaches D.
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