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Everything posted by gbear

  1. Well, it would "totally freaking" count...thanks for the chuckle on this slow afternoon.
  2. At some point, there is no winning. Either you tell the emperor he has no clothes and deal with his wrath for calling his birthday suit gross/improper or you deal with his wrath when he walks out naked and realizes you could/should have saved him extreme shame. Maybe he will have a Trump like effect on their civil service work force morale.
  3. You had sex with a trash can pretending it was r2d2??? Now I know there is odd and internet odd, but that's a whole new level. I have nothing but respect....lol
  4. Maybe i am off, but as I catch up on this thread, I am surprised at "furies." I thought that jut referred to kids who liked the Warrior Cat series of books by Erin Hunter.
  5. First problem is getting the world to see the problem coming and take it seriously enough to deal with it. The second problem comes from the reason we don't already ship grains to the areas Ukraine usually sells grain products. They are closer and have established infrastructure in place to ship food. When we do it, it will be more expensive. If we are expecting a free market to solve the problem, we will need to build in some sort of subsidy or the poor will starve due to the differences in price/availability of food. Finally I question whether we will be able to do everything necessary in time to save people this year. Our government changes direction with the speed of a cruise ship, slowly. I have heard about our government sending arms to Ukraine. We should be sending them food and stuff to fight off diseases likely to run rampant there now (thinking of sanitation issues with dead bodies and lots of people in shelters).
  6. I think the saddest part of all of this is yet to come. Alas, I don't think the suffering will be contained to Russia or even Russia and Ukraine. I worry when the bread basket of the area and the Middle East isn't able to plant and grow food for the year. My bet is food prices will go way up in the area, and starvation will become a problem likely to kill more than the war between Russia and Ukraine. I hope I am wrong.
  7. There is no such thing as an easy 3-0 pool for the U.S. If anything, other countries should think we make their pool easy as we haven't ever done much winning in the WC yet. Yes, we made it to the next round a few times thanks to some flukes (Columbia own goal and Donovan's last minute miracle come to mind), but it took crazy for us to advance out of the first round.
  8. It seems rather odd to me that Russia thinks they can invade Ukraine, leaving whole towns and cities ravaged, fired on evacuation routes and then expect sympathy for blown up fuel depot regardless of who blew it up. I mean on one hand Ukraine hit back. Alternatively, Russia did it to make it look like Ukraine hit back. I don't come out of either narrative feeling sympathy for the Russians.
  9. I know people will look at the employment numbers and think they are good. They are too high right now. We are below the levels of unemployment necessary for an economy to grow well. I think of a needed level of frictional unemployment. We need qualified people looking for jobs. I know I talk with doctors and vets who can't staff their offices. I see schools trying to hire teachers and aids, but there aren't enough looking for work. Then there are the buses where we get emails twice a day saying which buses aren't running today, and it's not because the buses broke down. Our county can't find drivers for them. We need higher unemployment. In college, I remember being taught the optimal level was around 5-6 percent. We are at 3.4. Think about that number when you have to wait in long lines to check out or wait on hold for ever longer times waiting to talk to somebody. We are understaffed as a nation. I will admit I have been saying for years we need more immigration not less. I stand by that assertion, and I think these numbers support the stance too.
  10. Is this a Russian ploy to make us stop thinking about the unfair impact of tractors on defenseless Russian tanks?
  11. I thought my wife's reaction was completely different from what I see in the media and on this board, but probably right on. She asked how Chris Rock (who did a whole show on Black womens' hair and what it means culturally) could think it OK to joke about another Black woman's hair, especially one with a medical condition causing it. Check out Good Hair (HBO special hosted by Chris Rock), and you may get better idea why jokes about a black woman's hair are a bad idea. It is worth watching to get a better idea if you don't know the culture and history behind Black women's hair styles. I wonder how many posting on here about how crazy it is to think they would be upset by jokes about it understand how much of a Black woman's social identity is tied up in their hair. There may be more of a push now for natural hair looks, but that is very recent and not how that generation grew up. Should he have hit him? No. Should Chris Rock have known better? Yes.
  12. I have really enjoyed the first few episodes of vox machina. It is totally a guilty pleasure anime for after the kids go to bed.
  13. So I saw the article in the post about the severed pigs head and it made me think about all the times we have done pigs roasts here. I wonder if they ever think about the fact they are giving the best meat on the entire pig to somebody in an effort to offend them? I get it that he is Jewish and might not eat pork, but from a value of the gift standpoint, the pigs head (cheeks in particular), has the most tender meat on the beast. It's like giving filet mignon to somebody as an insult. Now back to the regular scheduled program, where we read more and more news leading me to realize how little I understand the actions taken by Russia and Putin's supporters.
  14. I am glad I am not the only one thinking this. It is a shame because I really enjoyed the previous seasons.
  15. Fostering animals for our county animal control, I hear so many stories which make e question whether "humanity" is missing in so many people or doesn't really mean what we think it means. When a puppy is hit by a car, has a compound fracture of its leg, and animal control is only called because it is peeing on somebody's yard, then I question how people can really be so shallow. Where is the "humanity?" I bet those people turning in the dog because "it is gay" have never paid much attention to animals in the wild and think gay actions are only done by human deviants. Their world is probably a very small one with experiences limited by their willingness to get out and interact with the world at large instead of their echo chamber. To be honest, I feel for them.
  16. I bet Biden and Blinken are losing sleep over how they will retire without access to their wealth in Rubles.
  17. It could be worse. Our holdings look pretty good compared toe Russian holdings right now.
  18. I heard this the other day, and it is one of the few heart warming parts of this tragedy: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/03/07/strollers-ukraine-polish-train-station/9412895002/
  19. I actually had that thought while dealing with my youngest needing to be wiped and my 11 year old complaining about the smell. Lol
  20. So I was thinking about things most cultures have in common, and if these are the things which define "humanity." Then I was wondering if the things we share are likely evolutionary. Having 4 kids, I was naturally thinking about how poop is generally thought to be foul smelling in every culture (that I know). If that's true, is this something evolution wove into us because being around too much poop makes us sick? I mean kids don't generally know that, but they still think poop smells bad.
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