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Everything posted by gbear

  1. I am reminded of the story about Ford when asked what proof he had of Nixon acknowledging his illegal actions. He patted his suit coat pocket and said he had it right there. In it was the wording of pardons where it said accepting a pardon was an admission of guilt. I would think a clip of that if found should be played along with the list of names of Congressmen/women who asked for pardons.
  2. fragrant violations: What my 12 year old dog does when you try to lift him up using his harness. It is a gaseous fragrant violation sending most out of the room lest their rights to life and pursuit of happiness be permanently violated.
  3. That is what I thought too. That is why I would gladly post about not having a gun, especially if I can follow it up with an comment about real protection.
  4. I would. Can I make an addition? "This is house is proudly gun free with security provided by multiple owner loving mutts!" I note my dogs are far more likely to protect my house from being broken into than a gun which can be stolen and used against us. Stats wise, a gun in our house would be far more likely to take the life of one of us living here than the life of a person trying to force their way inside. How often are guns stolen in the U.S? Are guns stolen more often than they are used to shoot intruders?
  5. Jabbyrwock, that is the performance which came to my mind too.
  6. I still laugh at the Republicans crying about "consequence free sex." There was a religion for which I happen to have great reapect that preached about no fun sexual encounters. They even had separate doors for men and women. When I hear the Republicans talk about sex, I think they are the 2022 Shakers. I hope they have the same predictable resulting populations.
  7. Amanda Gorman's words are terrifying beautiful. “Schools scared to death. The truth is, one education under desks, Stooped low from bullets; That plunge when we ask Where our children Shall live & how & if,” wrote the 23-year-old poet. “It takes a monster to kill children. But to watch monsters kill children again and again and do nothing isn’t just insanity – it’s inhumanity,” Gorman wrote. “The truth is, one nation under guns. “What might we be if only we tried. What might we become if only we’d listen.”
  8. Sorry, I had only watched the first 2 at the time, and the second one had a lot of look I,g back, but as I am through the first 4, I agree on,lack of time travel. I have still enjoyed them though they have been odd. I liked the first one the most.
  9. You guys seem, like me, to harken back to the 80's and. 90's swim suit issues which made their xover models into household names. I can't name 5 SI models aince 2000. I wonder how many swimsuit issues they sell compared to normal issues? In this day where nudity and almost nudity is available for free everywhere, who pays for a swimsuit issue. Remember the internet is porn isnt just a catchy tune brilliantly redone for World of Warcraft. Now ask yourself when was the last time anything put out by Sports Illustrated talked about as much as this issue putting a plus size model on its cover. Forget whether a plus size model turns you on or encourages over eating. From a marketing perspective, I think it is brilliant, and I think that is about all the cover says to me. I tip my hat (exposing my balding middle aged head) to a brilliant idea to up readership even if only for 1 issue.
  10. No, but I will add it to my que after I finish solos which won't take long.
  11. On Amazon Prime, there is a series called Solos which is a fun sci-fi mini series about time travel. I have watched the first 2 episodes, and it is very well written and acted.
  12. What's more, they are essentially doing this with a "called shot" type of approach. We are telling you we are sending in the big guns now...They must believe/hope the result will be better. If I am a parent of one of the 10k's of thousands of dead troops, I am pissed they sent my kid into a war zone without the support they could have sent.
  13. I would like to point out there was a very high profile vote during Trump's presidency to repeal the ACA. There was a Republican senator who made a fairly big showing of refusing to toe the party line. Of course, he is dead now. RIP Maverick of the Senate.
  14. I wonder if that was a project they kept in their back pocket, like an evergreen news story that can be used when either the news is slow or events dictate. This is the same network which brought us If These Walls Could Talk (more than once) to shine light on social issues.
  15. wrong time for me to post. sorry
  16. Might not take a decade for people to start remembering they like sex and contraception. There is an old saying about never underestimating the stupidity of... However, there is a saying which is probably older, "Sex sells." How long before the Dems proudly take the mantle of the next sexual revolution?
  17. I was reading about Boris Becker going to jail for 2.5 years for hiding money and it made me wonder who has fallen the furthest after making a ton of money in sports. Boris Becker won roughly 50 million in the mid 80's to early 90's. That probably doesn't come close to OJ though I don't know how much money he made before killing his wife and then being sued and ... The one I really don't know enough about but seems likely to be close to the front of the list is Mike Tyson. Mike Tyson made approximately 300 million in the ring and lots more in endorsements (remember Nintendo's boxing game?). He ended up bankrupt and in jail. Good at sports and making lots of money is not the life time pass to the good life those of us without riches like to pretend .
  18. Which 4 arent GOP? I think you meant 6 of 9.
  19. He was recently shown on here answering a series of questions about abortion on FOX.
  20. I will miss Jen Psaki. There are times I thought her answers were straight ripped from the scripts of West Wing. She is the best press agent I have ever seen when it comes to knowing facts and willingness to engage those whose opinions run contrary to the administration. Between her and Mayor Pete, the administration picked the right people for their roles. I hope her successor is as good.
  21. I know people haven't placed abortion rights high up on their priorities, but how much of that is people assumed it was settled law? I mean I don't see many people saying the right to go to public schools is the top of their voting priorities. I suspect the feeling the right is being removed, and often in an arbitrary or even mean way, will make more people care. When people are charged with murder for not doing everything to save a fetus destined to die or worse for a miscarriage, it will shoot up people's radar. Think of the effect BLM had after George Floyd's death. Yes, many White people were tangentially aware Black people are treated worse, but when it was in our faces, it became harder to ignore, and we cared more. Loss of privacy rights will hit people harder, especially if it might apply to them. Let's not forget sodomy laws covered things many people enjoy...
  22. At some point if you believe the amount of debt from education is an issue for the economy that needs fixing for the good of the country, there are two options: 1) Be fair 2) Solve the problem I dont see a fair way to resolve the student debt issue as there will almost always be those helped more than others. So again to me, it seems the question is whether this is a problem in need of solving. I am on record saying I would prefer to pay down medical debt first because I believe it a bigger problem and economic drag, but I would support either or both.
  23. The post on the previous page of a woman describing her late term abortion jives with the stories I have heard. Both women whose story I know had names for their kids and rooms planned and...Late term abortions seem the most likely to be ethical yet they are the ones people get the most moral outraged about when polled. Why? Why can people not ever ask why somebody might do something before reaching for their pitcher of moral indignation? We want to believe we are better than them? Well, if we really believe that then I believe we are sad parodies of the truly faithful.
  24. Well, before lawns were a sign of socio-economic status they were imported to the U.S. to feed herds of animals. If you aren't raising animals, then your grassy yard is simply a way of saying, "I have money and time." Do we really need to spend water needed for life on people's need to say "I have enough money and time to deserve to live here." Find another socio-economic que. There is still the time honored car or other home decoration.
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